Resolutions and Decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 64th session: GAOR, 64th session, Supplement No. 49
A/RES/64/1-A/RES/64/... (numerical sequence in reverse order) |
Resolution No. | Plenary or Cttee. | Agenda Item No. | Meeting Record/ Date/ Press Release/ Vote | Draft | Topic |
A/RES/64/301 | Plen. | 118 | A/64/PV.121 13 Sept. 2010 GA/10982 without vote |
A/64/903, para.64 | Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly |
A/RES/64/300 | Plen. | 53 (b) | A/64/PV.121 13 Sept. 2010 GA/10982 without vote |
A/64/L.68 | Draft outcome document of the High-level Review Meeting on the implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States |
A/RES/64/299 | Plen. | 48 & 114 | A/64/PV.121 13 Sept. 2010 GA/10982 without vote |
A/64/L.72 | Draft outcome document of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals |
A/RES/64/298 | Plen. | 77 | A/64/PV.120 9 Sept. 2010 GA/10980 without vote |
A/64/L.65/Rev.1 | Request for an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on whether the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo is in accordance with international law |
A/RES/64/297 | Plen. | 115 | A/64/PV.117 8 Sept. 2010 GA/10977 without vote |
A/64/L.69 | The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy |
A/RES/64/296 | Plen. | 14 | A/64/PV.115 7 Sept. 2010 GA/10976 50-17-86 |
A/64/L.62 | Status of internally displaced persons and refugees from Abkhazia, Georgia, and the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia, Georgia |
A/RES/64/295 | Plen. | 42 | A/64/PV.115 7 Sept. 2010 GA/10976 without vote |
A/64/L.55/Rev.1 | Extension of the transition period preceding the graduation of Samoa from least developed country status |
A/RES/64/294 | Plen. | 70 | A/64/PV.110 19 Aug. 2010 GA/10969 without vote |
A/64/L.66 | Strengthening emergency relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction and prevention in the wake of devastating floods in Pakistan |
A/RES/64/293 | Plen. | 104 | A/64/PV.109 30 July 2010 GA/10968 without vote |
A/64/L.64 (orally revised) | United Nations Global Plan of Action against Trafficking in Persons |
A/RES/64/292 | Plen. | 48 | A/64/PV.108 28 July 2010 GA/10967 122-0-41 |
A/64/L.63/Rev.1 + Add.1 (orally revised) | The human right to water and sanitation |
A/RES/64/291 | Plen. | 48 & 114 | A/64/PV.107 16 July 2010 GA/10966 without vote |
A/64/L.61 + Add.1 | Follow-up to paragraph 143 on human security of the 2005 World Summit Outcome |
A/RES/64/290 | Plen. | 114 | A/64/PV.106 9 July 2010 GA/10964 without vote |
A/64/L.58 + Add.1 | The right to education in emergency situations |
A/RES/64/289 | Plen. | 114 | A/64/PV.104 2 July 2010 GA/10959 without vote |
A/64/L.56 (orally corrected) | System-wide coherence |
A/RES/64/288 | C.5 | 132, 146, 161 & 163 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/835 | Financing of the United Nations Office to the African Union |
A/RES/64/287 | C.5 | 163 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/553/Add.1 | Financing of support of the African Union Mission in Somalia |
A/RES/64/286 | C.5 | 162 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/834 | Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad |
A/RES/64/285 | C.5 | 161 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/833 | Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur |
A/RES/64/284 | C.5 | 160 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/832 | Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara |
A/RES/64/283 | C.5 | 159 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/831 | Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan |
A/RES/64/282 | C.5 | 158 (b) | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 131-2-1 |
A/64/830 | Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon |
A/RES/64/281 | C.5 | 158 (a) | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/829 | Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force |
A/RES/64/280 | C.5 | 157 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/828 | Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia |
A/RES/64/279 | C.5 | 156 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/827 | Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo |
A/RES/64/278 | C.5 | 155 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/774/Add.1 | Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti |
A/RES/64/277 | C.5 | 153 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/826 | Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea |
A/RES/64/276 | C.5 | 152 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/825 | Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste |
A/RES/64/275 | C.5 | 150 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/824 | Financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo |
A/RES/64/274 | C.5 | 149 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/823 | Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus |
A/RES/64/273 | C.5 | 148 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/822 | Financing of the United Nations Operation in Côte d'Ivoire |
A/RES/64/272 | C.5 | 147 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/821 | Financing of the United Nations Operation in Burundi |
A/RES/64/271 | C.5 | 146 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/820, draft res. III | Support account for peacekeeping operations |
A/RES/64/270 | C.5 | 146 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/820, draft res. II | Financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy |
A/RES/64/269 | C.5 | 146 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/820, draft res. I | Cross-cutting issues |
A/RES/64/268 | C.5 | 129 | A/64/PV.101 24 June 2010 GA/10955 without vote |
A/64/547/Add.1 | Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors |
A/RES/64/267 | Plen. | 48 | A/64/PV.90 3 June 2010 GA/10945 without vote |
A/64/L.53 + Add.1 | World Statistics Day |
A/RES/64/266 | C.4 | 33 | A/64/PV.89 21 May 2010 GA/10944 without vote |
A/64/407/Add.1 | Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects |
A/RES/64/265 | Plen. | 114 | A/64/PV.86 13 May 2010 GA/10939 without vote |
A/64/L.52 + Add.1 | Prevention and control of non-communicable diseases |
A/RES/64/264 | C.5 | 155 | A/64/PV.86 13 May 2010 GA/10939 without vote |
A/64/774 | Financing arrangements for the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 |
A/RES/64/263 | C.5 | 141 | A/64/PV.81 29 Mar. 2010 GA/10931 without vote |
A/64/723 | Review of the implementation of General Assembly resolutions 48/218 B, 54/244 and 59/272 |
A/RES/64/262 | C.5 | 138 | A/64/PV.81 29 Mar. 2010 GA/10931 without vote |
A/64/724 | Report of the Joint Inspection Unit for 2009 and programme of work for 2010 |
A/RES/64/261 | C.5 | 132 | A/64/PV.81 29 Mar. 2010 GA/10931 without vote |
A/64/548/Add.2, draft res. II | Conditions of service for the ad litem judges of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda |
A/RES/64/260 | C.5 | 132 | A/64/PV.81 29 Mar. 2010 GA/10931 without vote |
A/64/548/Add.2, draft res. I | Special subjects relating to the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 |
A/RES/64/259 | C.5 | 130 | A/64/PV.81 29 Mar. 2010 GA/10931 without vote |
A/64/596/Add.1 | Towards an accountability system in the United Nations Secretariat |
A/RES/64/258 | Plen. | 63 (a) | A/64/PV.75 16 Mar. 2010 GA/10924 without vote |
A/64/L.38/Rev.1 + Add.1 | New Partnership for Africa's Development: progress in implementation and international support |
A/RES/64/257 | Plen. | 126 | A/64/PV.74 2 Mar. 2010 GA/10920 without vote |
A/64/L.46 + Add.1 | Sixty-fifth anniversary of the end of the Second World War |
A/RES/64/256 | Plen. | 125 | A/64/PV.74 2 Mar. 2010 GA/10920 without vote |
A/64/L.45 + Add.1 | Cooperation between the United Nations and the Collective Security Treaty Organization |
A/RES/64/255 | Plen. | 46 | A/64/PV.74 2 Mar. 2010 GA/10920 without vote |
A/64/L.44/Rev.1 + Add.1 | Improving global road safety |
A/RES/64/254 | Plen. | 64 | A/64/PV.72 26 Feb. 2010 GA/10917 98-7-31 |
A/64/L.48 + Add.1 | Follow-up to the report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict (II) |
A/RES/64/253 | Plen. | 49 | A/64/PV.71 23 Feb. 2010 GA/10916 without vote |
A/64/L.30/Rev.2 + Add.1 | International Day of Nowruz |
A/RES/64/252 | Plen. | 63 (b) | A/64/PV.70 8 Feb. 2010 GA/10915 without vote |
A/64/L.39/Rev.1 + Add.1 | Implementation of the recommendations contained in the report of the Secretary-General on the causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa |
A/RES/64/251 | Plen. | 70 (a) | A/64/PV.69 22 Jan. 2010 GA/10913 without vote |
A/64/L.43 + Add.1 | International cooperation on humanitarian assistance in the field of natural disasters, from relief to development |
A/RES/64/250 | Plen. | 70 (a) | A/64/PV.69 22 Jan. 2010 GA/10913 without vote |
A/64/L.42 + Add.1 | Humanitarian assistance, emergency relief and rehabilitation for Haiti in response to the devastating effects of the earthquake in that country |
A/RES/64/249 | C.5 | 145 | A/64/PV.68 24 Dec. 2009 GA/10909 without vote |
A/64/595 | Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations peacekeeping operations |
A/RES/64/248 | C.5 | 136 | A/64/PV.68 24 Dec. 2009 GA/10909 without vote |
A/64/482/Add.1 | Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations |
A/RES/64/247 | C.5 | 132 | A/64/PV.68 24 Dec. 2009 GA/10909 without vote |
A/64/548/Add.1, draft res. V | Working Capital Fund for the biennium 2010-2011 |
A/RES/64/246 | C.5 | 132 | A/64/PV.68 24 Dec. 2009 GA/10909 without vote |
A/64/548/Add.1, draft res. IV | Unforeseen extraordinary expenses for the biennium 2010-2011 |
A/RES/64/245 | C.5 | 132 | A/64/PV.68 24 Dec. 2009 GA/10909 without vote |
A/64/548/Add.1, draft res. III | Special subjects relating to the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 |
A/RES/64/244 A-C | C.5 | 132 | A/64/PV.68 24 Dec. 2009 GA/10909 without vote |
A/64/548/Add.1, draft res. II | Proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 |
A/RES/64/243 | C.5 | 132 | A/64/PV.68 24 Dec. 2009 GA/10909 without vote |
A/64/548/Add.1, draft res. I | Questions relating to the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 |
A/RES/64/242 | C.5 | 131 | A/64/PV.68 24 Dec. 2009 GA/10909 without vote |
A/64/594, draft res. II | Programme budget for the biennium 2008-2009 |
A/RES/64/241 | C.5 | 131 | A/64/PV.68 24 Dec. 2009 GA/10909 without vote |
A/64/594, draft res. I | After-service health insurance |
A/RES/64/240 | C.5 | 144 | A/64/PV.68 24 Dec. 2009 GA/10909 without vote |
A/64/593 | Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 |
A/RES/64/239 | C.5 | 143 | A/64/PV.68 24 Dec. 2009 GA/10909 without vote |
A/64/592 | Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January and 31 December 1994 |
A/RES/64/238 | C.3 | 69 (c) | A/64/PV.68 24 Dec. 2009 GA/10909 86-23-39 |
A/64/439/Add.3, draft res. II | Situation of human rights in Myanmar |
A/RES/64/237 | C.2 | 55 (b) | A/64/PV.68 24 Dec. 2009 GA/10909 without vote |
A/64/422/Add.2 | Preventing and combating corrupt practices and transfer of assets of illicit origin and returning such assets, in particular to the countries of origin, consistent with the United Nations Convention against Corruption |
A/RES/64/236 | C.2 | 53 (a) | A/64/PV.68 24 Dec. 2009 GA/10909 without vote |
A/64/420/Add.1, draft res. III | Implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development |
A/RES/64/235 | Plen. | 115 | A/64/PV.68 24 Dec. 2009 GA/10909 without vote |
A/64/L.27 + Add.1 | Institutionalization of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force |
A/RES/64/234 | C.5 | 154 | A/64/PV.67 22 Dec. 2009 GA/10908 without vote |
A/64/552 | Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia |
A/RES/64/233 | C.5 | 142 | A/64/PV.67 22 Dec. 2009 GA/10908 without vote |
A/64/582 | Administration of justice at the United Nations |
A/RES/64/232 | C.5 | 140 | A/64/PV.67 22 Dec. 2009 GA/10908 without vote |
A/64/551 | Report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on its activities |
A/RES/64/231 | C.5 | 139 | A/64/PV.67 22 Dec. 2009 GA/10908 without vote |
A/64/581 | United Nations common system: report of the International Civil Service Commission for 2009 |
A/RES/64/230 | C.5 | 135 | A/64/PV.67 22 Dec. 2009 GA/10908 without vote |
A/64/580 | Pattern of conferences |
A/RES/64/229 | C.5 | 133 | A/64/PV.67 22 Dec. 2009 GA/10908 without vote |
A/64/549 | Programme planning |
A/RES/64/228 | C.5 | 132 | A/64/PV.67 22 Dec. 2009 GA/10908 without vote |
A/64/548 | Capital master plan |
A/RES/64/227 | C.5 | 129 | A/64/PV.67 22 Dec. 2009 GA/10908 without vote |
A/64/547 | Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors |
A/RES/64/226 | Plen. | 71 | A/64/PV.67 22 Dec. 2009 GA/10908 without vote |
A/64/L.40 + Add.1 | Assistance to survivors of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, particularly orphans, widows and victims of sexual violence |
A/RES/64/225 | C.2 | 170 | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/430 | Amendments to the Charter of the United Nations University |
A/RES/64/224 | C.2 | 60 | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/427 | Agriculture development and food security |
A/RES/64/223 | C.2 | 59 | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/426 | Towards global partnerships |
A/RES/64/222 | Plen | 58 (b) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/L.37 (orally corrected) | Nairobi outcome document of the High-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation |
A/RES/64/221 | C.2 | 58 (b) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/425/Add.2 | South-South cooperation |
A/RES/64/220 | C.2 | 58 (a) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/425/Add.1 | Operational activities for development of the United Nations system |
A/RES/64/219 | C.2 | 58 | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/425 | Appointment of the Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund |
A/RES/64/218 | C.2 | 57 (c) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/424/Add.3 | Human resources development |
A/RES/64/217 | C.2 | 57 (b) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/424/Add.2 | Women in development |
A/RES/64/216 | C.2 | 57 (a) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/424/Add.1 | Second United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty (2008-2017) |
A/RES/64/215 | C.2 | 57 | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/424 | Legal empowerment of the poor and eradication of poverty |
A/RES/64/214 | C.2 | 56 (b) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/423/Add.2 | Groups of countries in special situations: specific actions related to the particular needs and problems of landlocked developing countries: outcome of the International Ministerial Conference of Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries and Donor Countries and International Financial and Development Institutions on Transit Transport Cooperation |
A/RES/64/213 | C.2 | 56 (a) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/423/Add.1 | Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries |
A/RES/64/212 | C.2 | 55 (c) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/422/Add.3, draft res. II | Science and technology for development |
A/RES/64/211 | C.2 | 55 (c) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/422/Add.3, draft res. I | Creation of a global culture of cybersecurity and taking stock of national efforts to protect critical information infrastructures |
A/RES/64/210 | C.2 | 55 (a) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/422/Add.1, draft res. III | Role of the United Nations in promoting development in the context of globalization and interdependence |
A/RES/64/209 | C.2 | 55 (a) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 124-0-50 |
A/64/422/Add.1, draft res. II | Towards a New International Economic Order |
A/RES/64/208 | C.2 | 55 (a) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/422/Add.1, draft res. I | Development cooperation with middle-income countries |
A/RES/64/207 | C.2 | 54 | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/421 | Implementation of the outcome of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and strengthening of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) |
A/RES/64/206 | C.2 | 53 (i) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/420/Add.9 | Promotion of new and renewable sources of energy |
A/RES/64/205 | C.2 | 53 (h) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/420/Add.8 | Sustainable mountain development |
A/RES/64/204 | C.2 | 53 (g) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/420/Add.7 | Report of the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme on its twenty-fifth session |
A/RES/64/203 | C.2 | 53 (f) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/420/Add.6 | Convention on Biological Diversity |
A/RES/64/202 | C.2 | 53 (e) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/420/Add.5, draft res. II | Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa |
A/RES/64/201 | C.2 | 53 (e) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/420/Add.5, draft res. I | United Nations Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification (2010-2020) |
A/RES/64/200 | C.2 | 53 (c) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/420/Add.3 | International Strategy for Disaster Reduction |
A/RES/64/199 | C.2 | 53 (b) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/420/Add.2 | Follow-up to and implementation of the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States |
A/RES/64/198 | C.2 | 53 (a) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/420/Add.1, draft res. II | Midterm comprehensive review of the implementation of the International Decade for Action, “Water for Life”, 2005-2015 |
A/RES/64/197 | C.2 | 53 (a) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 146-1-32 |
A/64/420/Add.1, draft res. I | Agricultural technology for development |
A/RES/64/196 | C.2 | 53 | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/420, draft res. II | Harmony with Nature |
A/RES/64/195 | C.2 | 53 | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 164-8-7 |
A/64/420, draft res. I | Oil slick on Lebanese shores |
A/RES/64/194 | Plen. | 52 | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/L.41 | Modalities for the fourth High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development |
A/RES/64/193 | C.2 | 52 | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/419 (Part II) | Follow-up to and implementation of the Monterrey Consensus and the outcome of the 2008 Review Conference (Doha Declaration on Financing for Development) |
A/RES/64/192 | C.2 | 51 (d) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/418/Add.4 | Commodities |
A/RES/64/191 | C.2 | 51 (c) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/418/Add.3 | External debt sustainability and development |
A/RES/64/190 | C.2 | 51 (b) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/418/Add.2 | International financial system and development |
A/RES/64/189 | C.2 | 51 (a) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 124-3-51 |
A/64/418/Add.1, draft res. II | Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries |
A/RES/64/188 | C.2 | 51 (a) | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 122-47-8 |
A/64/418/Add.1, draft res. I | International trade and development |
A/RES/64/187 | C.2 | 50 | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/417, draft res. II | Information and communication technologies for development |
A/RES/64/186 | C.2 | 50 | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/417, draft res. I | Building connectivity through the Trans-Eurasian Information Super Highway |
A/RES/64/185 | C.2 | 40 | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 165-8-7 |
A/64/416 | Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources |
A/RES/64/184 | Plen. | 48 & 114 | A/64/PV.66 21 Dec. 2009 GA/10907 without vote |
A/64/L.36 | Organization of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly |
A/RES/64/183 | Plen. | 124 | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/L.34 | Cooperation between the United Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization |
A/RES/64/182 | C.3 | 105 | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/441 | International cooperation against the world drug problem |
A/RES/64/181 | C.3 | 104 | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/440 + Corr.1, draft res. V | United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders |
A/RES/64/180 | C.3 | 104 | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/440 + Corr.1, draft res. IV | Preparations for the Twelfth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice |
A/RES/64/179 | C.3 | 104 | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/440 + Corr.1, draft res. III | Strengthening the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme, in particular its technical cooperation capacity |
A/RES/64/178 | C.3 | 104 | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/440 + Corr.1, draft res. II | Improving the coordination of efforts against trafficking in persons |
A/RES/64/177 | C.3 | 104 | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/440 + Corr.1, draft res. I | Technical assistance for implementing the international conventions and protocols related to terrorism |
A/RES/64/176 | C.3 | 69 (c) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 74-49-59 |
A/64/439/Add.3, draft res. III | Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran |
A/RES/64/175 | C.3 | 69 (c) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 99-20-63 |
A/64/439/Add.3, draft res. I | Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea |
A/RES/64/174 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 126-52-5 |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II), draft res. XX | Human rights and cultural diversity |
A/RES/64/173 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 131-53-2 |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II), draft res. XIX | Promotion of equitable geographical distribution in the membership of the human rights treaty bodies |
A/RES/64/172 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 133-23-30 |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II), draft res. XVIII | The right to development |
A/RES/64/171 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II), draft res. XVII | Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights |
A/RES/64/170 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 132-54-0 |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II), draft res. XVI | Human rights and unilateral coercive measures |
A/RES/64/169 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II), draft res. XV | International Year for People of African Descent |
A/RES/64/168 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II) (orally revised), draft res. XIV | Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism |
A/RES/64/167 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II), draft res. XIII | International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance |
A/RES/64/166 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II), draft res. XII | Protection of migrants |
A/RES/64/165 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II), draft res. XI | Subregional Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa |
A/RES/64/164 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II), draft res. X | Elimination of all forms of intolerance and of discrimination based on religion or belief |
A/RES/64/163 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II), draft res. IX | Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms |
A/RES/64/162 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II), draft res. VIII | Protection of and assistance to internally displaced persons |
A/RES/64/161 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II), draft res. VII | National institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights |
A/RES/64/160 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 129-54-3 |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II), draft res. VI | Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights |
A/RES/64/159 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II) (orally revised), draft res. V | The right to food |
A/RES/64/158 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II), draft res. IV | Strengthening United Nations action in the field of human rights through the promotion of international cooperation and the importance of non-selectivity, impartiality and objectivity |
A/RES/64/157 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 127-54-5 |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II), draft res. III | Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order |
A/RES/64/156 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 80-61-42 |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II), draft res. II | Combating defamation of religions |
A/RES/64/155 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part II), draft res. I | Strengthening the role of the United Nations in enhancing periodic and genuine elections and the promotion of democratization |
A/RES/64/154 | C.3 | 69 (a) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/439/Add.1, draft res. III | Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol thereto |
A/RES/64/153 | C.3 | 69 (a) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/439/Add.1, draft res. II | Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment |
A/RES/64/152 | C.3 | 69 (a) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 185-0-0 |
A/64/439/Add.1 (orally amended), draft res. I | International Covenants on Human Rights |
A/RES/64/151 | C.3 | 68 | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 126-53-4 |
A/64/438, draft res. III | Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination |
A/RES/64/150 | C.3 | 68 | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 176-6-3 |
A/64/438, draft res. II | The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination |
A/RES/64/149 | C.3 | 68 | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/438, draft res. I | Universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination |
A/RES/64/148 | C.3 | 67 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 128-13-43 |
A/64/437, draft res. II | Global efforts for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action |
A/RES/64/147 | C.3 | 67 (a) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 127-1-54 |
A/64/437, draft res. I | Inadmissibility of certain practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance |
A/RES/64/146 | C.3 | 65 (a) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/435 + Corr.1, draft res. II | Rights of the child |
A/RES/64/145 | C.3 | 65 (a) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/435 + Corr.1, draft res. I | The girl child |
A/RES/64/144 | C.3 | 64 | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/434, draft res. III | Office of the President of the Human Rights Council |
A/RES/64/143 | C.3 | 64 | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/434, draft res. II | Report of the Human Rights Council |
A/RES/64/142 | C.3 | 64 | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/434, draft res. I | Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children |
A/RES/64/141 | C.3 | 62 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/433, draft res. V | Follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and full implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly |
A/RES/64/140 | C.3 | 62 (a) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/433, draft res. IV | Improvement of the situation of women in rural areas |
A/RES/64/139 | C.3 | 62 (a) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/433, draft res. III | Violence against women migrant workers |
A/RES/64/138 | C.3 | 62 (a) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/433, draft res. II | Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women |
A/RES/64/137 | C.3 | 62 (a) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/433, draft res. I | Intensification of efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women |
A/RES/64/136 | C.3 | 61 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/432, draft res. VII | Cooperatives in social development |
A/RES/64/135 | C.3 | 61 (a) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/432, draft res. VI | Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly |
A/RES/64/134 | C.3 | 61 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/432, draft res. V | Proclamation of 2010 as International Year of Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding |
A/RES/64/133 | C.3 | 61 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/432, draft res. IV | Follow-up to the tenth anniversary of the International Year of the Family and beyond |
A/RES/64/132 | C.3 | 61 (c) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/432, draft res. III | Follow-up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing |
A/RES/64/131 | C.3 | 61 | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/432, draft res. II | Realizing the Millennium Development Goals for persons with disabilities |
A/RES/64/130 | C.3 | 61 (b) | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/432, draft res. I | Policies and programmes involving youth |
A/RES/64/129 | C.3 | 41 | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/431, draft res. III | Assistance to refugees, returnees and displaced persons in Africa |
A/RES/64/128 | C.3 | 41 | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/431, draft res. II | Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
A/RES/64/127 | C.3 | 41 | A/64/PV.65 18 Dec. 2009 GA/10905 without vote |
A/64/431, draft res. I | Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
A/RES/64/126 | Plen. | 4 (b) | A/64/PV.64 16 Dec. 2009 GA/10904 without vote |
A/64/571 | Credentials of representatives to the sixty-fourth session of the General Assembly |
A/RES/64/125 | Plen. | 70 (b) | A/64/PV.64 16 Dec. 2009 GA/10904 without vote |
A/64/L.35 | Assistance to the Palestinian people |
A/RES/64/124 | C.6 | 169 | A/64/PV.64 16 Dec. 2009 GA/10904 without vote |
A/64/567 | Observer status for the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean in the General Assembly |
A/RES/64/123 | C.6 | 168 | A/64/PV.64 16 Dec. 2009 GA/10904 without vote |
A/64/459 | Observer status for the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region of Africa in the General Assembly |
A/RES/64/122 | C.6 | 166 | A/64/PV.64 16 Dec. 2009 GA/10904 without vote |
A/64/457 | Observer status for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in the General Assembly |
A/RES/64/121 | C.6 | 165 | A/64/PV.64 16 Dec. 2009 GA/10904 without vote |
A/64/456 | Observer status for the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission in the General Assembly |
A/RES/64/120 | C.6 | 164 | A/64/PV.64 16 Dec. 2009 GA/10904 without vote |
A/64/455 | Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country |
A/RES/64/119 | C.6 | 142 | A/64/PV.64 16 Dec. 2009 GA/10904 without vote |
A/64/454 | Administration of justice at the United Nations |
A/RES/64/118 | C.6 | 106 | A/64/PV.64 16 Dec. 2009 GA/10904 without vote |
A/64/453 | Measures to eliminate international terrorism |
A/RES/64/117 | C.6 | 84 | A/64/PV.64 16 Dec. 2009 GA/10904 without vote |
A/64/452 | The scope and application of the principle of universal jurisdiction |
A/RES/64/116 | C.6 | 83 | A/64/PV.64 16 Dec. 2009 GA/10904 without vote |
A/64/451 | The rule of law at the national and international levels |
A/RES/64/115 | C.6 | 82 | A/64/PV.64 16 Dec. 2009 GA/10904 without vote |
A/64/450 | Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization |
A/RES/64/114 | C.6 | 81 | A/64/PV.64 16 Dec. 2009 GA/10904 without vote |
A/64/449 | Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its sixty-first session |
A/RES/64/113 | C.6 | 80 | A/64/PV.64 16 Dec. 2009 GA/10904 without vote |
A/64/448 | United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law |
A/RES/64/112 | C.6 | 79 | A/64/PV.64 16 Dec. 2009 GA/10904 without vote |
A/64/447, draft res. II | Practice Guide on Cross-Border Insolvency Cooperation of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law |
A/RES/64/111 | C.6 | 79 | A/64/PV.64 16 Dec. 2009 GA/10904 without vote |
A/64/447, draft res. I | Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its forty-second session |
A/RES/64/110 | C.6 | 78 | A/64/PV.64 16 Dec. 2009 GA/10904 without vote |
A/64/446 | Criminal accountability of United Nations officials and experts on mission |
A/RES/64/109 | Plen. | 12 | A/64/PV.63 11 Dec. 2009 GA/10903 without vote |
A/64/L.26 + Add.1 | The role of diamonds in fuelling conflict: breaking the link between the illicit transaction of rough diamonds and armed conflict as a contribution to prevention and settlement of conflicts |
A/RES/64/108 | Plen. | 123 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 without vote |
A/64/L.16 + Add.1 | Global health and foreign policy |
A/RES/64/107 | C.5 | 163 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 without vote |
A/64/553 | Financing of the activities arising from Security Council resolution 1863 (2009) |
A/RES/64/106 | C.4 | 39 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 172-3-2 |
A/64/413, draft res. VI | Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples |
A/RES/64/105 | C.4 | 39 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 173-3-1 |
A/64/413, draft res. V | Dissemination of information on decolonization |
A/RES/64/104 A-B | C.4 | 39 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 without vote |
A/64/413, draft res. IV | Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, Saint Helena, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands A. General B. Individual Territories |
A/RES/64/103 | C.4 | 39 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 without vote |
A/64/413, draft res. III | Question of Tokelau |
A/RES/64/102 | C.4 | 39 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 without vote |
A/64/413, draft res. II | Question of New Caledonia |
A/RES/64/101 | C.4 | 39 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 without vote |
A/64/413, draft res. I | Question of Western Sahara |
A/RES/64/100 | C.4 | 38 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 without vote |
A/64/412 | Offers by Member States of study and training facilities for inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories |
A/RES/64/99 | C.4 | 37 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 123-0-53 |
A/64/411 | Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations |
A/RES/64/98 | C.4 | 36 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 173-2-2 |
A/64/410 | Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories |
A/RES/64/97 | C.4 | 35 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 171-0-4 |
A/64/409 | Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations |
A/RES/64/96 A-B | C.4 | 34 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 without vote |
A/64/408 | Questions relating to information A. Information in the service of humanity B. United Nations public information policies and activities |
A/RES/64/95 | C.4 | 32 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 166-1-11 |
A/64/406, draft res. V | The occupied Syrian Golan |
A/RES/64/94 | C.4 | 32 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 162-9-5 |
A/64/406, draft res. IV | Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem |
A/RES/64/93 | C.4 | 32 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 167-7-3 |
A/64/406, draft res. III | Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan |
A/RES/64/92 | C.4 | 32 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 168-6-4 |
A/64/406, draft res. II | Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories |
A/RES/64/91 | C.4 | 32 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 92-9-74 |
A/64/406, draft res. I | Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories |
A/RES/64/90 | C.4 | 31 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 168-6-3 |
A/64/405, draft res. IV | Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues |
A/RES/64/89 | C.4 | 31 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 167-6-4 |
A/64/405, draft res. III | Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East |
A/RES/64/88 | C.4 | 31 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 166-7-4 |
A/64/405, draft res. II | Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities |
A/RES/64/87 | C.4 | 31 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 168-1-7 |
A/64/405, draft res. I | Assistance to Palestine refugees |
A/RES/64/86 | C.4 | 30 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 without vote |
A/64/404 | International cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space |
A/RES/64/85 | C.4 | 29 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 without vote |
A/64/403 | Effects of atomic radiation |
A/RES/64/84 | C.4 | 28 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 without vote |
A/64/402 | Assistance in mine action |
A/RES/64/83 | C.4 | 27 | A/64/PV.62 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10902 without vote |
A/64/401 | University for Peace |
A/RES/64/82 | C.3 | 69 (b) | A/64/PV.61 10 Dec. 2009 GA/10901 without vote |
A/64/439/Add.2 (Part I) | Follow-up to the International Year of Human Rights Learning |
A/RES/64/81 | Plen. | 49 | A/64/PV.60 7 Dec. 2009 GA/10900 without vote |
A/64/L.15/Rev.1 + Add.1 | Promotion of interreligious and intercultural dialogue, understanding and cooperation for peace |
A/RES/64/80 | Plen. | 49 | A/64/PV.60 7 Dec. 2009 GA/10900 without vote |
A/64/L.5 + Add.1 | International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, 2001-2010 |
A/RES/64/79 | Plen. | 47 | A/64/PV.60 7 Dec. 2009 GA/10900 without vote |
A/64/L.28 + Add.1 | 2001-2010: Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa |
A/RES/64/78 | Plen. | 43 | A/64/PV.60 7 Dec. 2009 GA/10900 without vote |
A/64/L.17/Rev.1 + Add.1 | Return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin |
A/RES/64/77 | Plen. | 70 (a) | A/64/PV.60 7 Dec. 2009 GA/10900 without vote |
A/64/L.33 + Add.1 | Safety and security of humanitarian personnel and protection of United Nations personnel |
A/RES/64/76 | Plen. | 70 (a) | A/64/PV.60 7 Dec. 2009 GA/10900 without vote |
A/64/L.32 (orally corrected) + Add.1 | Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations |
A/RES/64/75 | Plen. | 70 (a) | A/64/PV.60 7 Dec. 2009 GA/10900 without vote |
A/64/L.31 + Add.1 | Participation of volunteers, “White Helmets”, in the activities of the United Nations in the field of humanitarian relief, rehabilitation and technical cooperation for development |
A/RES/64/74 | Plen. | 70 (a) | A/64/PV.60 7 Dec. 2009 GA/10900 without vote |
A/64/L.19 + Add.1 | Humanitarian assistance, emergency relief and rehabilitation for El Salvador as a result of the devastating effects of Hurricane Ida |
A/RES/64/73 | C.2 | 53 (d) | A/64/PV.59 7 Dec. 2009 GA/10900 without vote |
A/64/420/Add.4 (orally corrected) | Protection of global climate for present and future generations of humankind |
A/RES/64/72 | Plen. | 76 (b) | A/64/PV.57 4 Dec. 2009 GA/10899 without vote |
A/64/L.29 + Add.1 | Sustainable fisheries, including through the 1995 Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, and related instruments |
A/RES/64/71 | Plen. | 76 (a) | A/64/PV.57 4 Dec. 2009 GA/10899 120-1-3 |
A/64/L.18 + Corr.1 + Add.1 | Oceans and the law of the sea |
A/RES/64/70 | C.1 | 103 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/398 | Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction |
A/RES/64/69 | C.1 | 102 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 175-1-3 |
A/64/397 | Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty |
A/RES/64/68 | C.1 | 101 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/396 | Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region |
A/RES/64/67 | C.1 | 100 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/395 | Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects |
A/RES/64/66 | C.1 | 99 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 167-6-6 |
A/64/394 | The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East |
A/RES/64/65 | C.1 | 98 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/393, draft res. II | Report of the Disarmament Commission |
A/RES/64/64 | C.1 | 98 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/393, draft res. I | Report of the Conference on Disarmament |
A/RES/64/63 | C.1 | 97 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/392, draft res. VI | United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific |
A/RES/64/62 | C.1 | 97 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/392, draft res. V | United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa |
A/RES/64/61 | C.1 | 97 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/392, draft res. IV | Regional confidence-building measures: activities of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa |
A/RES/64/60 | C.1 | 97 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/392, draft res. III | United Nations Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean |
A/RES/64/59 | C.1 | 97 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 116-50-12 |
A/64/392, draft res. II | Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons |
A/RES/64/58 | C.1 | 97 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/392, draft res. I | United Nations regional centres for peace and disarmament |
A/RES/64/57 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 169-5-5 |
A/64/391, draft res. XXIX | Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments |
A/RES/64/56 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 160-0-18 |
A/64/391, draft res. XXVIII | Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction |
A/RES/64/55 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 124-31-21 |
A/64/391, draft res. XXVII | Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons |
A/RES/64/54 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 153-0-23 |
A/64/391, draft res. XXVI | Transparency in armaments |
A/RES/64/53 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 111-45-19 |
A/64/391, draft res. XXV | Nuclear disarmament |
A/RES/64/52 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 166-3-6 |
A/64/391, draft res. XXIV | Second Conference of States Parties and Signatories to Treaties that Establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones and Mongolia |
A/RES/64/51 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/391, draft res. XXIII | Problems arising from the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in surplus |
A/RES/64/50 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 180-0-0 |
A/64/391, draft res. XXII | The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects |
A/RES/64/49 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/391, draft res. XXI | Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities |
A/RES/64/48 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 151-1-20 |
A/64/391, draft res. XX | The arms trade treaty |
A/RES/64/47 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 171-2-8 |
A/64/391, draft res. XIX | Renewed determination towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons |
A/RES/64/46 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/391, draft res. XVIII | Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction |
A/RES/64/45 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/391, draft res. XVII | Prohibition of the dumping of radioactive wastes |
A/RES/64/44 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 170-3-6 |
A/64/391, draft res. XVI | Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas |
A/RES/64/43 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/391, draft res. XV | Confidence-building measures in the regional and subregional context |
A/RES/64/42 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 174-1-2 |
A/64/391, draft res. XIV | Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels |
A/RES/64/41 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/391, draft res. XIII | Regional disarmament |
A/RES/64/40 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/391, draft res. XII | National legislation on transfer of arms, military equipment and dual-use goods and technology |
A/RES/64/39 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 174-0-6 |
A/64/391, draft res. XI | Treaty on the South-East Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (Bangkok Treaty) |
A/RES/64/38 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/391, draft res. X | Measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction |
A/RES/64/37 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 115-50-14 |
A/64/391, draft res. IX | Reducing nuclear danger |
A/RES/64/36 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/391, draft res. VIII | Convention on Cluster Munitions |
A/RES/64/35 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/391, draft res. VII | International Day against Nuclear Tests |
A/RES/64/34 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 122-5-49 |
A/64/391, draft res. VI | Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non proliferation |
A/RES/64/33 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/391, draft res. V | Observance of environmental norms in the drafting and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control |
A/RES/64/32 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/391, draft res. IV | Relationship between disarmament and development |
A/RES/64/31 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 109-56-10 |
A/64/391, draft res. III | Follow-up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at the 1995 and 2000 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons |
A/RES/64/30 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/391, draft res. II | Assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons and collecting them |
A/RES/64/29 | C.1 | 96 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/391, draft res. I | Treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices |
A/RES/64/28 | C.1 | 94 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 176-0-2 |
A/64/389 | Prevention of an arms race in outer space |
A/RES/64/27 | C.1 | 93 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 118-0-58 |
A/64/388 (orally revised) | Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons |
A/RES/64/26 | C.1 | 92 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/387 | Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East |
A/RES/64/25 | C.1 | 91 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/386 | Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security |
A/RES/64/24 | C.1 | 88 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/383 | African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty |
A/RES/64/23 | C.1 | 87 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 128-3-45 |
A/64/382 | Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace |
A/RES/64/22 | C.1 | 86 | A/64/PV.55 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10898 without vote |
A/64/381 | Objective information on military matters, including transparency of military expenditures |
A/RES/64/21 | Plen. | 15 | A/64/PV.54 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10896 116-7-51 |
A/64/L.25 | The Syrian Golan |
A/RES/64/20 | Plen. | 15 | A/64/PV.54 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10896 163-7-5 |
A/64/L.24 | Jerusalem |
A/RES/64/19 | Plen. | 16 | A/64/PV.54 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10896 164-7-4 |
A/64/L.23 | Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine |
A/RES/64/18 | Plen. | 16 | A/64/PV.54 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10896 162-8-5 |
A/64/L.22 | Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat |
A/RES/64/17 | Plen. | 16 | A/64/PV.54 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10896 112-9-54 |
A/64/L.21 | Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat |
A/RES/64/16 | Plen. | 16 | A/64/PV.54 2 Dec. 2009 GA/10896 109-8-55 |
A/64/L.20 | Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People |
A/RES/64/15 | Plen. | 116 | A/64/PV.47 16 Nov. 2009 GA/10888 without vote |
A/64/L.10 + Add.1 (orally revised) | Permanent memorial to and remembrance of the victims of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade |
A/RES/64/14 | Plen. | 49 | A/64/PV.42 10 Nov. 2009 GA/10885 without vote |
A/64/L.14 + Add.1 (orally revised) | The Alliance of Civilizations |
A/RES/64/13 | Plen. | 49 | A/64/PV.42 10 Nov. 2009 GA/10885 without vote |
A/64/L.13 + Add.1 | Nelson Mandela International Day |
A/RES/64/12 | Plen. | 11 | A/64/PV.41 9 Nov. 2009 GA/10884 without vote |
A/64/L.12 + Add.1 | Support by the United Nations system of the efforts of Governments to promote and consolidate new or restored democracies |
A/RES/64/11 | Plen. | 17 | A/64/PV.40 9 Nov. 2009 GA/10884 without vote |
A/64/L.8 + Add.1 | The situation in Afghanistan |
A/RES/64/10 | Plen. | 64 | A/64/PV.39 5 Nov. 2009 GA/10883 114-18-44 |
A/64/L.11 + Add.1 | Follow-up to the report of the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict |
A/RES/64/9 | Plen. | 75 | A/64/PV.34 2 Nov. 2009 GA/10880 without vote |
A/64/L.9 + Add.1 | Report of the International Criminal Court |
A/RES/64/8 | Plen. | 85 | A/64/PV.34 2 Nov. 2009 GA/10880 without vote |
A/64/L.7 + Add.1 | Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency |
A/RES/64/7 | Plen. | 20 | A/64/PV.28 28 Oct. 2009 GA/10877 without vote |
A/64/L.6 + Add.1 | International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala |
A/RES/64/6 | Plen. | 19 | A/64/PV.27 28 Oct. 2009 GA/10877 187-3-2 |
A/64/L.4 | Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba |
A/RES/64/5 | Plen. | 45 | A/64/PV.21 19 Oct. 2009 GA/10872 without vote |
A/64/L.3 + Add.1 (orally revised) | 2010 International Federation of Association Football World Cup event in South Africa |
A/RES/64/4 | Plen. | 45 | A/64/PV.21 19 Oct. 2009 GA/10872 without vote |
A/64/L.2 + Add.1 | Building a peaceful and better world through sport and the Olympic ideal |
A/RES/64/3 | C.6 | 167 | A/64/PV.21 19 Oct. 2009 GA/10872 without vote |
A/64/458 | Observer status for the International Olympic Committee in the General Assembly |
A/RES/64/2 | C.5 | 136 | A/64/PV.16 8 Oct. 2009 GA/10868 without vote |
A/64/482 | Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations: requests under Article 19 of the Charter |
A/RES/64/1 | Plen. | 114 | A/64/PV.15 6 Oct. 2009 GA/10867 without vote |
A/64/L.1 + Add.1 | High-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation |