Resolutions and decisions of the Security Council 1985: S/INF/41
Index to proceedings of the Security Council: 40th year (1985)
Meetings conducted by the Security Council in 1985 (in reverse chronological order) |
Meeting Record |
Date | Topic | Security Council Outcome / Vote |
S/PV.2639 | 30 December | Complaint by Lesotho against South Africa | S/RES/580 (1985) 15-0-0 S/17702 (PRST) |
S/PV.2638 | 30 December | Complaint by Lesotho against South Africa | -- | |
S/PV.2637 | 18 December | Letter, 16 December 1985, from the United States of America (S/17685) | S/RES/579 (1985) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.2636 | 12 December | Letter, 6 December 1985, from Nicaragua (S/17671) | -- | |
S/PV.2635 | 12 December | The situation in Cyprus | S/RES/578 (1985) adopted unanimously |
S/PV.2634 | 11 December | Letter, 6 December 1985, from Nicaragua (S/17671) | -- | |
S/PV.2633 | 10 December | Letter, 6 December 1985, from Nicaragua (S/17671) | -- | |
S/PV.2632 | 09 December | Election of a member of the International Court of Justice | -- | |
S/PV.2631 | 06 December | Complaint by Angola against South Africa | S/RES/577 (1985) 15-0-0 |
S/PV.2630 | 21 November | The situation in the Middle East | S/RES/576 (1985) 15-0-0 S/17653 (PRST) |
S/PV.2629 | 15 November | The situation in Namibia | Draft resolution S/17633 vetoed by USA and UK 12-2-1 |
S/PV.2628 | 15 November | The situation in Namibia | -- | |
S/PV.2627 (closed) |
15 November | Consideration of the draft report of the Security Council to the General Assembly - Annual report from 16 June 1984 to 15 June 1985 | Communiqué | |
S/PV.2626 | 14 November | The situation in Namibia | -- | |
S/PV.2625 | 14 November | The situation in Namibia | -- | |
S/PV.2624 | 13 November | The situation in Namibia | -- | |
S/PV.2623 |
17 October |
The question of South Africa | S/17575 (PRST) | |
The situation in the Middle East | S/RES/575 (1985) 13-0-2 |
S/PV.2622 | 11 October | The Middle East problem including the Palestinian question | -- | |
S/PV.2621 | 11 October | The Middle East problem including the Palestinian question | -- | |
S/PV.2620 | 10 October | The Middle East problem including the Palestinian question | -- | |
S/PV.2619 | 10 October | The Middle East problem including the Palestinian question | -- | |
S/PV.2618 | 09 October | The Middle East problem including the Palestinian question | S/17554 (PRST) | |
S/PV.2617 | 07 October | Complaint by Angola against South Africa | S/RES/574 (1985) adopted unanimously |
S/PV.2616 | 07 October | Complaint by Angola against South Africa | -- | |
S/PV.2615 | 04 October | Letter, 1 October 1985, from Tunisia (S/17509) | S/RES/573 (1985) 14-0-1 |
S/PV.2614 | 04 October | Complaint by Angola against South Africa | -- | |
S/PV.2613 | 03 October | Letter, 1 October 1985, from Tunisia (S/17509) | -- | |
S/PV.2612 | 03 October | Complaint by Angola against South Africa | -- | |
S/PV.2611 | 02 October | Letter, 1 October 1985, from Tunisia (S/17509) | -- | |
S/PV.2610 | 02 October | Letter, 1 October 1985, from Tunisia (S/17509) | -- | |
S/PV.2609 | 30 September | Letter, 26 September 1985, from Botswana (S/17497) | S/RES/572 (1985) adopted unanimously |
S/PV.2608 | 26 September | United Nations for a better world and the responsibility of the Security Council in maintaining international peace and security | S/17501 (PRST) | |
S/PV.2607 | 20 September | Complaint by Angola against South Africa | S/RES/571 (1985) adopted unanimously S/17486 (PRST) |
S/PV.2606 | 20 September | Complaint by Angola against South Africa | -- | |
S/PV.2605 | 13 September | The situation in the occupied Arab territories | Draft resolution S/17459 vetoed by USA 10-1-4 |
S/PV.2604 |
12 September |
Date of elections to fill a vacancy in the International Court of Justice (S/17433) | S/RES/570 (1985) adopted unanimously |
The situation in the occupied Arab territories | -- | |||
S/PV.2603 | 21 August | The question of South Africa | S/17413 (PRST) | |
S/PV.2602 | 26 July | The question of South Africa | S/RES/569 (1985) 13-0-2 |
S/PV.2601 | 26 July | The question of South Africa | -- | |
S/PV.2600 | 25 July | The question of South Africa | -- | |
S/PV.2599 | 21 June | Letter, 17 June 1985, from Botswana (S/17279) | S/RES/568 (1985) adopted unanimously |
S/PV.2598 | 21 June | Letter, 17 June 1985, from Botswana (S/17279) | -- | |
S/PV.2597 | 20 June | Complaint by Angola against South Africa | S/RES/567 (1985) adopted unanimously |
S/PV.2596 | 20 June | Complaint by Angola against South Africa | -- | |
S/PV.2595 | 19 June | The situation in Namibia | S/RES/566 (1985) 13-0-2 |
S/PV.2594 | 17 June | The situation in Namibia | -- | |
S/PV.2593 | 17 June | The situation in Namibia | -- | |
S/PV.2592 | 14 June | The situation in Namibia | -- | |
S/PV.2591 | 14 June | The situation in Cyprus | S/RES/565 (1985) adopted unanimously |
S/PV.2590 | 14 June | The situation in Namibia | -- | |
S/PV.2589 | 13 June | The situation in Namibia | -- | |
S/PV.2588 | 13 June | The situation in Namibia | -- | |
S/PV.2587 | 12 June | The situation in Namibia | -- | |
S/PV.2586 | 12 June | The situation in Namibia | -- | |
S/PV.2585 | 11 June | The situation in Namibia | -- | |
S/PV.2584 | 11 June | The situation in Namibia | -- | |
S/PV.2583 | 10 June | The situation in Namibia | -- | |
S/PV.2582 | 31 May | The situation in the Middle East | S/RES/564 (1985) adopted unanimously |
S/PV.2581 | 21 May | The situation in the Middle East | S/RES/563 (1985) adopted unanimously S/17206 (PRST) |
S/PV.2580 | 10 May | Letter, 6 May 1985, from Nicaragua (S/17156) | S/RES/562 (1985) adopted unanimously |
S/PV.2579 | 10 May | Letter, 6 May 1985, from Nicaragua (S/17156) | -- | |
S/PV.2578 | 09 May | Letter, 6 May 1985, from Nicaragua (S/17156) | -- | |
S/PV.2577 | 08 May | Letter, 6 May 1985, from Nicaragua (S/17156) | -- | |
S/PV.2576 | 25 April | The situation between Iran and Iraq | S/17130 (PRST) | |
S/PV.2575 | 17 April | The situation in the Middle East | S/RES/561 (1985) 13-0-2 |
S/PV.2574 | 12 March | The question of South Africa | S/RES/560 (1985) adopted unanimously |
S/PV.2573 | 12 March | The situation in the Middle East | Draft resolution S/17000 vetoed by USA 11-1-3 |
S/PV.2572 | 11 March | The situation in the Middle East | -- | |
S/PV.2571 | 08 March | The question of South Africa | -- | |
S/PV.2570 | 07 March | The situation in the Middle East | -- | |
S/PV.2569 | 04 March | The situation between Iran and Iraq | -- | |
S/PV.2568 | 28 February | The situation in the Middle East | -- | |
S/PV.2567 | 30 January | Letter, 28 January 1985, from Chad (S/16911) | -- | |
S/PV.2566 (closed) |
29 January | Consideration of the draft report of the Security Council to the General Assembly - Annual report from 16 June 1983 to 15 June 1984 | Communiqué |
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