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UN Security Council Meetings & Outcomes Tables

Security Council Meetings in 2010

Resolutions and decisions of the Security Council 1 August 2010 - 31 July 2011: S/INF/66

Index to proceedings of the Security Council: 65th year (2010)

Meetings conducted by the Security Council in 2010
(in reverse chronological order)
Date Press
Topic Security Council
Outcome / Vote
S/PV.6464 22 December SC/10142 Afghanistan --
S/PV.6463 22 December SC/10141 International Tribunal — Rwanda & Yugoslavia S/RES/1966 (2010)
S/PV.6462 22 December SC/10140 Middle East situation S/PRST/2010/30 and
S/RES/1965 (2010)
S/PV.6461 22 December SC/10139 Somalia S/RES/1964 (2010)
S/PV.6460 20 December SC/10134 Chad, the Central African Republic and the subregion S/PRST/2010/29
S/PV.6459 20 December SC/10133 Peace and security — terrorist acts S/RES/1963 (2010)
S/PV.6458 20 December SC/10132 Côte d'Ivoire S/RES/1962 (2010)
S/PV.6457 20 December SC/10131 Briefings by Chairmen of subsidiary bodies of the Security Council --
19 December None issued Letter dated 18 December 2010 from the Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council
S/PV.6455 17 December SC/10129 Peace consolidation in West Africa --
S/PV.6454 17 December SC/10128 Liberia S/RES/1961 (2010)
S/PV.6453 (Resumption 1) 17 December SC/10126 Women and peace and security --
S/PV.6453 16 December SC/10122 Women and peace and security S/RES/1960 (2010)
S/PV.6452 16 December SC/10121 Report of the Secretary-General — Sudan S/PRST/2010/28
S/PV.6451 16 December SC/10120 Burundi S/RES/1959 (2010)
S/PV.6450 15 December SC/10118 Iraq S/RES/1956 (2010)
15-0-0 +
S/RES/1957 (2010)
15-0-0 +
S/RES/1958 (2010)
14-0-1 +
S/PV.6449 14 December SC/10116 Chad, the Central African Republic and the subregion --
S/PV.6448 14 December SC/10115 Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question --
S/PV.6447 14 December SC/10114 International Tribunal — Rwanda S/RES/1955 (2010)
S/PV.6446 14 December SC/10113 International Tribunal — Yugoslavia S/RES/1954 (2010)
S/PV.6445 14 December SC/10112 Cyprus S/RES/1953 (2010)
S/PV.6444 14 December SC/10111 Central African Republic S/PRST/2010/26
10 December None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops and police to the UN Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad Communiqué
S/PV.6442 10 December SC/10109 Non-proliferation --
9 December None issued Report of the Secretary-General — Sudan Communiqué
S/PV.6440 9 December SC/10107 Report of the Secretary-General — Sudan --
S/PV.6439 9 December SC/10106 Burundi --
S/PV.6438 8 December SC/10104 Central African Republic --
S/PV.6437 7 December SC/10102 Côte d'Ivoire --
7 December None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops and police to the UN Operation in Côte d'Ivoire Communiqué
6 December None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops and police to the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus Communiqué
S/PV.6434 6 December SC/10101 International Tribunal — Rwanda & Yugoslavia --
3 December None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops and police to the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force Communiqué
S/PV.6432 29 November SC/10096 Democratic Republic of the Congo S/RES/1952 (2010)
S/PV.6431 24 November SC/10094 Côte d'Ivoire S/RES/1951 (2010)
S/PV.6430 23 November SC/10093 Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question --
S/PV.6429 23 November SC/10092 Somalia S/RES/1950 (2010)
S/PV.6428 23 November SC/10091 Guinea-Bissau S/RES/1949 (2010)
S/PV.6427 (Resumption 1) 22 November SC/10089 Protection of civilians in armed conflict --
S/PV.6427 22 November SC/10089 Protection of civilians in armed conflict S/PRST/2010/25
S/PV.6426 18 November SC/10088 Bosnia and Herzegovina S/RES/1948 (2010)
S/PV.6425 16 November SC/10086 Report of the Secretary-General — Sudan S/PRST/2010/24
S/PV.6424 15 November SC/10085 Briefings by Chairmen of subsidiary bodies of the Security Council --
S/PV.6423 12 November SC/10084 Iraq S/PRST/2010/23
S/PV.6422 12 November SC/10083 Kosovo (Serbia) --
S/PV.6421 11 November SC/10082 Bosnia and Herzegovina --
11 November None issued Sudan Communiqué
10 November None issued Iraq Communiqué
S/PV.6418 10 November SC/10080 Iraq --
S/PV.6417 9 November SC/10079 Somalia --
S/PV.6416 5 November SC/10078 Guinea-Bissau --
S/PV.6415 3 November SC/10075 Côte d'Ivoire --
S/PV.6414 29 October SC/10074 Post-conflict peacebuilding S/RES/1947 (2010)
S/PV.6413 28 October SC/10073 Consideration of the draft report of the Security Council to the General Assembly Note (S/2010/552)
27 October None issued Briefing by the President of the International Court of Justice Communiqué
S/PV.6411 (Resumption 1) 26 October SC/10071 Women and peace and security --
S/PV.6411 26 October SC/10071 Women and peace and security S/PRST/2010/22
S/PV.6410 25 October SC/10069 Report of the Secretary-General — Sudan --
S/PV.6409 22 October SC/10067 Peace and security in Africa S/PRST/2010/21
21 October None issued Somalia Communiqué
S/PV.6407 21 October SC/10063 Somalia --
S/PV.6406 20 October SC/10061 Chad, the Central African Republic and the subregion --
S/PV.6405 19 October SC/10060 Timor-Leste --
S/PV.6404 (Resumption 1) 18 October SC/10059 Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question --
S/PV.6404 18 October SC/10059 Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question --
S/PV.6403 15 October SC/10058 Democratic Republic of the Congo --
S/PV.6402 15 October SC/10057 Côte d'Ivoire S/RES/1946 (2010)
S/PV.6401 14 October SC/10056 Sudan S/RES/1945 (2010)
S/PV.6400 14 October SC/10055 Democratic Republic of the Congo --
S/PV.6399 14 October SC/10054 Haiti S/RES/1944 (2010)
S/PV.6398 14 October SC/10053 Nepal --
S/PV.6397 14 October SC/10052 Security Council mission — Africa --
S/PV.6396 (Resumption 1) 13 October SC/10050 Post-conflict peacebuilding S/PRST/2010/20
S/PV.6396 13 October SC/10050 Post-conflict peacebuilding --
S/PV.6395 13 October SC/10049 Afghanistan S/RES/1943 (2010)
S/PV.6394 29 September SC/10046 Afghanistan --
S/PV.6393 29 September SC/10045 Côte d'Ivoire S/RES/1942 (2010)
S/PV.6392 29 September SC/10044 Sierra Leone S/RES/1940 (2010)
15-0-0 +
S/RES/1941 (2010)
S/PV.6391 28 September SC/10041 Sierra Leone --
S/PV.6390 27 September SC/10038 Peace and security — terrorist acts S/PRST/2010/19
S/PV.6389 23 September SC/10036 Maintenance of international peace and security S/PRST/2010/18
S/PV.6388 17 September SC/10034 Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question --
S/PV.6387 17 September SC/10033 Democratic Republic of the Congo S/PRST/2010/17
S/PV.6386 16 September SC/10032 Somalia --
S/PV.6385 15 September SC/10030 Report of the Secretary-General — Nepal S/RES/1939 (2010)
S/PV.6384 15 September SC/10029 Non-proliferation --
S/PV.6383 15 September SC/10028 Liberia S/RES/1938 (2010)
S/PV.6382 13 September SC/10026 Haiti --
S/PV.6381 9 September SC/10023 ICJ — election --
9 September None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops and police to the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti Communiqué
S/PV.6379 8 September SC/10022 Liberia --
S/PV.6378 7 September SC/10021 Democratic Republic of the Congo --
S/PV.6377 7 September SC/10020 Report of the Secretary-General — Nepal --
3 September None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops and police to the UN Mission in Liberia Communiqué
S/PV.6375 30 August SC/10017 Middle East situation S/RES/1937 (2010)
S/PV.6374 25 August SC/10014 Somalia S/PRST/2010/16
18 August None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops and police to the UN Interim Force in Lebanon Communiqué
S/PV.6372 17 August SC/10009 Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question --
S/PV.6371 10 August SC/10008 Chad, the Central African Republic and the subregion --
S/PV.6370 6 August SC/10006 United Nations peacekeeping operations --
S/PV.6369 5 August SC/10004 Iraq S/RES/1936 (2010)
S/PV.6368 4 August SC/10002 Iraq --
S/PV.6367 3 August SC/10000 Kosovo (Serbia) --
S/PV.6366 30 July SC/9997 Report of the Secretary-General — Sudan S/RES/1935 (2010)
S/PV.6365 27 July SC/9994 Report of the Secretary-General — Sudan --
S/PV.6364 22 July SC/9991 Guinea-Bissau S/PRST/2010/15
S/PV.6363 (Resumption 1) 21 July SC/9990 Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question --
S/PV.6363 21 July SC/9990 Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question --
S/PV.6362 20 July SC/9987 Peace and security in Africa — Horn of Africa --
19 July None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops and police to the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur Communiqué
S/PV.6360 (Resumption 1) 16 July SC/9984 Maintenance of international peace and security --
S/PV.6360 16 July SC/9984 Maintenance of international peace and security S/PRST/2010/14
S/PV.6359 15 July SC/9982 Guinea-Bissau --
S/PV.6358 13 July SC/9981 Peace consolidation in West Africa --
12 July None issued Iraq Communiqué
S/PV.6356 12 July SC/9978 Iraq --
S/PV.6355 9 July SC/9975 Republic of Korea S/PRST/2010/13
S/PV.6354 (Resumption 1) 7 July SC/9973 Protection of civilians in armed conflict --
S/PV.6354 7 July SC/9973 Protection of civilians in armed conflict --
S/PV.6353 6 July SC/9972 Kosovo (Serbia) --
S/PV.6352 30 June SC/9971 Middle East situation S/RES/1934 (2010)
15-0-0 +

S/PV.6351 30 June SC/9970 Afghanistan --
S/PV.6350 30 June SC/9969 Côte d'Ivoire S/RES/1933 (2010)
S/PV.6349 29 June SC/9967 International Tribunal — Rwanda S/RES/1932 (2010)
S/PV.6348 29 June SC/9966 International Tribunal — Yugoslavia S/RES/1931 (2010)
S/PV.6347 (Resumption 1) 29 June SC/9965 Maintenance of international peace and security S/PRST/2010/11
S/PV.6347 29 June SC/9965 Maintenance of international peace and security --
S/PV.6346 29 June SC/9964 ICJ — election --
S/PV.6345 28 June SC/9962 Central African Republic --
S/PV.6344 28 June SC/9961 Non-proliferation --
21 June None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops and police to the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force Communiqué
S/PV.6342 18 June SC/9957 International Tribunal — Rwanda & Yugoslavia --
S/PV.6341 (Resumption 1) 16 June SC/9956 Children and armed conflict S/PRST/2010/10
S/PV.6341 16 June SC/9956 Children and armed conflict --
S/PV.6340 15 June SC/9954 Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question --
S/PV.6339 15 June SC/9953 Cyprus S/RES/1930 (2010)
S/PV.6338 14 June SC/9952 Report of the Secretary-General — Sudan --
11 June None issued Report of the Secretary-General — Sudan Communiqué
S/PV.6336 11 June SC/9950 Report of the Secretary-General — Sudan --
S/PV.6335 9 June SC/9948 Non-proliferation S/RES/1929 (2010)
8 June None issued Non-proliferation Communiqué
S/PV.6333 7 June SC/9946 Non-proliferation — Democratic People's Republic of Korea S/RES/1928 (2010)
4 June None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops and police to the UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste Communiqué
4 June None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops and police to the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus Communiqué
S/PV.6330 4 June SC/9944 Haiti S/RES/1927 (2010)
S/PV.6329 3 June SC/9942 Côte d'Ivoire --
3 June None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops and police to the UN Operation in Côte d'Ivoire Communiqué
S/PV.6327 2 June SC/9941 ICJ — election S/RES/1926 (2010)
without vote
S/PV.6326 1 June SC/9940 Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question S/PRST/2010/9
S/PV.6325 31 May SC/9940 Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question --
S/PV.6324 28 May SC/9939 Democratic Republic of the Congo S/RES/1925 (2010)
S/PV.6323 27 May SC/9938 Côte d'Ivoire S/RES/1924 (2010)
S/PV.6322 26 May SC/9936 Maintenance of international peace and security --
S/PV.6321 25 May SC/9935 Chad, the Central African Republic and the subregion S/RES/1923 (2010)
S/PV.6320 25 May SC/9934 Iraq --
S/PV.6319 24 May SC/9933 Bosnia and Herzegovina --
S/PV.6318 20 May SC/9932 Sudan --
S/PV.6317 19 May SC/9931 Briefing by the Security Council mission to the Democratic Republic of the Congo --
S/PV.6316 19 May SC/9930 Peace and security in Africa — Horn of Africa --
S/PV.6315 18 May SC/9929 Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question --
S/PV.6314 17 May SC/9928 Kosovo (Serbia) --
S/PV.6313 12 May SC/9927 Somalia --
S/PV.6312 12 May SC/9926 Chad, the Central African Republic and the subregion S/RES/1922 (2010)
S/PV.6311 12 May SC/9925 Report of the Secretary-General — Nepal S/RES/1921 (2010)
S/PV.6310 11 May SC/9923 Briefings by Chairmen of subsidiary bodies of the Security Council --
S/PV.6309 10 May SC/9921 Burundi --
S/PV.6308 5 May SC/9919 Report of the Secretary-General — Nepal --
5 May None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops and police to the UN Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad Communiqué
S/PV.6306 4 May SC/9918 Cooperation between the UN and regional and subregional organizations in maintaining international peace and security --
S/PV.6305 30 April SC/9917 Western Sahara S/RES/1920 (2010)
S/PV.6304 29 April SC/9916 Sudan S/RES/1919 (2010)
S/PV.6303 28 April SC/9915 Haiti --
S/PV.6302 27 April SC/9914 Women and peace and security S/PRST/2010/8
S/PV.6301 27 April SC/9913 Somalia S/RES/1918 (2010)
S/PV.6300 (Resumption 1) 22 April SC/9910 Implementation of the note by the President of the Security Council (S/2006/507) --
S/PV.6300 22 April SC/9910 Implementation of the note by the President of the Security Council (S/2006/507) --
S/PV.6299 (Resumption 1) 16 April SC/9907 Post-conflict peacebuilding S/PRST/2010/7
S/PV.6299 16 April SC/9907 Post-conflict peacebuilding --
S/PV.6298 (Resumption 1) 14 April SC/9906 Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question --
S/PV.6298 14 April SC/9906 Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question --
S/PV.6297 13 April SC/9905 Democratic Republic of the Congo --
9 April None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops and police to the UN Mission in the Sudan Communiqué
9 April None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops and police to the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara Communiqué
7 April None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops and police to the UN Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Communiqué
S/PV.6293 6 April SC/9901 Iraq --
S/PV.6292 24 March SC/9891 Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question --
S/PV.6291 22 March SC/9890 Sierra Leone --
S/PV.6290 22 March SC/9889 Afghanistan S/RES/1917 (2010)
S/PV.6289 19 March SC/9888 Somalia S/RES/1916 (2010)
S/PV.6288 (Resumption 1) 19 March SC/9886 Central African region: impact of illicit arms trafficking S/PRST/2010/6
S/PV.6288 19 March SC/9886 Central African region: impact of illicit arms trafficking --
S/PV.6287 18 March SC/9885 Afghanistan --
S/PV.6286 18 March SC/9884 International Tribunal — Yugoslavia S/RES/1915 (2010)
S/PV.6285 18 March SC/9883 ICJ — Election S/RES/1914 (2010)
without vote
S/PV.6284 17 March SC/9881 Côte d'Ivoire --
S/PV.6283 12 March SC/9880 Chad, the Central African Republic and the subregion S/RES/1913 (2010)
10 March None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops and police to the UN Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad Communiqué
S/PV.6281 5 March SC/9874 Guinea-Bissau --
S/PV.6280 4 March SC/9873 Non-proliferation — Iran --
S/PV.6279 26 February SC/9871 Iraq S/PRST/2010/5
S/PV.6278 26 February SC/9870 Timor-Leste S/RES/1912 (2010)
S/PV.6277 24 February SC/9867 Threats to international peace and security S/PRST/2010/4
S/PV.6276 23 February SC/9866 Timor-Leste --
22 February None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops to the UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste Communiqué
S/PV.6274 19 February SC/9865 Haiti --
S/PV.6273 18 February SC/9864 Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question --
S/PV.6272 16 February SC/9863 Peace consolidation in West Africa S/PRST/2010/3
S/PV.6271 16 February SC/9862 Iraq --
S/PV.6270 (Resumption 1) 12 February SC/9860 United Nations peacekeeping operations: transition and exit strategies S/PRST/2010/2
S/PV.6270 12 February SC/9860 United Nations peacekeeping operations: transition and exit strategies --
S/PV.6269 11 February SC/9859 Report of the Secretary-General — Sudan --
S/PV.6268 5 February SC/9857 Briefing by the Chairman-in-Office of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe --
S/PV.6267 28 January SC/9856 Côte d'Ivoire S/RES/1911 (2010)
S/PV.6266 28 January SC/9855 Somalia S/RES/1910 (2010)
S/PV.6265 (Resumption 1) 27 January SC/9854 Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question --
S/PV.6265 27 January SC/9854 Middle East situation, including the Palestinian question --
S/PV.6264 22 January SC/9851 Kosovo (Serbia) --
S/PV.6263 21 January SC/9850 Côte d'Ivoire --
S/PV.6262 21 January SC/9849 Report of the Secretary-General — Nepal S/RES/1909 (2010)
S/PV.6261 19 January SC/9847 Haiti S/RES/1908 (2010)
S/PV.6260 15 January SC/9845 Report of the Secretary-General — Nepal --
S/PV.6259 14 January SC/9844 Somalia --
14 January None issued Meeting with countries contributing troops to the UN Operation in Côte d'Ivoire Communiqué
S/PV.6257 13 January SC/9840 Cooperation between the UN and regional and subregional organizations in maintaining international peace and security S/PRST/2010/1
S/PV.6256 12 January SC/9837 Peace consolidation in West Africa --
S/PV.6255 6 January SC/9834 Afghanistan --