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UN Security Council Meetings & Outcomes Tables

Security Council Meetings in 1951

Resolutions and decisions of the Security Council 1951: S/INF/6/Rev.1 

Meetings conducted by the Security Council in 1951
(in reverse chronological order)
Date Topic Security Council
Outcome / Vote
S/PV.569 19 December Admission of new Members --
S/PV.568 18 December Admission of new Members --


06 December

Election of a member of the International Court of Justice to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. J.P. de Barros e Azevedo Election of Mr. Levi Fernandez Carneiro (Brazil)
Election of five members of the International Court of Justice Election of Mr. Armand Ugon (Uruguay), Mr. Golunsky (USSR), Mr. Hackworth (USA), Mr. Klaestad (Norway) and Sir Benegal Rau (India)
S/PV.566 10 November The India-Pakistan question S/RES/96 (1951)
S/PV.565 19 October The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company case --
S/PV.564 18 October The India-Pakistan question --
S/PV.563 16 October The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company case --
S/PV.562 16 October The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company case --
S/PV.561 16 October The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company case --
S/PV.560 15 October The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company case --
S/PV.559 01 October The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company case --
S/PV.558 01 September The Palestine question S/RES/95 (1951)
31 August Consideration of the draft report of the Security Council to the General Assembly Communiqué
S/PV.556 29 August The Palestine question --
S/PV.555 23 August The Palestine question --
23 August Consideration of the draft report of the Security Council to the General Assembly Communiqué
S/PV.553 16 August The Palestine question --
S/PV.552 16 August The Palestine question --
S/PV.551 01 August The Palestine question --
S/PV.550 01 August The Palestine question --
S/PV.549 26 July The Palestine question --


29 May

The India-Pakistan question --
Date of election to fill a vacancy in the International Court of Justice S/RES/94 (1951)
S/PV.547 18 May The Palestine question S/RES/93 (1951)
S/PV.546 16 May The Palestine question --
S/PV.545 08 May The Palestine question S/RES/92 (1951)
S/PV.544 02 May The Palestine question --
S/PV.543 30 April The India-Pakistan question --
S/PV.542 25 April The Palestine question --
S/PV.541 17 April The Palestine question --
S/PV.540 02 April The India-Pakistan question --
S/PV.539 30 March The India-Pakistan question S/RES/91 (1951)
S/PV.538 29 March The India-Pakistan question --
S/PV.537 21 March The India-Pakistan question --
S/PV.536 09 March The India-Pakistan question --
S/PV.535 07 March The India-Pakistan question --
S/PV.534 06 March The India-Pakistan question --
S/PV.533 01 March The India-Pakistan question --
S/PV.532 21 February The India-Pakistan question --
S/PV.531 31 January Complaint of aggression upon the Republic of Korea S/RES/90 (1951)