Resolutions and decisions of the Security Council 1 August 2015 - 31 December 2016: S/INF/71
Index to proceedings of the Security Council: 70th year (2015)
Meetings conducted by the Security Council in 2015 (in reverse chronological order) |
Meeting Record |
Date | Press Release |
Topic | Security Council Outcome / Vote |
S/PV.7599 | 31 December | SC/12189 | United Nations peacekeeping operations | S/PRST/2015/26 |
S/PV.7598 | 23 December | SC/12185 | The situation in Libya | S/RES/2259 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7597 | 22 December | SC/12182 | Non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction | -- |
S/PV.7596 | 22 December | SC/12180 | The situation in the Middle East | -- |
S/PV.7595 | 22 December | SC/12179 | The situation in the Middle East | S/RES/2258 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7594 | 22 December | SC/12178 | The situation in the Middle East | S/RES/2257 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7593 | 22 December | SC/12177 | International Tribunal - Yugoslavia & Rwanda | S/RES/2256 (2015) 14-0-1 |
S/PV.7592 | 21 December | SC/12176 | The situation in the Middle East | -- |
S/PV.7591 | 21 December | SC/12175 | The situation in Afghanistan | -- |
S/PV.7590 | 21 December | SC/12175 | Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts | S/RES/2255 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7589 | 18 December | SC/12173 | The situation concerning Iraq | -- |
S/PV.7588 | 18 December | SC/12171 | The situation in the Middle East | S/RES/2254 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7587 | 17 December | SC/12168 | Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts | S/RES/2253 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7586 | 17 December | SC/12167 | Briefings by Chairs of subsidiary bodies of the Security Council | -- |
S/PV.7585 | 16 December | SC/12165 | Maintenance of international peace and security | S/PRST/2015/25 |
S/PV.7584 | 16 December | SC/12164 | The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question | -- |
S/PV.7583 | 15 December | SC/12163 | Non-Proliferation | -- |
S/PV.7582 | 15 December | SC/12162 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | -- |
S/PV.7581 | 15 December | SC/12161 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | S/RES/2252 (2015) 13-0-2 |
S/PV.7580 | 15 December | SC/12160 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | S/RES/2251 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7579 (closed) | 14 December | none issued | Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and police- contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B - United Nations Disengagement Observer Force | Communiqué |
S/PV.7578 | 14 December | SC/12159 | The situation in the Central African Republic | -- |
S/PV.7577 | 11 December | SC/12156 | The situation in Libya | -- |
S/PV.7576 | 11 December | SC/12154 | Letter dated 28 February 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2014/136) | -- |
S/PV.7575 | 10 December | SC/12151 | Democratic People's Republic of Korea | -- |
S/PV.7574 | 9 December | SC/12150 | International Tribunal - Yugoslavia & Rwanda | -- |
S/PV.7573 | 9 December | SC/12149 | Maintenance of international peace and security | S/RES/2250 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7572 | 8 December | SC/12148 | Central African region | -- |
S/PV.7571 | 8 December | SC/12147 | Peace and security in Africa | S/PRST/2015/24 |
S/PV.7570 | 2 December | SC/12146 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | -- |
S/PV.7569 (closed) | 2 December | none issued | Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and police- contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B - South Sudan | Communiqué |
S/PV.7568 | 25 November | SC/12138 | Protection of civilians in armed conflict | S/PRST/2015/23 |
S/PV.7567 | 25 November | SC/12137 | Maintenance of international peace and security | S/PRST/2015/22 |
S/PV.7566 | 25 November | SC/12136 | Peace and security in Africa | -- |
S/PV.7565 | 20 November | SC/12132 | Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts | S/RES/2249 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7564 | 20 November | SC/12130 | Maintenance of international peace and security | -- |
S/PV.7563 | 19 November | SC/12129 | Security Council resolutions 1160 (1998), 1199 (1998), 1203 (1998), 1239 (1999) and 1244 (1999) - Kosovo | -- |
S/PV.7562 | 19 November | SC/12126 | The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question | -- |
S/PV.7561 | 17 November | SC/12124 | Maintenance of international peace and security | -- |
S/PV.7560 | 16 November | SC/12123 | The situation in the Middle East | -- |
S/PV.7559 | 16 November | SC/12122 | International Tribunal - Yugoslavia & Rwanda | S/PRST/2015/21 |
S/PV.7558 | 13 November | SC/12119 | Peacekeeping operations | -- |
S/PV.7557 | 12 November | SC/12117 | The situation in Burundi | S/RES/2248 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7556 | 11 November | SC/12115 | The situation concerning Iraq | -- |
S/PV.7555 | 10 November | SC/12114 | The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina | S/RES/2247 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7554 | 10 November | SC/12113 | The situation in Somalia | S/RES/2246 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7553 | 9 November | SC/12112 | The situation in Burundi | -- |
S/PV.7552 | 9 November | SC/12111 | The Democratic Republic of the Congo | S/PRST/2015/20 |
S/PV.7551 | 9 November | SC/12109 | The situation in Somalia | S/RES/2245 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7550 | 5 November | SC/12106 | The situation in Libya | -- |
S/PV.7549 | 5 November | SC/12105 | The situation in Libya | -- |
S/PV.7548 (closed) | 4 November | none issued | Briefing by the President of the International Court of Justice | Communiqué |
S/PV.7547 | 30 October | SC/12102 | Implementation of the note by the President of the Security Council (S/2010/507) | S/PRST/2015/19 |
S/PV.7546 | 28 October | SC/12101 | The situation in Burundi | S/PRST/2015/18 |
S/PV.7545 | 28 October | SC/12100 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | -- |
S/PV.7544 | 27 October | SC/12099 | Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts | -- |
S/PV.7543 | 27 October | SC/12098 | The situation in the Middle East | -- |
S/PV.7542 | 23 October | SC/12095 | The situation in the Middle East | -- |
S/PV.7541 | 23 October | SC/12094 | The situation in Somalia | S/RES/2244 (2015) 14-0-1 |
S/PV.7540 (Resumption 1) | 22 October | SC/12092 | The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question | -- |
S/PV.7540 | 22 October | SC/12092 | The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question | -- |
S/PV.7539 (Resumption 1) | 20 October | SC/12088 | Implementation of the note by the President of the Security Council (S/2010/507) | -- |
S/PV.7539 | 20 October | SC/12088 | Implementation of the note by the President of the Security Council (S/2010/507) | -- |
S/PV.7538 | 20 October | SC/12087 | Consideration of the draft report of the Security Council to the General Assembly | -- |
S/PV.7537 | 20 October | SC/12086 | The situation in the Central African Republic | S/PRST/2015/17 |
S/PV.7536 | 16 October | SC/12083 | The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question | -- |
S/PV.7535 | 14 October | SC/12079 | The situation in Somalia | -- |
S/PV.7534 | 14 October | SC/12078 | Haiti | S/RES/2243 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7533 (Resumption 1) | 14 October | SC/12080 | Women and peace and security | -- |
S/PV.7533 | 13 October | SC/12076 | Women and peace and security | S/RES/2242 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7532 | 9 October | SC/12073 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | S/RES/2241 (2015) 13-0-2 |
S/PV.7531 | 9 October | SC/12072 | Maintenance of international peace and security | S/RES/2240 (2015) 14-0-1 |
S/PV.7530 | 8 October | SC/12071 | Haiti | -- |
S/PV.7529 | 7 October | SC/12069 | The Democratic Republic of the Congo | -- |
S/PV.7528 | 6 October | SC/12068 | The situation in Mali | -- |
S/PV.7527 | 30 September | SC/12064 | Maintenance of international peace and security | -- |
S/PV.7526 | 17 September | SC/12050 | The situation in Afghanistan | -- |
S/PV.7525 | 17 September | SC/12049 | The situation in Liberia | S/RES/2239 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7524 | 16 September | SC/12046 | The situation in the Middle East | -- |
S/PV.7523 (closed) | 16 September | none issued | Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and police- contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B - Haiti | Communiqué |
S/PV.7522 | 15 September | SC/12044 | Non-proliferation | -- |
S/PV.7521 | 15 September | SC/12043 | The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question | -- |
S/PV.7520 | 10 September | SC/12039 | The situation in Libya | S/RES/2238 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7519 | 10 September | SC/12038 | The situation in Liberia | -- |
S/PV.7518 (closed) | 8 September | none issued | Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and police- contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B - Liberia | Communiqué |
S/PV.7517 | 2 September | SC/12032 | The situation in Liberia | S/RES/2237 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7516 | 31 August | SC/12031 | Implementation of the note by the President of the Security Council (S/2010/507) | -- |
S/PV.7515 | 28 August | SC/12029 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | S/PRST/2015/16 |
S/PV.7514 | 28 August | SC/12028 | The situation in Guinea-Bissau | -- |
S/PV.7513 | 27 August | SC/12025 | The situation in the Middle East | -- |
S/PV.7512 | 26 August | SC/12022 | The situation in Libya | -- |
S/PV.7511 | 25 August | SC/12021 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | -- |
S/PV.7510 | 21 August | SC/12020 | Security Council resolutions 1160 (1998), 1199 (1998), 1203 (1998), 1239 (1999) and 1244 (1999) - UNMIK | -- |
S/PV.7509 | 21 August | SC/12019 | The situation in the Middle East | S/RES/2236 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7508 | 20 August | SC/12017 | Maintenance of international peace and security | -- |
S/PV.7507 | 19 August | SC/12016 | The situation in the Middle East | -- |
S/PV.7506 | 19 August | SC/12014 | The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question | -- |
S/PV.7505 (Resumption 1) | 18 August | SC/12011 | Maintenance of international peace and security | -- |
S/PV.7505 | 18 August | SC/12011 | Maintenance of international peace and security | -- |
S/PV.7504 | 17 August | SC/12008 | The situation in the Middle East | S/PRST/2015/15 |
S/PV.7503 (closed) | 13 August | none issued | Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and police- contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B - Lebanon | Communiqué |
S/PV.7502 | 13 August | SC/12006 | Peace and security in Africa - Ebola | -- |
S/PV.7501 | 7 August | SC/12001 | The situation in the Middle East | S/RES/2235 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7500 | 5 August | SC/11997 | The situation in the Central African Republic | -- |
S/PV.7499 | 30 July | SC/11991 | Maintenance of international peace and security | -- |
S/PV.7498 | 29 July | SC/11990 | Letter dated 28 February 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2014/136) | Draft resolution S/2015/562 vetoed by the Russian Federation11-1-3 |
S/PV.7497 | 29 July | SC/11988 | The situation in the Middle East | -- |
S/PV.7496 | 29 July | SC/11987 | The situation in Cyprus | S/RES/2234 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7495 | 29 July | SC/11986 | The situation concerning Iraq | S/RES/2233 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7494 | 28 July | SC/11985 | The situation in the Middle East | -- |
S/PV.7493 | 28 July | SC/11984 | The situation in the Middle East | -- |
S/PV.7492 | 28 July | SC/11983 | Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts | S/PRST/2015/14 |
S/PV.7491 | 28 July | SC/11982 | The situation in Somalia | S/RES/2232 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7490 | 23 July | SC/11980 | The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question | -- |
S/PV.7489 | 22 July | SC/11978 | The situation concerning Iraq | -- |
S/PV.7488 | 20 July | SC/11974 | Non-proliferation | S/RES/2231 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7487 | 16 July | SC/11972 | The situation in Somalia | -- |
S/PV.7486 (closed) | 16 July | none issued | Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and police- contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B - Cyprus | Communiqué |
S/PV.7485 | 15 July | SC/11971 | The situation in Libya | -- |
S/PV.7484 | 14 July | SC/11969 | The Democratic Republic of the Congo | -- |
S/PV.7483 | 14 July | SC/11968 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | S/RES/2230 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7482 | 9 July | SC/11963 | The situation in Burundi | -- |
S/PV.7481 | 8 July | SC/11961 | The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina | Draft resolution S/2015/508 vetoed by the Russian Federation10-1-4 |
S/PV.7480 | 7 July | SC/11960 | Peace consolidation in West Africa | -- |
S/PV.7479 | 30 June | SC/11956 | Implementation of the note by the President of the Security Council (S/2010/507) | -- |
S/PV.7478 | 29 June | SC/11954 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | -- |
S/PV.7477 | 29 June | SC/11953 | The situation in the Middle East | S/RES/2229 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7476 | 29 June | SC/11952 | The situation in the Middle East | -- |
S/PV.7475 | 29 June | SC/11951 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | S/RES/2228 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7474 | 29 June | SC/11950 | The situation in Mali | S/RES/2227 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7473 | 26 June | SC/11946 | The situation in Burundi | S/PRST/2015/13 |
S/PV.7472 | 25 June | SC/11943 | Post-conflict peacebuilding | -- |
S/PV.7471 | 25 June | SC/11942 | The situation in Côte d'Ivoire | S/RES/2226 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7470 | 24 June | SC/11940 | The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question | -- |
S/PV.7469 | 23 June | SC/11939 | Non-proliferation | -- |
S/PV.7468 | 23 June | SC/11938 | The situation in Mali | -- |
S/PV.7467 | 22 June | SC/11936 | The situation in Afghanistan | -- |
S/PV.7466 | 18 June | SC/11932 | Children and armed conflict | S/RES/2225 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7465 (closed) | 17 June | none issued | Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and police- contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B - Mali | Communiqué |
S/PV.7464 | 17 June | SC/11930 | Peacekeeping operations | -- |
S/PV.7463 | 16 June | SC/11928 | Briefings by Chairs of subsidiary bodies of the Security Council | -- |
S/PV.7462 (closed) | 16 June | none issued | Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and police- contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B - United Nations Disengagement Observer Force | Communiqué |
S/PV.7461 | 11 June | SC/11925 | Central African region | S/PRST/2015/12 |
S/PV.7460 | 10 June | SC/11924 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | -- |
S/PV.7459 | 9 June | SC/11923 | The situation in Côte d'Ivoire | -- |
S/PV.7458 | 9 June | SC/11922 | Non-proliferation | S/RES/2224 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7457 | 5 June | SC/11920 | Letter dated 28 February 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2014/136) | -- |
S/PV.7456 (closed) | 4 June | none issued | Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and police- contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B - Darfur | Communiqué |
S/PV.7455 | 3 June | SC/11917 | International Tribunal - Yugoslavia & Rwanda | -- |
S/PV.7454 (closed) | 3 June | none issued | Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and police- contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B - Côte d'Ivoire | Communiqué |
S/PV.7453 | 29 May | SC/11912 | Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts | S/PRST/2015/11 |
S/PV.7452 | 28 May | SC/11911 | The situation in the Middle East | -- |
S/PV.7451 | 28 May | SC/11910 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | S/RES/2223 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7450 (Resumption 1) | 27 May | SC/11908 | Protection of civilians in armed conflict | -- |
S/PV.7450 | 27 May | SC/11908 | Protection of civilians in armed conflict | S/RES/2222 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7449 | 26 May | SC/11907 | The situation in Somalia | S/RES/2221 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7448 | 26 May | SC/11906 | Security Council resolutions 1160 (1998), 1199 (1998), 1203 (1998), 1239 (1999) and 1244 (1999) - UNMIK | -- |
S/PV.7447 | 22 May | SC/11901 | Small arms | S/RES/2220 (2015) 9-0-6 |
S/PV.7446 | 19 May | SC/11900 | The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question | -- |
S/PV.7445 | 19 May | SC/11899 | The situation in Somalia | -- |
S/PV.7444 | 14 May | SC/11893 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | -- |
S/PV.7443 | 14 May | SC/11892 | The situation concerning Iraq | -- |
S/PV.7442 | 13 May | SC/11889 | Small arms | -- |
S/PV.7441 | 12 May | SC/11887 | The situation in Libya | -- |
S/PV.7440 | 12 May | SC/11886 | The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina | -- |
S/PV.7439 | 11 May | SC/11885 | Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations in maintaining international peace and security | -- |
S/PV.7438 | 5 May | SC/11882 | The situation in Liberia | -- |
S/PV.7437 (closed) | 5 May | none issued | Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and police- contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B - South Sudan | Communiqué |
S/PV.7436 | 28 April | SC/11877 | The situation in Côte d'Ivoire | S/RES/2219 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7435 | 28 April | SC/11876 | The situation concerning Western Sahara | S/RES/2218 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7434 | 28 April | SC/11875 | The situation in the Central African Republic | S/RES/2217 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7433 | 24 April | SC/11874 | The situation in the Middle East | S/PRST/2015/10 |
S/PV.7432 | 23 April | SC/11872 | Maintenance of international peace and security | -- |
S/PV.7431 | 22 April | SC/11871 | The situation in Côte d'Ivoire | -- |
S/PV.7430 | 21 April | SC/11868 | The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question | -- |
S/PV.7429 (closed) | 16 April | none issued | Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and police- contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B - Western Sahara | Communiqué |
S/PV.7428 | 15 April | SC/11862 | Women and peace and security | -- |
S/PV.7427 | 14 April | SC/11860 | The situation in the Central African Republic | -- |
S/PV.7426 | 14 April | SC/11859 | The situation in the Middle East | S/RES/2216 (2015) 14-0-1 |
S/PV.7425 | 9 April | SC/11854 | Mali | -- |
S/PV.7424 (closed) | 8 April | none issued | Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and police- contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B - Central African Republic | Communiqué |
S/PV.7423 | 2 April | SC/11849 | The situation in Liberia | S/RES/2215 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7422 | 30 March | SC/11846 | Implementation of the note by the President of the Security Council (S/2010/507) | -- |
S/PV.7421 | 30 March | SC/11845 | Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts | -- |
S/PV.7420 | 27 March | SC/11842 | The situation in Libya | S/RES/2214 (2015) 15-0-0 S/RES/2213 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7419 | 27 March | SC/11840 | The situation in the Middle East | -- |
S/PV.7418 | 26 March | SC/11837 | The situation in the Middle East | -- |
S/PV.7417 | 26 March | SC/11836 | The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question | -- |
S/PV.7416 | 26 March | SC/11835 | The situation in the Central African Republic | S/RES/2212 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7415 | 26 March | SC/11834 | The Democratic Republic of the Congo | S/RES/2211 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7414 | 25 March | SC/11832 | Children and armed conflict | -- |
S/PV.7413 | 24 March | SC/11831 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | S/PRST/2015/9 |
S/PV.7412 | 24 March | SC/11830 | Non-proliferation | -- |
S/PV.7411 | 22 March | SC/11828 | The situation the Middle East | S/PRST/2015/8 |
S/PV.7410 | 19 March | SC/11825 | The Democratic Republic of the Congo | -- |
S/PV.7409 | 19 March | SC/11824 | The situation the Middle East | S/PRST/2015/7 |
S/PV.7408 | 18 March | SC/11822 | Haiti | -- |
S/PV.7407 | 18 March | SC/11821 | Briefing by the Security Council mission to Africa | -- |
S/PV.7406 (closed) | 17 March | none issued | Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and police- contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B - The Democratic Republic of the Congo | Communiqué |
S/PV.7405 | 17 March | SC/11819 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | -- |
S/PV.7404 (closed) | 16 March | none issued | Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and police- contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B - Haiti | Communiqué |
S/PV.7403 | 16 March | SC/11817 | The situation in Afghanistan | S/RES/2210 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7402 | 9 March | SC/11813 | Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and subregional organizations in maintaining international peace and security - European Union | -- |
S/PV.7401 | 6 March | SC/11810 | The situation the Middle East | S/RES/2209 (2015) 14-0-1 |
S/PV.7400 | 6 March | SC/11809 | Letter dated 28 February 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2014/136) | -- |
S/PV.7399 | 5 March | SC/11808 | The situation in Libya | S/RES/2208 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7398 | 4 March | SC/11807 | The situation in Libya | -- |
S/PV.7397 | 4 March | SC/11806 | Non-proliferation - Democratic People's Republic of Korea | S/RES/2207 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7396 | 3 March | SC/11805 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | S/RES/2206 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7395 | 27 February | SC/11803 | Letter dated 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2014/136) | -- |
S/PV.7394 | 26 February | SC/11801 | The situation in the Middle East | -- |
S/PV.7393 | 26 February | SC/11800 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | S/RES/2205 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7392 | 24 February | SC/11797 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | -- |
S/PV.7391 | 24 February | SC/11796 | Briefing by the Chairperson-in-Office of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe | -- |
S/PV.7390 | 24 February | SC/11795 | The situation in the Middle East | S/RES/2204 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7389 | 23 February | SC/11793 | Maintenance of international peace and security | -- |
S/PV.7388 | 18 February | SC/11789 | Burundi | S/PRST/2015/6 |
S/PV.7387 | 18 February | SC/11788 | The situation in Libya | -- |
S/PV.7386 | 18 February | SC/11787 | The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question | -- |
S/PV.7385 | 18 February | SC/11786 | The situation in Guinea-Bissau | S/RES/2203 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7384 | 17 February | SC/11785 | Letter dated 13 April 2014 from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2014/264) | S/RES/2202 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7383 | 17 February | SC/11783 | Iraq | -- |
S/PV.7382 | 15 February | SC/11781 | The situation in the Middle East | S/RES/2201 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7381 | 12 February | SC/11777 | The situation in the Middle East | -- |
S/PV.7380 | 12 February | SC/11776 | Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan | S/RES/2200 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7379 | 12 February | SC/11775 | Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts | S/RES/2199 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7378 | 6 February | SC/11771 | Mali | S/PRST/2015/5 |
S/PV.7377 | 6 February | SC/11770 | Security Council resolutions 1160 (1998), 1199 (1998), 1203 (1998), 1239 (1999) and 1244 (1999) - UNMIK | -- |
S/PV.7376 | 5 February | SC/11767 | The situation in Guinea-Bissau | -- |
S/PV.7375 | 4 February | SC/11765 | The situation in Somalia | -- |
S/PV.7374 | 30 January | SC/11760 | Protection of civilians in armed conflict | -- |
S/PV.7373 | 29 January | SC/11759 | Implementation of the note by the President of the Security Council (S/2010/507) | -- |
S/PV.7372 | 29 January | SC/11758 | Haiti | -- |
S/PV.7371 | 29 January | SC/11757 | The Democratic Republic of the Congo | S/RES/2198 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7370 | 29 January | SC/11756 | Cyprus | S/RES/2197 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7369 | 28 January | SC/11755 | The situation in the Middle East | -- |
S/PV.7368 | 26 January | SC/11753 | Letter dated 28 February 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2014/136) | -- |
S/PV.7367 | 22 January | SC/11748 | The Democratic Republic of the Congo | -- |
S/PV.7366 | 22 January | SC/11747 | The situation in the Central African Republic | S/RES/2196 (2015) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.7365 | 21 January | SC/11746 | Letter dated 28 February 2014 from the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2014/136) | -- |
S/PV.7364 | 21 January | SC/11745 | Burundi | -- |
S/PV.7363 (closed) | 21 January | none issued | Meeting of the Security Council with the troop- and police- contributing countries pursuant to resolution 1353 (2001), annex II, sections A and B - Cyprus | Communiqué |
S/PV.7362 | 19 January | SC/11742 | Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts | S/PRST/2015/4 |
S/PV.7361 | 19 January | SC/11740 | Maintenance of international peace and security | S/PRST/2015/3 |
S/PV.7360 | 15 January | SC/11737 | The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question | -- |
S/PV.7359 | 14 January | SC/11734 | Post-conflict peacebuilding | S/PRST/2015/2 |
S/PV.7358 | 13 January | SC/11732 | The situation in Côte d'Ivoire | -- |
S/PV.7357 | 8 January | SC/11730 | Peace consolidation in West Africa | -- |
S/PV.7356 | 8 January | SC/11729 | The Democratic Republic of the Congo | S/PRST/2015/1 |
S/PV.7355 | 6 January | SC/11726 | Mali | -- |