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UN System Documentation

Overview of Coordination of UN System

Martin Griffiths, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, briefs the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East (Syria), September 2022. UN Photo UN7948997

The UN System is complicated: people from many organizations work together to accomplish challenging goals in complex environments. Coordination is a vital part of the work of the UN system.

The General Assembly adopts high-level policy goals for the UN system, such as the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Security Council reviews any situation involving political or security questions.

Coordination between the UN and specialized agencies is assigned to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) by Chapter X of the UN Charter. 

At the level of the secretariats of the organizations, there are several coordination bodies, including:

Chief Executives Board (CEB)

UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB)

  • Chaired by UN Secretary-General
    • 1946-1948: Co-ordination Committee established by E/RES/13 (III) of 21 Sept. 1946
    • 1949-2000: Administrative Committee on Co-ordination (ACC)
      • See E/1076, page 3, for name change
    • 2001-present: UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination 
      • See E/2001/55, paragraph 63, for name change
  • High-level committees, see E/2001/55, paragraphs 59-61 for background information 
    • High-Level Committee on Programmes (HLCP)
    • High-Level Committee on Management (HLCM)
  • Series symbols have included:
    • 1947-1979: Coordination/-- or CO-ORD/--
    • 1979-2000: ACC/--
    • 2001-present: CEB/--
  • Many documents restricted
  • Annual overview report
    • Submitted to Economic and Social Council
    • No distinctive symbol pattern; some issued as Supplement to the Economic and Social Council Official Records (ESCOR)

UN System-wide statistics from CEB

Available Translations

Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

There are several mechanisms in place for coordination of humanitarian assistance.

A/RES/46/182 of 19 Dec. 1991 established the following:

Subsequently, the Secretary-General established:

  • Department of Humanitarian Affairs by ST/SGB/248 of 16 Mar. 1992
  • Became the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in 1998
  • Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) is the Under-Secretary-General of OCHA
    • 2024-: Joyce Msuya (Tanzania) (Acting)
    • 2021-2024:  Martin Griffiths (United Kingdom)
      • Press release SG/A/2039 [2021]
    • 2017-2021 : Mark Lowcock (United Kingdom)
      • Press release SG/A/1731-BIO/4965-IHA/1430
    • 2015-2017: Stephen O’Brien (United Kingdom)
    • 2010-2015: Baroness Valerie Amos (United Kingdom)
      • Press release SG/A/1252-BIO/4213-IHA/1280
    • 2007- 2010: John Holmes (United Kingdom)
      • Press release SG/A/1037-BIO/3839
    • 2003-2007: Jan Egeland (Norway)
      • Press release SG/A/840/Rev.1-BIO/3497/Rev.1
    • 2001- 2003: Kenzo Oshima (Japan)
      • Press release SG/A/755
    • 1998-2000: Sergio Vieira de Mello (Brazil)
      • Press release SG/A/657-BIO/3120
    • 1996-1998: Yasushi Akashi (Japan)
      • Press release SG/A/619
    • 1994-1996: Peter Hansen (Denmark)
      • Press release SG/A/573-BIO/2839
    • 1992-1994: Jan K. Eliasson (Sweden)
      • ST/SGB/249, press release SG/A/484, SG/A/486-BIO/2640

Information Resources

International Civil Service Commission (ICSC)

International Civil Service Commission (ICSC)

  • Established by A/RES/3042 (XXVII) of 19 Dec. 1972 to succeed the International Civil Service Advisory Board
  • Statute found in A/RES/3357 (XXIX) of 18 Dec. 1974
  • ICSC/1/Rev.2 (2018) includes:
    • Statute
    • Rules of Procedure
    • Provisions of agreements between the United Nations and other participating organizations concerning coordination in personnel matters
    • Tables with members of the UN Common System
  • Report to the General Assembly
  • Reports of the sessions of the Commission
    • Document series symbol: ICSC/--
    • Restricted documents, not available publicly
  • ICSC Compendium