While the Trusteeship Council was active (1947-1994), three main types of documents were produced in accordance with Article 87 of the UN Charter:
In addition, the other types of documents included:
Article 87b of the Charter states that the Trusteeship Council may "accept petitions and examine them in consultation with the administering authority".
Petitions were submitted by groups and by individuals, both in written form and in oral statements made in meetings of the Trusteeship Council.
Written petitions were issued with a special document series symbol:
Articles 87 and 88 of the Charter concern the reports of the administering authorities. These reports responded to a questionnaire prepared by the Trusteeship Council on the "political, economic, social, and educational advancement of the inhabitants of each trust territory".
The Trusteeship Council sent visiting missions to territories. For each visiting mission, the Council adopted a resolution setting the terms of reference for the mission. In general, each territory was visited about every three years.