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UN Trusteeship Council Documentation

Trust Territories Introduction

UN Photo #272918 : Decolonization Committee Hears Petitioners on Questions of Three Territories

There were eleven trust territories under the administration of the UN Trusteeship Council.

  1. Western Samoa
  2. Tanganyika
  3. Rwanda-Urundi
  4. Cameroons under British administration
  5. Cameroons under French administration
  6. Togoland under British administration
  7. Togoland under French administration
  8. New Guinea
  9. Nauru
  10. Strategic Trust Territory/ Trust territory of the Pacific Islands
  11. Italian Somaliland

Trust Territories Agreements

Trusteeship agreements were concluded between the United Nations and the administrating power. They were:

  • Approved by resolutions
  • Transmitted in documents of General Assembly, Security Council and the Trusteeship Council
  • Published in the UN Treaty Series

Citation to the documents with the text of the agreement for each territory are available on the research guide page for the territory.

  Territory Administered by  Agreement Resolution
1. Western Samoa New Zealand A/RES/63 (I) of 13 Dec. 1946
2 Tanganyika United Kingdom A/RES/63 (I) of 13 Dec. 1946
3 Rwanda-Urundi Belgium A/RES/63 (I) of 13 Dec. 1946
4 Cameroons under British administration United Kingdom A/RES/63 (I) of 13 Dec. 1946
5 Cameroons under French administration France A/RES/63 (I) of 13 Dec. 1946
6 Togoland under British adminstration United Kingdom A/RES/63 (I) of 13 Dec. 1946
7 Togoland under French administration France A/RES/63 (I) of 13 Dec. 1946
8 New Guinea Australia A/RES/63 (I) of 13 Dec. 1946
9 Nauru Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom A/RES/140 (II) of 1 Nov. 1947
10 Trust territory of the Pacific Islands United States S/RES/21 (1947) of 2 April 1947
11 Italian Somaliland Italy A/RES/442 (V) of 2 Dec. 1950