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The United Nations Digital Library also allows you to search for voting information on adopted resolutions of the Security Council and General Assembly. To find out how member states voted on particular resolutions, you can search by resolution number (for example, A/RES/64/292) or keyword (for example, non-proliferation). For an example on how to do this, watch the video below.
UN bodies may adopt resolutions and decisions:
Voting may happen in any UN principal organ or body.
In general, voting takes place:
There are different types of vote that may be held.
UN reference resources such as the the UN Yearbook, the Repertory of Practice, the Repertoire of Practice of the Security Council and the Index to Proceedings can be useful for understanding and interpreting voting in the UN.
Voting information is available in several different places, depending on the body, its documentation, and its practices.
English: About UN Voting
Spanish: Documentación de la ONU: Votación
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