Photo © M.Crozet / ILO
International Labour Organization (ILO)
- Established by Treaty of Versailles (1919)
- Constitution (1919)
- Relationship Agreement with UN (1946)
- Governing Bodies
- Legal texts
- Flagship publications
- Databases
- Library
ILO Directors-General
- 2022- : Gilbert F. Houngbo (Togo)
- 2012-2022 : Guy Ryder (United Kingdom)
- 1999- 2012: Juan Somavia (Chile) (Press Release ILO/98/12 [1998])
- 1989-1999: Michel Hansenne (Belgium) (Press release ILO/2318 [1989])
- 1974-1989: Francis Blanchard (France)
- 1970-1973: Clarence Wilfred Jenks (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) (Press release ILO/1667-BIO/747 [1970])
- 1948-1970: David A. Morse (United States of America)
- 1941-1948: Edward Phelan (Ireland)
- 1939-1941: John Gilbert Winant (United States of America)
- 1932-1938: Harold Butler (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
- 1919-1932: Albert Thomas (France)