United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- UNESCO Constitution signed on 16 Nov. 1945 at the United Nations Conference for the Establishment of an Educational and Cultural Organization (ECO/CONF/); entered into force on 4 Nov. 1946
- Relationship Agreement with UN (1946)
- Governing Bodies
- General Conference
- Executive Board
- 58 members elected by the General Conference
- Meets twice a year
- Legal texts
- Basic Texts link to record in UNESDOC
- UNESCO Institute for Statistics
- Flagship publications
- World Culture Report
- World Education Report
- Library
- Directors-General
- 2017- : Audrey Azoulay (France)
- 2009-2017: Irina Bokova (Bulgaria) (Press release UNESCO/2009-124)
- 1999- 2009 : Koïchiro Matsuura (Japan) (Press release UNESCO/99-255)
- 1987-1999: Federico Mayor Zaragoza (Spain)
- 1974-1987: Amadou-Mahtar M'Bow (Senegal)
- 1961-1974: Rene Maheu (France) (Acting Director-General 1961)
- 1958-1961: Vittorino Veronese (Italy)
- 1953-1958: Luther H. Evans (United States of America)
- 1952-1953: John W. Taylor (United States of America) (Acting)
- 1948-1952: Jaime Torres Bodet (Mexico)
- 1946-1948: Julian Huxley (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)