World Health Organization (WHO)
- Constitution adopted by 61 countries in 1946. WHO formally established on 7 Apr. 1948
- Relationship Agreement with UN (1948)
- Governing Bodies
- WHO Assembly
- All Member States
- Meets annually
- Executive Board
- Basic Documents
- Flagship publications
- Data
- Digital Repository
- Library
- Directors-General
- 2017- : Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (Ethiopia)
- 2007-2017: Margaret Chan (China)
- 2006-2007: Anders Nordström (Sweden) (Acting Director)
- 2003-2006: Jong Wook Lee (Republic of Korea)
- 1998-2003: Gro Harlem Brundtland (Norway) (Press release SG/SM/6447-SAG/1 [1998])
- 1988-1998: Hiroshi Nakajima (Japan) (Press release BIO/2780-H/2804 [1993])
- 1973-1988: Halfdan T. Mahler (Denmark) (Press release H/2276-BIO/1022 [1973], H/2292-BIO/1035 [1973])
- 1953-1973: Marcolino Gomes Candau (Brazil)
- 1948-1953: Brock Chisholm (Canada)