United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
- Established by A/RES/2152 (XXI) of 17 Nov. 1966; became a specialized agency of the United Nations in 1985
- Constitution adopted at UN Conference on the Establishment of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 8 April 1979, Vienna
- Relationship Agreement with UN (1985)
- Governing Bodies
- 1985-present
- General Conference
- Meets once every two years
- Industrial Development Board
- 53 members
- Meets once a year
- 1967-1985
- Industrial Development Board
- Legal texts
- Flagship publications
- Statistics
- Directors-General (1985-present)
- 2021-: Gerd Müller (Germany)
- 2013- 2021: Li Yong (China)
- 2005-2013: Kandeh Yumkella (Sierra Leone)
- 1997-2005: Carlos Alfredo Magariños (Argentina)
- 1993-1997: Mauricio de Maria y Campos (Mexico) (UNIDOlinks No. 299/1993, p. 1, UN Library (NY) call no.: UNIDO(05)/N3)
- 1985-1993: Domingo Siazon, Jr. (Philippines) (Press release BIO/2120-IDO/1064 [1985])
- Executive Directors (1967-1985)
- 1975-1985: Abd-El Rahman Khane (Algeria) (Press release BIO/1176-SG/A/163-IDO/567 [1974])
- 1967-1974: Ibrahim Helmi Abdel-Rahman (Egypt)