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UN Document Symbols & Series Symbols


Symbol not used


  • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
  • Havana
  • 1947-1948


Symbol not used


  • United Nations Maritime Conference
  • Geneva
  • 1947-1948


Symbol not used


  • United Nations Conference on Freedom of Information
  • Geneva
  • 1947-1948


  • United Nations Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources
  • Lake Success, NY
  • 17 August - 6 September 1949
  • Proceedings of the United Nations Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of Resources, 17 August - 6 September 1949: E/CONF.7/7 Vol. I-VIII 
    • Vol. I, Plenary Meetings
    • Vol. II, Mineral Resources
    • Vol. III, Fuel and energy resources
    • Vol. IV, Water resources
    • Vol. V, Forest Resources
    • Vol. VI, Land Resources
    • Vol. VII, Wildlife and Fish Resources
    • Vol. VIII, index


  • United Nations Conference on Road and Motor Transport
  • Geneva
  • 1949-1950


Symbol not used


  • United Nations Conference of Scientific Experts on International Research Laboratories
  • Paris
  • 1949


  • United Nations Technical Assistance Conference
  • Lake Success, NY
  • 1950 (1st)


  • Meeting of Representatives of the Principal Drug-Manufacturing Countries
  • Geneva
  • 1950


  • United Nations Tin Conference
  • Geneva
  • 1950 and 1953 (1st)


  • World Population Conference
  • Rome
  • 1953-1955

World Population Conference (1st)


  • United Nations Opium Conference
  • New York
  • 1953


  • United Nations Sugar Conference
  • London
  • 1953


  • United Nations Conference on Customs Formalities for the Temporary Importation of Private Vehicles and for Tourism
  • New York (1954)
  • 1953-1956



United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East

  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • Convenes every three years
  • Mussoorie, India (1st)
  • Conference dates: 15 - 25 February 1955
  • 1955-1957
  • Conference report: E/CONF.18/6
  • Proceedings of the Conference and Technical Papers: E/CONF.18/7


  • United Nations Conference on Olive Oil
  • Geneva
  • 1955 and 1958


  • United Nations Wheat Conference
  • Geneva and London
  • 1955-1956


  • United Nations Conference on Maintenance Obligations
  • New York
  • 1955-1956


  • United Nations Sugar Conference
  • New York and Geneva
  • 1956-1957


  • Exploratory Meeting on International Trade in Cocoa
  • New York
  • 1956


  • United Nations Conference of Plenipotentiaries on a Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade and Practices Similar to Slavery
  • Geneva
  • 1956-1958


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East

  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • Convenes every three years
  • Tokyo (2nd, 1958)
  • Conference dates: 20 October - 1 November 1958
  • 1958-1961
  • Conference report: E/CONF.25/3
  • Proceedings of the Conference and Technical Papers:  E/CONF.25/4


  • United Nations Conference on International Commercial Arbitration
  • New York
  • 1958


  • United Nations Sugar Conference
  • Geneva
  • 1958-60


  • United Nations Exploratory Conference on Copper
  • London
  • 1958


  • United Nations Exploratory Conference on Lead and Zinc
  • London 
  • 1958


  • United Nations Wheat Conference
  • Geneva
  • 1958-1960


  • United Nations Conference on Lead and Zinc
  • London, Geneva and New York
  • 1958-1959


  • United Nations Tin Conference
  • New York (2nd)
  • 1960-1961


  • Meeting of the Group of Experts on Geographical Names
  • New York
  • 1960


  • United Nations Conference for the Adoption of a Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs
  • New York
  • 24 January - 25 March 1961
  • Official Records
    • Vol. 1: summary records of plenary meetings: E/CONF.34/24 (Sales number: 63.XI.4)
      • Includes list of delegations, rules of procedure, and report of Credentials Committee
    • Vol. 2: preparatory documents, amendments and miscellaneous papers, proceedings of committees, final act, single convention and schedules resolutions: E/CONF.34/24/Add.1 (Sales number: 63.XI.5) (in UNDL not ODS)


  • United Nations Conference on New Sources of Energy
  • Rome
  • 21-31 August 1961
  • Report on the UN Conference on New Sources of Energy : Solar Energy - Wind Power - Geothermal Energy: E/3577/Rev.1 - ST/ECA/72 (Sales number 62.I.21)
    • includes lists of attendees, conference officers, papers and reports
  • Proceedings of the Conference (bilingual English and French)
  • Search in the UN Digital Library for documents with symbols beginning E/CONF.35/--
  • Additional symbols include:
    • E/CONF.35/G/--: geothermal
    • E/CONF.35/S/--: solar
    • E/CONF.35/W/--: wind


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East

  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • Convenes every three years
  • Bangkok (3rd, 1961)
  • Conference dates: 27 October - 10 November 1961
  • 1961
  • Conference report:  E/CONF.36/2 
  • Proceedings of the Conference and Technical Papers:  E/CONF.36/3


  • United Nations Sugar Conference
  • Geneva 
  • 1961-1962


  • United Nations Wheat Conference
  • Geneva (1962)
  • 1961-1962


  • United Nations Conference on the Application of Science and Technology for the Benefit of the Less Developed Areas
  • Geneva (1963)
  • 1962-1963


  • United Nations Technical Conference on the Map of the World on the Millionth Scale
  • Bonn (1962)
  • 1962-1964


  • World Population Conference (2nd)
    • Belgrade, 30 Aug.-10 Sept. 1965
    • Report
      • Vol. I: E/CONF.41/2 (66.XIII.5) Summary Report
      • Vol. II: E/CONF.41/3 (66.XIII.6) Fertility, Family Planning, Mortality
      • Vol. III: E/CONF.41/4 (66.XIII.7) Projections, Measurement of Population Trends
      • Vol. IV: E/CONF.41/5 (66.XIII.8) Migration, Urbanization, Economic Development


  • United Nations Coffee Conference
  • New York (1962)
  • 1962-1963


  • United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Africa
  • Nairobi (1st, 1963)
  • 1963


  • United Nations Exploratory Meeting on Tungsten
  • New York (1963)
  • 1962-1963


  • United Nations Conference on Olive Oil
  • Geneva (1963)
  • 1963-1964



  • United Nations Conference on International Travel and Tourism
  • Rome (1963)
  • 1963-1963


  • United Nations Sugar Conference
  • London (1963)
  • 1963-1964


  • United Nations Cocoa Conference
  • Geneva (1963)
  • 1963-1963


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East

  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • Convenes every three years
  • Manila (4th, 1964)
  • 1964-1966
  • Conference dates: 21 November - 5 December 1964
  • Conference report:  E/CONF.50/4 (conference website)
  • Proceedings of the Conference and Technical Papers: E/CONF.50/5 (conference website)


Symbol not used


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East

  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • Convenes every three years
  • Canberra (5th, 1967)
  • Conference dates: 8-22 March 1967
  • 1966-1968
  • Conference report: E/CONF.52/4 (on conference website)
  • Proceedings of the Conference and Technical Papers:  E/CONF.52/5 (on conference website)


United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names

  • organized by United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (website)
  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 715A (XXVII) of 23 April 1959 and 1314(XLIV) of 31 May 1968
  • convenes every five years
  • Geneva (1st, 1967)
  • 1967-1969
  • Conference dates: 4 - 22 September, 1967
  • Reports:
    • Volume One:  (Conference Report):  E/CONF.53/3
    • Volume Two: (Proceedings of the Conference and Technical Papers):  E/CONF.53/4
  • Document series symbol for working documents:
    • E/CONF.53/-
    • E/CONF.53/L.-
    • E/CONF.53/INF/-
    • E/CONF.53/C.-
  • meeting records
    • E/CONF.53/SR.-
  • United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names - Conference documents website
  • Search in the UN Digital Library for E/CONF.53


Documents erroneously issued under this symbol; Correct symbol ID/CONF.1/


  • International Conference of Ministers Responsible for Social Welfare
  • New York (1968)
  • 1968-1969


  • United Nations Conference on Road Traffic
  • Vienna (1968)
  • 1967-1969


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East

  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • Convenes every three years
  • Teheran (6th, 1970)
  • Conference dates: 24 October - 7 November 1970
  • 1970-1971
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.57/-
  • Reports:
  • Conference website:  United Nations Regional Cartographic Conferences


United Nations Conference for the Adoption of a Protocol on Psychotropic Substances

  • Vienna, 11 January - 19 February 1971
  • Report: E/CONF.58/7 + Add.1
    • Volume I : organizational documents, texts of the revised Protocol and of the Convention, record of the work of the Conference, Final Act, Convention on Psychotropic Substances and Schedules, resolutions
    • Volume II : summary records of plenary meetings, minutes of the meetings of the General Committee and the Committee on Control Measures
  • Summary meeting records (restricted) were issued for plenary, C.1 and C.4 with symbol element MIN (for minutes)-- these are reproduced in final approved form in Volume II. No meeting records were found in the collection other subsidiaries (as of July 2023).


  • UN/IMCO Conference on International Container Traffic
  • Geneva (1972)
  • 1971-1973


  • World Population Conference
  • Bucharest (3rd, 1974)
  • 1973-1974


United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names

  • organized by United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (website)
  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 715A (XXVII) of 23 April 1959 and 1314(XLIV) of 31 May 1968
  • convenes every five years
  • London (2nd, 1972)
  • 1971-1974
  • Conference dates:  10-31 May 1972
  • Reports:
    • Volume One (Conference Report): E/CONF.61/4
    • Volume Two. (Technical papers):  E/CONF.61/4/Add.1
    • See conference website for full text
  • Document series symbol for working documents:
    • E/CONF.61/-
    • E/CONF.61/L.-
    • E/CONF.61/INF.-
    • E/CONF.61/C-
  • United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names - Conference documents website


  • United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East
  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • Convenes every three years
  • Tokyo (7th, 1973)
  • Conference dates:  15 -27 October 1973
  • 1972-1974
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.62/-
  • Reports:
  • Conference website:  United Nations Regional Cartographic Conferences
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.62


  • United Nations Conference to Consider Amendments to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961
  • Geneva (1972)
  • 1972-1974


  • United Nations Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Social Welfare
  • Hague (1972)
  • 1972-1974


  • World Food Conference
  • Convened by General Assembly resolution 3180(XXVIII) of 17 December 1973.
  • 5-16 November 1974, Rome
  • Report of the Conference E/CONF.65/20 (75.II.A.3)
  • Key documents:
    • Universal Declaration on the Eradication of Hunger and Malnutrition (contained in Conference Report E/CONF.65/20)


World Conference of the International Women's Year

  • 1st World Conference on Women
  • 19 June-2 July 1975, Mexico City 
  • E/CONF.66/34 (76.IV.1)
  • Document series symbol for working documents include:
    • E/CONF.66/-
      • example: E/CONF.66/7: Agenda of the Conference
      • this series includes statements by heads of state/government to the Conference
    • E/CONF.66/BP/- : Conference Background Paper
      • example: E/CONF.66/BP/1
    • E/CONF.66/CC/- : Consultative Committee
    • E/CONF.66/C.1/- : First Committee
    • E/CONF.66/C.2/-: Second Committee
    • E/CONF.66/NGO/- : Written Statements of non-governmental organizations
      • example: E/CONF.66/NGO/2
  • Agenda: E/CONF.66/7
  • List of participants: E/CONF.66/INF.2 and E/CONF.66/INF.2/Add.1


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas

  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolution 1839 (LVI) of 15 May 1974
  • Panama City (1st, 1976)
  • 1975-1979
  • Conference dates: 8 - 19 March 1976
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.67/-
  • Reports:
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.67


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East

  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • Convenes every three years
  • Bangkok (8th, 1977)
  • Conference dates: 17 - 28 January 1977
  • 1976-1981
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.68/-
  • Reports:
  • Conference website:  United Nations Regional Cartographic Conferences
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.68


United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names

  • organized by United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (website)
  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 715A (XXVII) of 23 April 1959 and 1314(XLIV) of 31 May 1968
  • convenes every five years
  • Athens (3rd, 1977)
  • 1976-1981
  • Conference dates: 17 August - 7 September 1977
  • Reports:
  • Document series symbol for working documents:
    • E/CONF.69/-
    • E/CONF.69/L.-
    • E/CONF.69/INF.-
    • E/CONF.69/C-
  • United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names - Conference documents website
  • Search in the UN Digital Library for E/CONF.69


United Nations Water Conference


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas

  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolution 1839 (LVI) of 15 May 1974
  • Mexico City (2nd, 1979)
  • Conference dates:  3 - 14 September 1979
  • 1978-1979
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.71/-
    • E/CONF.71/C.-
    • E/CONF.71/L.-
    • E/CONF.71/INF/-
  • Reports:
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.71


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific

  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • Convenes every three years
  • Wellington (9th, 1980)
  • Conference dates: 11 - 22 February 1980
  • 1979-1980
  • Former name: United Nations Regional Conference for Asia and the Far East (E/RES/2049(LXII))
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.72/-
    • E/CONF.72/L.-
    • E/CONF.72/INF.-
    • E/CONF.72/INF/-
  • Reports:
  • Conference website:  United Nations Regional Cartographic Conferences
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.72


Meeting on Humanitarian Assistance and Relief to the Kampuchean People

  • Convened by Economic and Social Council resolution 1980/23 of 1 May 1980.
  • Geneva
  • Conference dates: 26-27 May 1980
  • Report: 
    • A/35/303:  Secretary-General. Note transmitting the report of the meeting
  • Search in the UN Digital Library for E/CONF.73


United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names

  • organized by United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (website)
  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 715A (XXVII) of 23 April 1959 and 1314(XLIV) of 31 May 1968
  • convenes every five years
  • Geneva (4th, 1982)
  • 1982-1983
  • Conference dates: 24 August - 14 September 1982
  • Reports:
    • Volume One (Conference Report): E/CONF.74/3
    • Volume Two (Technical Papers):  E/CONF.74/3/Add.1
    • Note:  see conference website for full text
  • Document series symbol for working documents:
    • E/CONF.74/-
    • E/CONF.74/L.-
    • E/CONF.74/INF.-
  • United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names - Conference documents website
  • Search in the UN Digital Library for E/CONF.74


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific

  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • Convenes every three years
  • Bangkok (10th, 1983)
  • Conference dates:  17 - 28 January 1983
  • 1982-1983
  • Former name: United Nations Regional Conference for Asia and the Far East (E/RES/2049(LXII))
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.75/-
    • E/CONF.75/L.-
    • E/CONF.75/INF/-
  • Reports:
  • Conference website:  United Nations Regional Cartographic Conferences
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.75


International Conference on Population

  • Convened by Economic & Social Council resolutions 1981/87 of 25 November 1981, 1982/7 of 30 April 1982, 1982/42 of 27 July 1982, 1983/6 of 26 May 1983, and General Assembly resolution 38/148 of 19 December 1983.
  • Mexico City (1984)
  • Dates of the conference:  6 - 14 August 1984
  • 1983-1984
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.76/-
    • E/CONF.76/PC/-
    • E/CONF.76/BP/-
  • Reports:
  • Key documents:
    • Recommendations for the further implementation of the World Population Plan of Action (text in E/CONF.76/19)
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.76


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas

  • Established  by Economic & Social Council resolution 1839 (LVI) of 15 May 1974
  • New York (3rd, 1985)
  • Conference dates: 19 February - 1 March 1985
  • 1984-1989
  • Document series symbol for working documents:
    • E/CONF.77/-
    • E/CONF.77/L.-
    • E/CONF.77/INF/-
  • Reports:
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.77


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific


United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names

  • organized by United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (website)
  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 715A (XXVII) of 23 April 1959 and 1314(XLIV) of 31 May 1968
  • convenes every five years
  • Montreal (5th, 1987)
  • 1987-1988
  • Conference dates: 18 - 30 August 1987
  • Reports:
    • Volume One (Conference Report):  E/CONF.79/5
    • Volume Two (Technical Papers):  E/CONF.79/5.Add.1 and Corr.
    • note:  see conference website for full text to English, French, Spanish
  • Document series symbol for working documents:
    • E/CONF.79/-
    • E/CONF.79/L.-
    • E/CONF.79/INF.-
    • E/CONF.79/CRP.-
  • United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names - Conference documents website
  • Search in the UN Digital Library for E/CONF.79


Interregional Consultation on Developmental Social Welfare Policies and Programmes

  • Convened by Economic & Social Council resolutions 1983/22 of 26 May 1983, 1985/26 of 29 May 1985, and 1987/48 of 28 May 1987.
  • Meetings held in Vienna
  • Dates of conference: 7 to 15 September 1987
  • Document series symbol for working documents:
    • E/CONF.80-
    • E/CONF.80/INF.-
  • Reports:
    • E/CONF.80/2: Social policy in the context of changing needs and conditions : report of the Secretary-General
    • E/CONF.80/3:  Developmental social welfare policies and programmes : current needs and issues : report of the Secretary-General
    • E/CONF.80/10: Report : Interregional Consultation on Developmental Social Welfare Policies and Programmes, Vienna, 7-15 September 1987.
  • Key documents:  Guiding principles for developmental social welfare policies and programmes in the near future. (contained in E/CONF.80/10)
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.80


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas

  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolution 1839 (LVI) of 15 May 1974
  • New York (4th, 1989)
  • 1988-1992
  • Conference dates: 13 - 27 January 1989
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.81/-
    • E/CONF.81/L.-
    • E/CONF.81/BP.-
    • E/CONF.81/CRP.-
    • E/CONF.81/INF/-
  • Reports:
  • UN Digital Library search for E/CONF.81


United Nations Conference for the Adoption of a Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances

  • Convened under Economic & Social Council resolution 1988/8 and decision 1988/120 of 25 May 1988 .
  • Meetings held in Vienna
  • 1988-1994
  • Dates of conference:  25 November to 20 December 1988
  • Document series symbol for working documents:
    • E/CONF.82/-
    • E/CONF.82/INF.-
    • E/CONF.82/C.- 
    • E/CONF.82/SR.-
  • Meeting records:
    • E/CONF.82/16:  Volume One : Preparatory work, Conference documents on organizational matters, Main Conference documents, Final Act and resolutions, United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances.
    • E/CONF.82/16/Add.1:  Volume Two : Summary records of plenary meetings, summary records of meeting of Committee I and Committee II
  • Key documents:
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.82


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific

  • Established by Economic and Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • convenes every three years
  • Bangkok (12th, 1991)
  • 1990-1995
  • Conference dates: 20 - 28 February 1991
  • Former name: United Nations Regional Conference for Asia and the Far East (E/RES/2049(LXII))
  • Reports:
  • Document series symbols for working papers:
    • E/CONF.83/-
    • E/CONF.84/INF.-
    • E/CONF.83/L.-
    • E/CONF.83/BP.- 
    • E/CONF.83/CRP.- 
  • see Conference report, Annex III for list of documents
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.83


International Conference on Population and Development

  • Cairo (1994)
  • 1993-1994
  • Symbol changed in 1994 to A/CONF.171/
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.84


United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names

  • organized by United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (website
  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 715A (XXVII) of 23 April 1959 and 1314(XLIV) of 31 May 1968
  • convenes every five years
  • New York (6th, 1992)
  • Conference dates: 25 August - 3 September 1992
  • 1991-1993
  • Reports: 
  • Document series symbol for working documents:
    • E/CONF.85/-
    • E/CONF.85/L.-
    • E/CONF.85/INF.-
    • E/CONF.85/WP-
    • E/CONF.85/CRP.-
  • United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names - Conference documents website
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.85


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas

  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolution 1839 (LVI) of 15 May 1974
  • New York (5th, 1993)
  • 1992-1993
  • Conference dates: 11 - 15 January 1993
  • Conference report: E/CONF.86/3 (English only)
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.86


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific

  • Established by Economic and Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • convenes every three years
  • Beijing (13th, 1994)
  • 1993-1994
  • Conference dates: 9 - 18 May 1994
  • Former name: United Nations Regional Conference for Asia and the Far East (E/RES/2049(LXII))
  • Conference report: E/CONF.87/3
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.87/-
    • E/CONF.87/INF.-
    • E/CONF.87/L.-
    • E/CONF.87/WP.-
    • E/CONF.87/BP.-
    • E/CONF.87/CRP.-
  • Conference website:  United Nations Regional Cartographic Conferences
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.87


United Nations World Ministerial Conference on Organized Transnational Crime

  • Conference established by Economic and Social Council resolution 1993/29 of 27 July 1993.
  • Naples, Italy (1994)
  • Conference dates: 21-23 November 1994
  • 1994-1995
  • Conference report: A/49/748
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.88/-
    • E/CONF.88/INF.-
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.88.


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific

  • Established by Economic and Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • convenes every three years
  • Bangkok (14th, 1997)
  • Conference dates: 3 - 7 February 1997
  • 1996-
  • Former name: United Nations Regional Conference for Asia and the Far East (E/RES/2049(LXII))
  • Conference report: E/CONF.89/5
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.89/-
    • E/CONF.89/INF.-
    • E/CONF.89/L.-
    • E/CONF.89/CRP.-
  • Conference website:  United Nations Regional Cartographic Conferences
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.89


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas

  • New York (6th, 1997)
  • 1996-
  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolution 1839 (LVI) of 15 May 1974
  • Conference dates:  2 - 6 June 1997
  • many documents available on Conference website
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.90/-
    • E/CONF.90/INF.-
  • Reports:
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.90


United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names

  • organized by United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (website
  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 715A (XXVII) of 23 April 1959 and 1314(XLIV) of 31 May 1968
  • convenes every five years
  • New York (7th, 1992)
  • Conference dates: 25 August - 3 September 1992
  • Full text of documents available on Conference website
  • Reports:
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.91/-
    • E/CONF.91/L.-
    • E/CONF.91/INF.-
    • E/CONF.91/CRP.-
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.91


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific

  • Established by Economic and Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • convenes every three years
  • Kuala Lumpur (15th, 2000)
  • Conference dates: 11-14 April 2000
  • Former name: United Nations Regional Conference for Asia and the Far East (E/RES/2049(LXII))
  • Conference report: E/CONF.92/1
  • Document symbols:
    • E/CONF.92/-
    • E/CONF.92/INF/-
    • E/CONF.92/L.-
    • E/CONF.92/BP.-
  • Conference website:  United Nations Regional Cartographic Conferences
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.92


UN Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas

  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolution 1839 (LVI) of 15 May 1974
  • New York (7th, 2001)
  • Conference dates:  22-26 January 2001
  • many documents available on Conference website
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.93/-
    • E/CONF.93/INF.-
    • E/CONF.93/L.-
    • E/CONF.93/BP.-
  • Reports:
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.93


United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names

  • organized by United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (website
  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 715A (XXVII) of 23 April 1959 and 1314(XLIV) of 31 May 1968
  • convenes every five years
  • Berlin (8th, 2002)
  • Conference dates: 27 August - 5 September 2002
  • Full text of documents available on Conference website
  • Document series symbol for working documents:
    • E/CONF.94/-
    • E/CONF.94/L.-
    • E/CONF.94/INF.-
    • E/CONF.94/CRP.-
  • Report of the Conference: E/CONF.94/3
  • Search in the UN Digital Library for E/CONF.94


UN Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific 

  • Established by Economic and Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • convenes every three years
  • Okinawa, Japan (16th, 2003)
  • Conference dates: 14-18 July 2003
  • Former name: United Nations Regional Conference for Asia and the Far East (E/RES/2049(LXII))
  • Reports:
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.95/-
    • E/CONF.95/5/CRP.-
    • E/CONF.95/6/IP.-
  • Search in the UN Digital Library for E/CONF.95


UN Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas

  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolution 1839 (LVI) of 15 May 1974
  • New York (8th, 2005)
  • Conference dates:  27 June - 1 July 2005
  • many documents available on Conference website
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.96/-
    • E/CONF.96/INF.-
    • E/CONF.96/CRP.-
    • E/CONF.96/IP.-
  • Report of the Conference:  E/CONF.96/3 (English, French, Spanish) and (Arabic, Chinese, Russian)
  • Search in the UN Digital Library for E/CONF.96


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific

  • Established by Economic and Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • convenes every three years
  • Bangkok (17th, 2006)
  • Conference dates: 18-22 September 2006
  • Former name: United Nations Regional Conference for Asia and the Far East (E/RES/2049(LXII))
  • Conference report: E/CONF.97/7
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.97/-
    • E/CONF.97/INF/-
    • E/CONF.97/5/CRP.-
    • E/CONF.97/6/IP.-
  • Conference website:  United Nations Regional Cartographic Conferences
  • Search in the UN Digital Library for E/CONF.97


United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names

  • organized by United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (website
  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 715A (XXVII) of 23 April 1959 and 1314(XLIV) of 31 May 1968
  • convenes every five years
  • New York (9th, 2007)
  • Conference dates: 21-30 August 2007
  • Full text of documents available on Conference website
  • Document series symbol for working documents:
    • E/CONF.98/-
    • E/CONF.98/L.-
    • E/CONF.98/INF.-
    • E/CONF.94/CRP.-
  • Report of the Conference: E/CONF.98/136
  • Search in the UN Digital Library for E/CONF.98


UN Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas

  • Established  by Economic & Social Council resolution 1839 (LVI) of 15 May 1974
  • New York (9th, 2009)
  • Conference dates:  10-14 August 2009
  • many documents available on Conference website
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.99/-
    • E/CONF.99/INF/-
    • E/CONF.99/CRP.-
    • E/CONF.99/IP.-
  • Report of the Conference E/CONF.99/3 (Arabic, Chinese, Russian) and (English, French, Spanish)
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.99


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific

  • Established by Economic and Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • convenes every three years
  • Bangkok (18th, 2009)
  • Conference dates: 26-29 October 2009
  • Former name: United Nations Regional Conference for Asia and the Far East (E/RES/2049(LXII))
  • Report of the Conference: E/CONF.100/9
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.100/-
    • E/CONF.100/INF/-
    • E/CONF.100/IP.-
    • E/CONF.100/CRP.-
  • Conference website:  United Nations Regional Cartographic Conferences
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.100


United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names

  • organized by United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (website
  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 715A (XXVII) of 23 April 1959 and 1314(XLIV) of 31 May 1968
  • convenes every five years
  • New York (10th, 2012)
  • Conference dates: 31 July - 9 August 2012
  • full text of documents available on Conference website
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.101/-
    • E/CONF.101/CRP-
  • Report of the Conference: E/CONF.101/144
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.101


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific

  • Established by Economic and Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • convenes every three years
  • Bangkok (19th, 2012)
  • Conference dates: 29 October - 1 November 2012
  • Former name: United Nations Regional Conference for Asia and the Far East (E/RES/2049(LXII))
  • Conference Report:  E/CONF.102/8
  • Document series symbol for working documents:
    • E/CONF.102/-
    • E/CONF.102/INF/-
    • E/CONF.102/L.-
    • E/CONF.102/IP.-
    • E/CONF.102/CRP.-
  • Conference website:  United Nations Regional Cartographic Conferences
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.102


UN Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas

  • Established  by Economic & Social Council resolution 1839 (LVI) of 15 May 1974
  • convenes every four years
  • organized by the UN Statistics Division
  • New York (10th, 2013)
  • 19-23 August 2013
  • many documents available on Conference website
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.103/-
    • E/CONF.103/INF/
    • E/CONF.103/IP.-
  • Report of the Conference: E/CONF.103/46
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.103


United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific

  • Established by Economic and Social Council resolutions 131(VI) of 19 February 1948, 476(XV) of 6 April 1953, and 556(XVIII) of 27 July 1954
  • convenes every three years
  • Jeju Island, Republic of Korea (20th, 2015)
  • Conference dates: 6-9 October 2015
  • Theme: "Geospatial Information for the Global Development Agenda"
  • Former name: United Nations Regional Conference for Asia and the Far East (E/RES/2049(LXII))
  • Report of the Conference: E/CONF.104/9
  • Document series symbols for working documents:
    • E/CONF.104/-
    • E/CONF.104/L.-
    • E/CONF.104/IP.-
    • E/CONF.104/CRP.-
    • E/CONF.104/INF.-
  • Conference website:  United Nations Regional Cartographic Conferences
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.104


United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names

  • organized by United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (website
  • Established by Economic & Social Council resolutions 715A (XXVII) of 23 April 1959 and 1314(XLIV) of 31 May 1968
  • convenes every five years
  • New York (11th, 2017)
  • Conference dates: 8-17 August 2017
  • many documents available on Conference website 
  • Document series symbol for working documents
    • E/CONF.105/-
    • E/CONF.105/-/CRP.-
  • Report of the Conference: E/CONF.105/165
  • Search in UN Digital Library for E/CONF.105