Photo ©ITU/D. Woldu
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
- Founded in 1865 in Paris as International Telegraph Union
- Name change decided at Madrid Plenipotentiary Conference in 1932; entered into force on 1 Jan. 1934
- Relationship Agreement with UN (1949)
- Governing Bodies
- Basic Texts
- Recommendations
- Subscription required
- Radiocommunications (ITU-R)
- Standardization (ITU-T)
- Development (ITU-D)
- Data
- Library and Archives
Secretaries-General of ITU
- 2023-: Doreen Bogdan-Martin (United States of America)
- 2014-2022 : Houlin Zhao (China)
- 2007-2014: Hamadoun Touré (Mali)
- 1999-2006: Yoshio Utsumi (Japan)
- 1989-1999: Pekka Tarjanne (Finland)
- 1983-1989: Richard Edmund Butler (Australia)
- 1967-1982: Mohamed Ezzedine Mili (Tunisia) (Press release BIO/1068-ITU/162 [1973])
- 1965-1967: Manohar Balaji Sarwate (India) (ITU/97-BIO/397 [1965])
- 1958-1965: Gerald C. Gross (United States of America) (Acting)
- 1954-1958: Marco Aurelio Andrada (Argentina)
- 1950-1953: Leon Mulatier (France)
- 1935-1949: Franz von Ernst (Switzerland)
- 1928-1934: Joseph Raber (Switzerland)
- 1921-1927: Henri Etienne (Switzerland)
- 1897-1921: Emile Frey (Switzerland)
- 1890-1897: Timothie Rothen (Switzerland)
- 1890: August Frey (Switzerland)
- 1873-1889: Louis Curchod (Switzerland)
- 1870-1873: Charles Lendi (Switzerland) (Acting Director 1870-1872, Director 1872-1873)
- 1869: Louis Curchod (Switzerland)