UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
- Established by A/RES/302 (IV) of 8 Dec. 1949
- Annual report
- Commissioners-General
- 2020-: Philippe Lazzarini (Switzerland)
- 2019-2020: Christian Saunders (Acting Commissioner-General) (United Kingdom)
- Press release SG/A/1894-BIO/5235-PAL/2232
- 2013-2019: Pierre Krähenbühl (Switzerland)
- Press release SG/A/1444-BIO/4551-PAL/2167 [2013]
- 2010-2013: Filippo Grandi (Italy)
- Press release SG/A/1215-BIO/4161 [2010]
- 2005-2010: Karen AbuZayd (United States)
- Press release SG/A/929-BIO/3667-PAL/2026 [2005]
- 1996-2005: Peter Hansen (Denmark)
- Press release SG/A/617-PAL/1827 [1996], Press release BIO/3000-PAL/1828 [1996]
- 1991-1996: Ilter Turkmen (Turkey)
- Press release SG/A/448-BIO/2535-PAL/1749 [1991]
- 1985-1991: Giorgio Giacomelli (Italy)
- Press release SG/A/338-BIO/2108 [1985]
- 1979-1985: Olof Rydbeck (Sweden)
- Press release BIO/1605-SG/A/229-PAL/1435 [1979]
- 1977-1979: Thomas W. McElhiney (United States of America)
- Press release BIO/1363-SG/A/186-PAL/1390 [1977]
- 1971-1977: John Shaw Rennie (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
- Press release SG/A/102-PAL/1206-BIO/844 [1971]
- 1964-1971: Laurence Michelmore (United States of America)
- 1959-1963: John H. Davis (United States of America)
- 1958: Leslie J. Carver (acting) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
- 1954-1958: Henry Richardson Labouisse (United States of America)
- 1951-1953: John B. Blandford (United States of America)
- 1950-1951: Howard Kennedy (Canada)