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UN General Assembly Resolutions Tables

Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly at its 16th session

Resolutions and Decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 16th session: GAOR, 16th session, Supplement No. 17 

  • Resolutions and Decisions, 19 September 1961 - 23 February 1962: A/5100
(numerical sequence in reverse order)
Resolution No. Plenary or Cttee. Agenda Item No. Meeting Record/ Date/ Press Release/ Vote Draft Topic
A/RES/1747(XVI) Plenary 97 A/PV.1121
28 June 1962
A/L.386/Rev.1 and Add.1-4,
The question of Southern Rhodesia
A/RES/1746(XVI) C.4 49 A/PV.1118
27 June 1962
A/5142 The future of Ruanda-Urundi
A/RES/1745(XVI) C.4 39 A/PV.1106
23 Feb. 1962
A/4997/Add.2 General questions relating to the transmission and examination of information from Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/1744(XVI) C.4 49 A/PV.1106
23 Feb. 1962
A/4929/Add.1 Question of the Mwami of Rwanda
A/RES/1743(XVI) C.4 49 A/PV.1106
23 Feb. 1962
A/4929/Add.1 Question of the future of Ruanda-Urundi
A/RES/1742(XVI) Plenary 27 A/PV.1102
30 Jan. 1962
A/L.384/Rev.1 and Rev.1/Add.1 The situation in Angola
A/RES/1741(XVI) Plenary 89 A/PV.1087
20 Dec. 1961
A/L.380 Question of Hungary
A/RES/1740(XVI) C.1 20 A/PV.1087
20 Dec. 1961
A/5071 The Korean question
A/RES/1739(XVI) C.5 54 A/PV.1086
20 Dec. 1961
A/5076 The United Nations financial position and prospects
A/RES/1738(XVI) C.5 54 A/PV.1086
20 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5075 Emoluments of the members of the International Court of justice
A/RES/1737(XVI) C.5 54 A/PV.1086
20 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5075 Modernization of the Palais des Nations
A/RES/1736(XVI) C.5 54 A/PV.1086
20 Dec. 1961
A/5075 Working Capital Fund for the financial year 1962
A/RES/1735(XVI) C.5 54 A/PV.1086
20 Dec. 1961
A/5075 Unforeseen and extraordinary expenses for the financial year 1962
A/RES/1734(XVI)A-C C.5 54 A/PV.1086
20 Dec. 1961
A/5075 Budget for the financial year 1962
A/RES/1734(XVI) C C.5 54 A/PV.1086
20 Dec. 1961
A/5075 Financing of appropriations for the financial year 1962
A/RES/1734(XVI) B C.5 54 A/PV.1086
20 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5075 Income estimates for the financial year 1962
A/RES/1734(XVI) A C.5 54 A/PV.1086
20 Dec. 1961
A/5075 Budget appropriations for the financial year 1962
A/RES/1733(XVI) C.5 26a A/PV.1086
20 Dec. 1961
A/5065 United Nations Emergency Force : cost estimates for the maintenance of the force
A/RES/1732(XVI) C.5 55 A/PV.1086
20 Dec. 1961
A/5066 United Nations operation in the Congo : cost estimates and financing
A/RES/1731(XVI) C.5 62 A/PV.1086
20 Dec. 1961
A/5062 Administrative and budgetary procedures of the United Nations
A/RES/1730(XVI) C.5 64 A/PV.1086
20 Dec. 1961
A/5063 Amendment to the Staff Regulations of the United Nations
A/RES/1729(XVI) C.5 60 A/PV.1086
20 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5052 Report of the Negotiating Committee for Extra-Budgetary Funds
A/RES/1728(XVI) C.5 56d A/PV.1086
20 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5074 Confirmation of the appointments made by the Secretary-General to fill vacancies in the membership of the Investment Committee
A/RES/1727(XVI) C.5 67 A/PV.1086
20 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5067 United Nations International School
A/RES/1726(XVI) C.5 59 A/PV.1086
20 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5064 Administrative budgets for 1962 of the specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency
A/RES/1725(XVI) SPC 25 A/PV.1086
20 Dec. 1961
A/5068 (amended) Report of the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
A/RES/1724(XVI) C.1 80 A/PV.1085
20 Dec. 1961
A/5070 Question of Algeria
A/RES/1723(XVI) Plenary 83 A/PV.1085
20 Dec. 1961
A/L.376 Question of Tibet
A/RES/1722(XVI) C.1 19 A/PV.1085
20 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/4980/Add.2 Question of disarmament
A/RES/1721(XVI)A-E C.1 21 A/PV.1085
20 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5026 International co-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space
A/RES/1721(XVI) E C.1 21 A/PV.1085
20 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5026 International co-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space
A/RES/1721(XVI) D C.1 21 A/PV.1085
20 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5026 International co-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space
A/RES/1721(XVI) C C.1 21 A/PV.1085
20 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5026 International co-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space
A/RES/1721(XVI) B C.1 21 A/PV.1085
20 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5026 International co-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space
A/RES/1721(XVI) A C.1 21 A/PV.1085
20 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5026 International co-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space
A/RES/1720(XVI) C.2 87 A/PV.1084
19 Dec. 1961
A/5060 Permanent sovereignty over natural resources
A/RES/1719(XVI) C.2 84 A/PV.1084
19 Dec. 1961
A/5059 Population growth and economic development
A/RES/1718(XVI) C.2 22b A/PV.1084
19 Dec. 1961
A/5058 Economic development of Africa
A/RES/1717(XVI) C.2 22c A/PV.1084
19 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5058 African educational development
A/RES/1716(XVI) C.2 32c A/PV.1084
19 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5058 Confirmation of the allocation of funds for the expanded programme of technical assistance in 1962
A/RES/1715(XVI) C.2 31, 32 A/PV.1084
19 Dec. 1961
A/5058 United Nations Development Decade : a programme for international economic co-operation (II)
A/RES/1714(XVI) C.2 28e A/PV.1084
19 Dec. 1961
A/5058 World food programme
A/RES/1713(XVI) C.2 28, 30 A/PV.1084
19 Dec. 1961
A/5056 The role of patents in the transfer of technology to under-developed countries
A/RES/1712(XVI) C.2 28 A/PV.1084
19 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5056 Activities of the United Nations in the field of industrial development
A/RES/1711(XVI) C.2 28 A/PV.1084
19 Dec. 1961
A/5056 Reaffirmation of General Assembly resolution 1522 (XV) on the accelerated flow of capital and technical assistance to the developing countries
A/RES/1710(XVI) C.2 28 A/PV.1084
19 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5056 United Nations Development Decade : a programme for international economic co-operation (I)
A/RES/1709(XVI) C.2 12, 28 A/PV.1084
19 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5056 Decentralization of the economic and social activities of the United Nations and strengthening of the regional economic commissions
A/RES/1708(XVI) C.2 12, 28 A/PV.1084
19 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5056 Planning for economic development
A/RES/1707(XVI) C.2 28, 29 A/PV.1084
19 Dec. 1961
A/5056, A/L.379 International trade as the primary instrument for economic development
A/RES/1706(XVI) C.2 28b A/PV.1084
19 Dec. 1961
A/5056 Establishment of a United Nations capital development fund
A/RES/1705(XVI) C.4 47 A/PV.1083
19 Dec. 1961
A/5044 Special educational and training programmes for South West Africa
A/RES/1704(XVI) C.4 47 A/PV.1083
19 Dec. 1961
A/5044 Committee on South West Africa
A/RES/1703(XVI) C.4 47 A/PV.1083
19 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5044 Petitions relating to the territory of South West Africa
A/RES/1702(XVI) C.4 47 A/PV.1083
19 Dec. 1961
A/5044 Question of South West Africa
A/RES/1701(XVI) C.4 13 A/PV.1083
19 Dec. 1961
A/5045 Report of the Trusteeship Council
A/RES/1700(XVI) C.4 45 A/PV.1083
19 Dec. 1961
A/5047 Question of the renewal of the Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing-Territories
A/RES/1699(XVI) C.4 79 A/PV.1083
19 Dec. 1961
A/4998 Non-compliance of the Government of Portugal with Chapter XI of the Charter of the United Nations and with General Assembly resolution 1542 (XV)
A/RES/1698(XVI) C.4 41 A/PV.1083
19 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/4997 Racial discrimination in Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/1697(XVI) C.4 40 A/PV.1083
19 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/4997 Preparation and training of indigenous civil and technical cadres in Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/1696(XVI) C.4 44 A/PV.1083
19 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/4997 Offers by Member States of study and training facilities for inhabitants of the Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/1695(XVI) C.4 42 A/PV.1083
19 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/4997 Dissemination of information on the United Nations in the Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/1694(XVI) C.4 39 A/PV.1083
19 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/4997 Social advancement in the Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/1693(XVI) Cred.Cttee 3b A/PV.1083
19 Dec. 1961
A/5055 Credentials of the representatives to the 16th session of the General Assembly
A/RES/1692(XVI) C.5 53 A/PV.1082
18 Dec. 1961
A/5040 Supplementary estimates for the financial year 1961
A/RES/1691(XVI)A-B C.5 57 A/PV.1082
18 Dec. 1961
A/5038 Scale of assessment for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations
A/RES/1691(XVI) B C.5 57 A/PV.1082
18 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5038 Scale of assessment for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations
A/RES/1691(XVI) A C.5 57 A/PV.1082
18 Dec. 1961
A/5038 Scale of assessment for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations
A/RES/1690(XVI) C.5 56f A/PV.1082
18 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5037 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the United Nations Staff Pension Committee
A/RES/1689(XVI)A-B C.5 56b A/PV.1082
18 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5003 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Committee on Contributions
A/RES/1689(XVI) B C.5 56b A/PV.1082
18 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5003 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Committee on Contributions
A/RES/1689(XVI) A C.5 56b A/PV.1082
18 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5003 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Committee on Contributions
A/RES/1688(XVI) C.5 56a A/PV.1082
18 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5015 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
A/RES/1687(XVI) C.6 71 A/PV.1081
18 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5043 Question of special missions
A/RES/1686(XVI) C.6 70 A/PV.1081
18 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5036 Future work in the field of the codification and progressive development of international law
A/RES/1685(XVI) C.6 69 A/PV.1081
18 Dec. 1961
A/5013 International conference of plenipotentiaries on consular relations
A/RES/1684(XVI) C.3 86 A/PV.1081
18 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5042 Manifestations of racial prejudice and national and religious intolerance
A/RES/1683(XVI) C.3 37 A/PV.1081
18 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5039 Draft Declaration on Freedom of Information
A/RES/1682(XVI) C.3 38 A/PV.1081
18 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5023 Draft Declaration on the Right of Asylum
A/RES/1681(XVI) C.3 36 A/PV.1081
18 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5041 Draft Convention on Freedom of Information
A/RES/1680(XVI) C.3 85 A/PV.1081
18 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5035 Draft Convention and draft Recommendation on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age of Marriage and Registration of Marriages
A/RES/1679(XVI) C.3 12 A/PV.1081
18 Dec. 1961
A/5032 Human rights fellowships
A/RES/1678(XVI) C.3 12 A/PV.1081
18 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5032 United Nations Children's Fund
A/RES/1677(XVI) C.3 12 A/PV.1081
18 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5032 Co-operation for the eradication of illiteracy throughout the world
A/RES/1676(XVI) C.3 12 A/PV.1081
18 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5032 Urbanization
A/RES/1675(XVI) C.3 12 A/PV.1081
18 Dec. 1961
A/5032 Strengthening of the work of the United Nations in the social field
A/RES/1674(XVI) C.3 12 A/PV.1081
18 Dec. 1961
A/5032 Balanced and co-ordinated economic and social development
A/RES/1673(XVI) C.3 34 A/PV.1081
18 Dec. 1961
A/5018 Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
A/RES/1672(XVI) C.3 34 A/PV.1081
18 Dec. 1961
A/5018 Refugees from Algeria in Morocco and Tunisia
A/RES/1671(XVI) C.3 82 A/PV.1081
18 Dec. 1961
A/5018 Problem raised by the situation of Angolan refugees in the Congo
A/RES/1670(XVI) Plenary 18 A/PV.1080
15 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/4877 Report of the Committee on arrangements for a conference for the purpose of reviewing the Charter
A/RES/1669(XVI) Plenary 11 A/PV.1080
15 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/L.373 Report of the Security Council
A/RES/1668(XVI) Plenary 90, 91 A/PV.1080
15 Dec. 1961
A/L.372 Representation of China in the United Nations
A/RES/1667(XVI) Plenary 92 A/PV.1078
14 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/L.377 and Add.1 Admission of Tanganyika to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1666(XVI) C.3 35 A/PV.1075
11 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5000 Draft International Covenants on Human Rights
A/RES/1665(XVI) C.1 81 A/PV.1070
04 Dec. 1961
without vote
A/5002 Prevention of the wider dissemination of nuclear weapons
A/RES/1664(XVI) C.1 19 A/PV.1070
04 Dec. 1961
A/4980/Add.1 Question of disarmament
A/RES/1663(XVI) SPC 76 A/PV.1067
28 Nov. 1961
A/4968 The question of race conflict in South Africa resulting from the policies of apartheid of the Government of the Repulbic of South Africa
A/RES/1662(XVI) SPC 75 A/PV.1067
28 Nov. 1961
without vote
A/4988 Treatment of people of Indian and Indo-Pakistan origin in the Repulbic of South Africa
A/RES/1661(XVI) SPC 74 A/PV.1067
28 Nov. 1961
without vote
A/4982 The status of German-speaking element in the Province of Bolzano (Bozen)
A/RES/1660(XVI) C.1 19 A/PV.1067
28 Nov. 1961
without vote
A/4980 Question of disarmament
A/RES/1659(XVI) C.5 94 A/PV.1067
28 Nov. 1961
without vote
A/4973 Enlargement of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions : amendments to rules 156 and 157 of the rules of procedures the General Assembly
A/RES/1658(XVI)A-B C.5 65 A/PV.1067
28 Nov. 1961
A/4977 Amendments to the Staff Regulations of the United Nations
A/RES/1658(XVI) B C.5 65 A/PV.1067
28 Nov. 1961
A/4977 Amendments to the provisions on the pensionable remuneration of the staff
A/RES/1658(XVI) A C.5 65 A/PV.1067
28 Nov. 1961
A/4977 Amendments to the Staff Regulations of the United Nations
A/RES/1657(XVI) C.5 58 A/PV.1067
28 Nov. 1961
without vote
A/4963 Audit reports relating to expenditure by specialized agencies of funds earmarked from the Special Fund
A/RES/1656(XVI) C.5 58 A/PV.1067
28 Nov. 1961
without vote
A/4963 Audit reports relating to expenditure by specialized agencies and by the International Atomic Energy Agency of technical assistance funds allocated from the Special Account
A/RES/1655(XVI) C.5 56c A/PV.1067
28 Nov. 1961
without vote
A/4958 Appointment to fill a vacancy in the membership of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/1654(XVI) Plenary 88 A/PV.1066
27 Nov. 1961
A/L.366 and Add.1-3 The situation with regard to the implementation of the Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples
A/RES/1653(XVI) C.1 73, 72 A/PV.1063
24 Nov. 1961
A/4942/Add.3 Declaration on the prohibition of the use of nuclear and thermo-nuclear weapons
A/RES/1652(XVI) C.1 73 A/PV.1063
24 Nov. 1961
A/4942/Add.3 Consideration of Africa as a denuclearized zone
A/RES/1651(XVI) Plenary 14 A/PV.1062
23 Nov. 1961
without vote
A/L.364 Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency
A/RES/1650(XVI) Plenary 88 A/PV.1055
15 Nov. 1961
A/L.365 and Add.1 The status of Algerians imprisoned in France
A/RES/1649(XVI) C.1 72 A/PV.1049
08 Nov. 1961
A/4942/Add.2, A/L.363 The urgent need for a treaty to ban nuclear weapons tests under effective international control
A/RES/1648(XVI) C.1 73 A/PV.1047
06 Nov. 1961
A/4942/Add.1 Continuation of suspension of nuclear and thermo-nuclear tests and obligations of States to refrain their renewal
A/RES/1647(XVI) C.6 77 A/PV.1047
06 Nov. 1961
without vote
A/4939, A/L.361 Enlargement of the International Law Commission : amendments to articles 2 and 9 of the Statute of the Commission
A/RES/1646(XVI) C.4 13 A/PV.1047
06 Nov. 1961
without vote
A/4950 Hearing of petitioners in connexion with the Trust Territory of Tanganyika
A/RES/1645(XVI) C.4 13 A/PV.1047
06 Nov. 1961
without vote
A/4950 Sub-committee on the Questionnaire Relating to the Trust Territories
A/RES/1644(XVI) C.4 50 A/PV.1047
06 Nov. 1961
without vote
A/4950 Dissemination of information on the United Nations and the International Trusteeship System In Trust Territories
A/RES/1643(XVI) C.4 51 A/PV.1047
06 Nov. 1961
without vote
A/4950 Offers by Member States of study and training facilities for inhabitants of Trust Territories
A/RES/1642(XVI) C.4 13 A/PV.1047
06 Nov. 1961
without vote
A/4950 The future of Tanganyika
A/RES/1641(XVI) C.5 68 A/PV.1047
06 Nov. 1961
without vote
A/4952 United Nations Library
A/RES/1640(XVI) Plenary none A/PV.1046
03 Nov. 1961
(non-recorded, by secret ballot)
A/L.362 Appointment of an acting Secretary-General
A/RES/1639(XVI) C.5 66 A/PV.1044
30 Oct. 1961
without vote
A/4934 Annual report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board
A/RES/1638(XVI) C.5 56e A/PV.1044
30 Oct. 1961
without vote
A/4935 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal
A/RES/1637(XVI) C.5 52d A/PV.1044
30 Oct. 1961
without vote
A/4936 Voluntary funds administered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees : accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1960 and report of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/1636(XVI) C.5 52c A/PV.1044
30 Oct. 1961
without vote
A/4936 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1960 and report of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/1635(XVI) C.5 52b A/PV.1044
30 Oct. 1961
without vote
A/4936 United Nations Children's Fund : financial report and accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1960 and report of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/1634(XVI) C.5 52a A/PV.1044
30 Oct. 1961
without vote
A/4936 United Nations : financial report and accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1960 and report of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/1633(XVI) C.5 55 A/PV.1044
30 Oct. 1961
A/4943 United Nations operations in the Congo : cost estimates and financing
A/RES/1632(XVI) C.1 73, 72 A/PV.1043
27 Oct. 1961
A/4942 Continuation of suspension of nuclear and thermo-nuclear tests and obligations of States to refrain from their renewal; The urgent need for a treaty to ban nuclear weapons tests under effective international control
A/RES/1631(XVI) Plenary 92 A/PV.1043
27 Oct. 1961
A/L.358 and Add.1 Admission of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1630(XVI) Plenary 92 A/PV.1043
27 Oct. 1961
without vote
A/L.359 and Add.1-2 Admission of the Mongolian People's Republic to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1629(XVI) SPC 24 A/PV.1043
27 Oct. 1961
A/4937 Report of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation
A/RES/1628(XVI) Plenary 93 A/PV.1042
26 Oct. 1961
A/L.356/Rev.1 and Add.1-5 An international investigation into the conditions and circumstances resulting in the tragic death of Mr. Dag Hammarskjöld and of members of the party accompanying him
A/RES/1627(XVI) C.4 49 A/PV.1041
23 Oct. 1961
A/4929 Assassination of the Prime Minister of Burundi
A/RES/1626(XVI) C.4 48 A/PV.1039
18 Oct. 1961
without vote
A/4923 The future of Western Samoa
A/RES/1625(XVI) C.5 68 A/PV.1037
16 Oct. 1961
without vote
A/4922 Memorial to the late Dag Hammarskjöld
A/RES/1624(XVI) C.5 56a A/PV.1032
10 Oct. 1961
without vote
A/4912 Appointment to fill a vacancy in the membership of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
A/RES/1623(XVI) Plenary 92 A/PV.1018
27 Sept. 1961
without vote
A/L.353 and Add.1-4 Admission of Sierra Leone to membership in the United Nations