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UN Document Symbols & Series Symbols


The Dag Hammarskjöld Library has created many print indexes to UN documents issued with this series symbol.

We continue to produce the Index to Proceedings (ST/LIB/SER.B/--) for the active principal organs of the UN and these are fully available online. Some discontinued series have been scanned and are available in the UN Digital Library. All other Library-produced series are considered superseded by the UN Digital Library and other Library services.


Index to Proceedings of the General Assembly

  •  Sessional bibliographic guide to the proceedings and documentation of the General Assembly

Arrangement of the Index

The Index consists of two parts. Part I, the Subject index consists of:

  • Sessional information: Lists officers and provides information on the rules of procedure and on the republication of the resolutions and decisions. 
  • Check-list of meetings: Lists the plenary meetings of the Assembly and the meetings of the Main Committees.
  • Agenda: Lists items considered by and brought before the General Assembly together with the subject headings under which they appear in the Subject index.
  • Subject index: Provides topical access to General Assembly documentation arranged alphabetically by agenda subjects and lists documents submitted under each agenda item, the meetings at which the items were considered, and the action taken on each item, if any.
  • List of documents: Lists documents issued in connection with the session and provides information on the republication of provisional documents in the printed Supplements to Official Records.
  • Reports of the Main and procedural committees: Provides a listing by subject of the reports on the items discussed in the committees.
  • Resolutions adopted during the session: Indicates the number and title of each resolution, the meeting number and date, the agenda item number, and the vote where appropriate.
  • Voting chart of resolutions: Lists resolutions adopted by recorded or roll-call vote, indicating the vote of each Member State.

Part II, the Index to Speeches consists of the following parts:

  • Countries/organizations
  • Speakers 
  • Subjects

Background information

The Index to Proceedings of the General Assembly was first published in 1953 and covered the 5th regular session, held in 1950-1951. It was preceded by the Disposition of Agenda Items (A/INF/).

The Index to Speeches of the General Assembly was first issued for the 3rd regular session, held in 1948-1949.

Voting Chart is included as of the 30th session (1975).


Index to Proceedings of the Security Council 

  • Annual bibliographic guide to the proceedings and documentation of the Council, including its commissions, committees, and ad hoc committees

Arrangement of the Index

The ITP consists of the following parts:

  • Sessional information: Lists the Council's members and officers and provides information on rules of procedure, and on resolutions and decisions.
  • Check-list of meetings: Lists the meetings of the Council and those of its subsidiary bodies that met during the year.
  • Agenda: Lists matters considered by and brought before the Council together with the subject headings under which these items are listed in the Subject index.
  • Subject index: Provides access to Security Council documentation arranged alphabetically by subjects and lists documents submitted to the Council, the meetings at which items were considered, and the action taken, if any.
  • Index to speeches: Provides access to speeches that were made before the Security Council. The index is divided into three sections:
    • Countries/organizations
    • Speakers
    • Subjects
  • List of documents: Lists documents arranged by symbol.
  • Resolutions adopted by the Security Council: Lists resolution numbers, subjects, and meetings and dates on which the resolutions were adopted.
  • Voting chart: Indicates the voting for each resolution adopted by the Council.

Background information

The Index to Proceedings of the Security Council was first published in 1965, covering its 19th year (1964). It was preceded by the Check-list of UN Documents (ST/LIB/SER.F/).

The Index to Speeches of the Security Council was first issued for the 19th year, 1964.

Voting Chart is included as of the 31st year (1976).


Index to Proceedings of the Economic and Social Council

  • Sessional bibliographic guide to the proceedings and documentation of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

Arrangement of the Index

The ITP consists of the following parts:

  • Sessional information: Lists members of the ECOSOC and their terms of office as well as the officers of the Council, and provides information on rules of procedure, resolutions, and decisions.
  • Check-list of meetings: Lists the meetings of the ECOSOC.
  • Agenda: Lists matters considered by and brought before the Council and the subject headings under which these items appear in the Subject index.
  • Subject index: Provides topical access to ECOSOC documentation arranged alphabetically by subject and lists documents considered under each item, meetings at which the items were considered, and the action taken by the Council, if any.
  • Index to speeches: Provides access to speeches made before the Council. The index is divided into three sections: 
  • Countries/organizations
  • Speakers
  • Subjects
  • List of resolutions adopted during the session: Indicates the number and title of each resolution, as well as meeting number and date, agenda item number, and vote where appropriate.
  • List of documents: Lists documents issued for the year. Provides information on the republication of provisional documents in printed Official Records.

Background information

The Index to Proceedings of the Economic and Social Council was first published in 1953 and covered the 1st special session and 14th session (both held in 1952). It was preceded by the Disposition of Agenda Items (E/INF/) and the Check-list of UN documents (symbol series ST/LIB/SER.F/).

The Index to Speeches of the Economic and Social Council was first issued for the 10th session, held in 1950.


Index to Proceedings of the Trusteeship Council

  • Annual bibliographic guide to the proceedings and documentation of the Trusteeship Council

Arrangement of the Index

The Index consists of the following parts:

  • Sessional information: Lists officers and provides information on rules of procedure and on the republication of resolutions and decisions.
  • Check-list of meetings: Lists meetings of the session and the dates they were held.
  • Agenda: Lists items considered by and brought before the Council together with the subject headings under which these items are listed in the Subject index.
  • Subject index: Provides access to Trusteeship Council documentation arranged alphabetically by agenda subjects. Lists documents submitted under each agenda item, meetings at which the items were considered, and the action taken on each item.
  • Index to speeches: Provides access to speeches made before the Council. The index is divided into three sections:
    • Corporate names/countries
    • Speakers
    • Subjects
  • List of documents: Lists documents arranged by symbol.

Background information

The Index to Proceedings of the Trusteeship Council was first published in 1953 and covered the 11th session, held in 1952. It was preceded by the Disposition of Agenda Items (T/INF/) and the Check list of UN documents (ST/LIB/SER.F/).

The Index to Speeches of the Trusteeship Council was first issued for the 6th session, held in 1950.
The Index to Proceedings of the Trusteeship Council was published from 1952 to 1995 (covering the 61st session). Up to the 61st session in 1994, the Council met annually and held special sessions as required.

In 1994, following the termination of the Trusteeship Agreement for the last Trust Territory on the Council’s agenda, the Council decided to amend its rules of procedure to remove the obligation to hold regular meetings. Future meetings will be held only when deemed necessary.


Title: New publications in the Dag Hammarskjöld Library

Symbol changed in 1971 to ST/LIB/SER.K/


Title: Bibliographical series



Title: List of selected articles
Symbol changed in 1965 to ST/LIB/SER.G/


Title: Documents index notes

  • Issued without symbol (1948-1949)
  • Previous series title: Index notes


Title: United Nations documents index

Sub-title: United Nations and specialized agencies documents and publications (1950-1962)


Title: Checklist of United Nations documents


Title: Current issues: a selected bibliography on subjects of concern to the United Nations

  • Previous symbol ST/LIB/SER.C/ (1949-1963)
  • Symbol changed in 1971 to ST/LIB/SER.K/


Title: Indexes to resolutions


Title: UNDEX: United Nations documents index (1974-1983)

Continued by: ST/LIB/SER.M/ (1979-1996)


Title: UNDEX: United Nations documents index: Subject index


Title: UNDEX: United Nations documents index: Country index


Title: UNDEX: United Nations documents index: List of documents issued


Title: Indexes to proceedings [selected United Nations documents in Chinese]


Title: Current bibliographical information

  • Symbol established in 1971 as a result of the merger of ST/LIB/SER.A/ (1949-1970), ST/LIB/SER.C/ (1949-1963) and ST/LIB/SER.G/ (1965-1970)


Title: Indexes to proceedings [selected United Nations documents in Arabic]


Title: UNDOC : current index : United Nations documents (1978-1998)

  • Continues: ST/LIB/SER.I/ (1970-1978)
  • Continued by: ST/LIB/SER.N/ (1998-2007)


Title: United Nations documents index (1998-2007)