Since the conclusion of the work of the Trusteeship Council in 1994, there have been several proposals put forward regarding the reform of the Council and its mandate.
- Eliminate the Trusteeship Council
- This would require amendment of the UN Charter, in accordance with Chapter XVIII of the UN Charter
- Proposed by Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali in 1994 (A/49/1)
- Recommended by
- A/59/565: Report of the UN High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges,and Change, "A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility"
- A/RES/60/1 para. 176; no action has been taken to implement this decision
- Review the role of the Trusteeship Council
- Request by Malta (A/50/142, 16 June 1995); Comments received (A/50/1011)
- Reports of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization (e.g. A/60/33, para. 61)
- Transform the role of the Trusteeship Council
- "Member States appear to have decided to retain the Trusteeship Council. The Secretary-General proposes, therefore, that it be reconstituted as the forum through which Member States exercise their collective trusteeship for the integrity of the global environment and common areas such as the oceans, atmosphere and outer space" (A/51/950, para. 85).
- "I invite States to consider making the Council available as a multi-stakeholder body to tackle emerging challenges and, especially, to serve as a deliberative forum to act on behalf of succeeding generations. Among other tasks, it could issue advice and guidance with respect to long-term governance of the global commons, delivery of global public goods and managing global public risks." (A/75/982, para. 125)