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Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly at its 51st session

Resolutions and Decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 51st session: GAOR, 51st Session, Supplement No. 49

(numerical sequence in reverse order)
Resolution No. Plenary or Cttee. Agenda Item No. Meeting Record/ Date/ Press Release/ Vote Draft Topic
A/RES/51/243 C.5 112 A/51/PV.107
15 Sept. 1997
without vote
A/51/922/Add.1 Gratis personnel provided by Governments and other entities
A/RES/51/242 Plenary 10 A/51/PV.107
15 Sept. 1997
without vote
A/51/L.78 Supplement to an Agenda for Peace
A/RES/51/241 Plenary 48 A/51/PV.105
31 July 1997
without vote
A/51/24 Strengthening of the United Nations system
A/RES/51/240 Plenary 96 A/51/PV.103
20 June 1997
without vote
A/AC.250/1 Agenda for Development
A/RES/51/239 B C.5 140a A/51/PV.107
15 Sept. 1997
without vote
A/51/753/Add.3 Support account for peacekeeping operations
A/RES/51/239 A C.5 104a A/51/PV.102
17 June 1997
without vote
A/51/753/Add.2 Support account for peacekeeping operations
A/RES/51/238 Plenary 97 A/51/PV.102
17 June 1997
without vote
Use of the Special Voluntary Fund and the Trust Fund established pursuant to General Assembly resolution 47/188
A/RES/51/237 C.5 138 A/51/PV.101
13 June 1997
without vote
A/51/920 Financing of the United Nations Mission of Observers in Tajikistan
A/RES/51/236 C.5 133 A/51/PV.101
13 June 1997
without vote
A/51/503/Add.1 Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia
A/RES/51/235 C.5 132 A/51/PV.101
13 June 1997
without vote
A/51/921 Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus
A/RES/51/234 C.5 125a A/51/PV.101
13 June 1997
without vote
A/51/726/Add.1 Financing of the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission
A/RES/51/233 C.5 123b A/51/PV.101
13 June 1997
A/51/725/Add.1 Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon
A/RES/51/232 C.5 123a A/51/PV.101
13 June 1997
without vote
A/51/724/Add.1 Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
A/RES/51/231 C.5 112 A/51/PV.101
13 June 1997
without vote
A/51/922 Procurement reform
A/RES/51/230 Plenary 167 A/51/PV.100
22 May 1997
without vote
A/51/L.73 Orally amended Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
A/RES/51/229 Plenary 144 A/51/PV.99
21 May 1997
Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses
A/RES/51/228 C.5 165 A/51/PV.95
3 Apr. 1997
without vote
A/51/844 Financing of the Military Observer Group of the United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala
A/RES/51/227 C.5 120 A/51/PV.95
3 Apr. 1997
without vote
A/51/643/Add.2 Respect for the privileges and immunities of officials of the United Nations and the specialized agencies and related organizations
A/RES/51/226 C.5 120 A/51/PV.95
3 Apr. 1997
without vote
A/51/643/Add.2 Human resources management
A/RES/51/225 C.5 111 A/51/PV.95
3 Apr. 1997
without vote
A/51/849 Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/51/224 C.4 19 A/51/PV.94
27 Mar. 1997
without vote
A/51/588/Add.1 A: General; B: Individual Territories - I: American Samoa - II: Anguilla - III: Bermuda - IV: British Virgin Islands - V: Cayman Islands - VI: Guam - VII: Montserrat - VIII: Pitcairn - IX: St. Helena - X: Turks and Caicos Islands - XI: United States Virgin Islands
A/RES/51/223 Plenary 33, 35 A/51/PV.93
13 Mar. 1997
A/51/L.68 Israeli settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, in particular in occupied East Jerusalem
A/RES/51/222A-C C.5 116 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/750 Revised budget appropriations for the biennium 1996-1997
A/RES/51/222 C C.5 116 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
  Financing of appropriations for the year 1997
A/RES/51/222 B C.5 116 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/750 Revised income estimates for the biennium 1996-1997
A/RES/51/222 A C.5 116 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/750 Revised budget appropriations for the biennium 1996-1997
A/RES/51/221A-B C.5 116 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/750 Questions relating to the programme budget for the biennium 1996-1997
A/RES/51/221 B C.5 116 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/750 Questions relating to the programme budget for the biennium 1996-1997
A/RES/51/221 A C.5 116 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/750 Questions relating to the programme budget for the biennium 1996-1997
A/RES/51/220 C.5 112 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/751 Proposed programme budget outline for the biennium 1998-1999
A/RES/51/219 C.5 114 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/748 Programme planning
A/RES/51/218A-E C.5 140 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/753 Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations
A/RES/51/218 E C.5 140a A/51/PV.102
17 July 1997
without vote
A/51/753/Add.1 Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations
A/RES/51/218 D C.5 140 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/753 Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations
A/RES/51/218 C C.5 140 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/753 Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations
A/RES/51/218 B C.5 140 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/753 Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations
A/RES/51/218 A C.5 140 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/753 Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations
A/RES/51/217 C.5 122 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
A/51/746 United Nations pension system
A/RES/51/216 C.5 121 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/745 United Nations common system
A/RES/51/215B C.5 139 A/51/PV.101
13 June 1997
without vote
A/51/744/Add.1 Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January and 31 December 1994
A/RES/51/215A C.5 139 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/744 Financing of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January and 31 December 1994
A/RES/51/214B C.5 137 A/51/PV.101
13 June 1997
without vote
A/51/743/Add.1 Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991
A/RES/51/214A C.5 137 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/743 Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991
A/RES/51/213 C.5 124 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/740 Financing of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission
A/RES/51/212B C.5 119 A/51/PV.95
3 Apr. 1997
without vote
A/51/747/Add.1 Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations
A/RES/51/212A C.5 119 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/747 Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations
A/RES/51/211 F C.5 118 A/51/PV.107
15 Sept. 1997
without vote
A/51/742/Add.1 Patterns of conferences
A/RES/51/211A-E C.5 118 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/742 Patterns of conferences
A/RES/51/211 E C.5 118 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/742 Patterns of conferences
A/RES/51/211 D C.5 118 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/742 Patterns of conferences
A/RES/51/211 C C.5 118 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/742 Patterns of conferences
A/RES/51/211 B C.5 118 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/742 Patterns of conferences
A/RES/51/211 A C.5 118 A/51/PV.89
18 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/742 Patterns of conferences
A/RES/51/210 C.6 151 A/51/PV.88
17 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/631 Measures to eliminate international terrorism
A/RES/51/209 C.6 150 A/51/PV.88
17 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/630 Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization
A/RES/51/208 C.6 150 A/51/PV.88
17 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/630 Implementation of the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations related to assistance to 3rd States affected by the application of sanctions
A/RES/51/207 C.6 147 A/51/PV.88
17 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/627 Establishment of an international criminal court
A/RES/51/206 C.6 144 A/51/PV.88
17 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/624 Convention on the law of the non-navigational uses of international watercourses
A/RES/51/205 Plenary 64 A/51/PV.88
17 Dec. 1996
A/51/L.60 Proclamation of 21 November as World Television Day
A/RES/51/204 Plenary 163 A/51/PV.88
17 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.56 Observer status for the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in the General Assembly
A/RES/51/203 Plenary 56 A/51/PV.88
17 Dec. 1996
A/51/L.62/Rev.1 The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
A/RES/51/202 Plenary 45 A/51/PV.88
17 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.55 Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development
A/RES/51/201 Plenary 16 A/51/PV.88
17 Dec. 1996
without vote
Tribute to Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Secretary-General of the United Nations
A/RES/51/200 Plenary 16 A/51/PV.88
17 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.66 Appointment of the Secretary-General of the United Nations
A/RES/51/199B Plenary 40 A/51/PV.105
31 July 1997
without vote
A/51/L.76 United Nations Office of Verification in El Salvador
A/RES/51/199A Plenary 40 A/51/PV.87
17 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.58 United Nations Office of Verification in El Salvador
A/RES/51/198C Plenary 40 A/51/PV.105
31 July 1997
without vote
United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala
A/RES/51/198B Plenary 40 A/51/PV.94
27 Mar. 1997
without vote
A/51/L.69 United Nations Verification Mission in Guatemala
A/RES/51/198A Plenary 40 A/51/PV.87
17 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.57 United Nations Mission for Verification of Human Rights and of Compliance with the Commitments of the Comprehensive Agreement of Human Rights in Guatemala
A/RES/51/197 Plenary 40 A/51/PV.87
17 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.18/Rev.1 The situation in Central America
A/RES/51/196B Plenary 37 A/51/PV.105
31 July 1997
without vote
The situation of democracy and human rights in Haiti
A/RES/51/196A Plenary 37 A/51/PV.87
17 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.63 The situation of democracy and human rights in Haiti
A/RES/51/195A-B Plenary 21c, 39 A/51/PV.87
17 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.49 Emergency international assistance for peace, normalcy and reconstruction of war-stricken Afghanistan
A/RES/51/195 B Plenary 21c, 39 A/51/PV.87
17 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.49 The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security
A/RES/51/195 A Plenary 21c, 39 A/51/PV.87
17 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.49 Emergency international assistance for peace, normalcy and reconstruction of war-stricken Afghanistan
A/RES/51/194 Plenary 21a A/51/PV.87
17 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.45/Rev.1 Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations
A/RES/51/193 Plenary 11 A/51/PV.87
17 Dec. 1996
A/51/L.64 Report of the Security Council
A/RES/51/192 Plenary 98 A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.59 Commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the operations of the United Nations Children's Fund
A/RES/51/191 C.2 12 A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/601 United Nations Declaration against Corruption and Bribery in International Commercial Transactions
A/RES/51/190 C.2 12 A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
A/51/601 Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources
A/RES/51/189 C.2 12 A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/601 Institutional arrangements for the implementation of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities
A/RES/51/188 C.2 99 A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/607 United Nations Institute for Training and Research
A/RES/51/187 C.2 99 A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/607 United Nations University
A/RES/51/186 C.2 98 A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/606 Progress at mid-decade on the implementation of General Assembly resolution 45/217 on the World Summit for Children
A/RES/51/185 C.2 97f A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/605/Add.6 International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
A/RES/51/184 C.2 97e A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/605/Add.5 Protection of global climate for present and future generations of mankind
A/RES/51/183 C.2 97d A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/605/Add.4 Implementation of the outcome of the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States
A/RES/51/182 C.2 97c A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/605/Add.3 Convention on Biological Diversity
A/RES/51/181 C.2 97b A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/605/Add.2 Special session for the purpose of an overall review and appraisal of the implementation of Agenda 21
A/RES/51/180 C.2 97a A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/605/Add.1 Elaboration of an international convention to combat desertification in those countries experiencing serious drought and/or desertification, particularly in Africa
A/RES/51/179 C.2 96g A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/604/Add.7 Report of the World Commission on Culture and Development
A/RES/51/178 C.2 96f A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/604/Add.6 First United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty
A/RES/51/177 C.2 96e A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/604/Add.5 Implementation of the outcome of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II)
A/RES/51/176 C.2 96d A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/604/Add.4 Implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development
A/RES/51/175 C.2 96c A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/604/Add.3 Integration of the economies in transition into the world economy
A/RES/51/174 C.2 96b A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/604/Add.2 Renewal of the dialogue on strengthening international economic cooperation for development through partnership
A/RES/51/173 C.2 96a A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/604/Add.1 Implementation of the commitments and policies agreed upon in the Declaration on International Economic Cooperation, in particular the Revitalization of Economic Growth and Development of the Developing Countries, and implementation of the International Development Strategy for the 4th United Nations Development Decade
A/RES/51/172 C.2 96 A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/604 and Add.8 Communication for development programmes in the United Nations System
A/RES/51/171 C.2 95 A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/603 Food and sustainable agricultural development
A/RES/51/170 C.2 95 A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/603 Industrial development cooperation
A/RES/51/169 C.2 94 A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/602 Commodities
A/RES/51/168 C.2 94 A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/602 Transit environment in the landlocked States in Central Asia and their transit developing neighbours
A/RES/51/167 C.2 94 A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/602 International trade and development
A/RES/51/166 C.2 94 A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/602 Global financial integration and strengthening collaboration between the United Nations and the Bretton Woods institutions
A/RES/51/165 C.2 94 A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/602 Net flows and transfer of resources between developing and developed countries
A/RES/51/164 C.2 94 A/51/PV.86
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/602 Enhancing international cooperation towards a durable solution to the external debt problem of developing countries
A/RES/51/163 C.6 149 A/51/PV.85
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/629 Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country
A/RES/51/162 C.6 148 A/51/PV.85
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/628 Model Law on Electronic Commerce adopted by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
A/RES/51/161 C.6 148 A/51/PV.85
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/628 Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on the work of its 29th session
A/RES/51/160 C.6 146 A/51/PV.85
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/626 Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its 48th session
A/RES/51/159 C.6 145 A/51/PV.85
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/625 Action to be taken in 1999 dedicated to the centennial of the 1st International Peace Conference and to the closing of the United Nations Decade of International Law
A/RES/51/158 C.6 145 A/51/PV.85
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/625 Electronic treaty database
A/RES/51/157 C.6 145 A/51/PV.85
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/625 United Nations Decade of International Law
A/RES/51/156 C.6 143 A/51/PV.85
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/623 Consideration of effective measures to enhance the protection, security and safety of diplomatic and consular missions and representatives
A/RES/51/155 C.6 142 A/51/PV.85
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/622 Status of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and relating to the protection of victims of armed conflicts
A/RES/51/154B C.5 155 A/51/PV.101
13 June 1997
without vote
A/51/712/Add.1 Financing of the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force
A/RES/51/154A C.5 155 A/51/PV.85
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/712 Financing of the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force
A/RES/51/153B C.5 154 A/51/PV.101
13 June 1997
without vote
A/51/711/Add.1 Financing of the United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium
A/RES/51/153A C.5 154 A/51/PV.85
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/711 Financing of the United Nations Transitional Administration for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium
A/RES/51/152B C.5 153 A/51/PV.101
13 June 1997
without vote
A/51/710/Add.1 Financing of the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina
A/RES/51/152A C.5 153 A/51/PV.85
16 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/710 Financing of the United Nations Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina
A/RES/51/151 Plenary 42 A/51/PV.84
13 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.19/Rev.1 Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity
A/RES/51/150 Plenary 21d A/51/PV.84
13 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.41 Assistance to the Palestinian people
A/RES/51/149 Plenary 34 A/51/PV.84
13 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.44 Assistance in mine clearance
A/RES/51/148 Plenary 61 A/51/PV.84
13 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.53 Cooperation between the United Nations and the International Organization for Migration
A/RES/51/147 Plenary 19 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/L.23 Amended by A/51/L.46 Dissemination of information on decolonization
A/RES/51/146 Plenary 19 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/L.51 Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples
A/RES/51/145 C.4 19 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/588 Question of Tokelau
A/RES/51/144 C.4 19 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/588 Question of New Caledonia
A/RES/51/143 C.4 19 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/588 Question of Western Sahara
A/RES/51/142 C.4 91 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/598 Offers by Member States of study and training facilities for inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/51/141 C.4 90, 12 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/597 Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations
A/RES/51/140 C.4 89, 19 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/596 Activities of foreign economic and other interests which impede the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Territories under colonial domination
A/RES/51/139 C.4 88 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/595 Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations
A/RES/51/138A-B C.4 87 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/594 Amended by A/51/L.61 Questions relating to information
A/RES/51/138 B C.4 87 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/594 Amended by A/51/L.61 United Nations public information policies and activities
A/RES/51/138 A C.4 87 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/594 Information in the service of humanity
A/RES/51/137 C.4 86 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/593 and Corr.1 Convention on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel
A/RES/51/136 C.4 86 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/593 and Corr.1 Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects
A/RES/51/135 C.4 85 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/592 The occupied Syrian Golan
A/RES/51/134 C.4 85 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/592 Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem
A/RES/51/133 C.4 85 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/592 Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan
A/RES/51/132 C.4 85 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/592 Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories
A/RES/51/131 C.4 85 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/592 Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories
A/RES/51/130 C.4 84 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/591 University of Jerusalem "Al-Quds" for Palestine refugees
A/RES/51/129 C.4 84 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/591 Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues
A/RES/51/128 C.4 84 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/591 Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
A/RES/51/127 C.4 84 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/591 Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training for Palestine refugees
A/RES/51/126 C.4 84 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/591 Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities
A/RES/51/125 C.4 84 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/591 Working Group on the Financing of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
A/RES/51/124 C.4 84 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
A/51/591 Assistance to Palestine refugees
A/RES/51/123 C.4 83 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/590 International cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space
A/RES/51/122 C.4 83 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/590 Declaration on International Cooperation in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space for the Benefit and in the Interest of All States, Taking into Particular Account the Needs of Developing Countries
A/RES/51/121 C.4 82 A/51/PV.83
13 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/589 Effects of atomic radiation
A/RES/51/120 C.3 158 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/620 Question of the elaboration of an international convention against organized transnational crime
A/RES/51/119 C.3 110d A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.4 Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
A/RES/51/118 C.3 110d A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.4 Comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action
A/RES/51/117 C.3 110c A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.3 Situation of human rights in Myanmar
A/RES/51/116 C.3 110c A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
A/51/619/Add.3 Situation of human rights in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)
A/RES/51/115 C.3 110c A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.3 Rape and abuse of women in the areas of armed conflict in the former Yugoslavia
A/RES/51/114 C.3 110c A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.3 Situation of human rights in Rwanda
A/RES/51/113 C.3 110c A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
A/51/619/Add.3 Situation of human rights in Cuba
A/RES/51/112 C.3 110c A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
A/51/619/Add.3 Situation of human rights in the Sudan
A/RES/51/111 C.3 110c A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
A/51/619/Add.3 Situation of human rights in Kosovo
A/RES/51/110 C.3 110c A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.3 Human rights in Haiti
A/RES/51/109 C.3 110c A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
A/51/619/Add.3 Situation of human rights in Nigeria
A/RES/51/108 C.3 110c A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.3 Situation of human rights in Afghanistan
A/RES/51/107 C.3 110c A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
A/51/619/Add.3 Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran
A/RES/51/106 C.3 110c A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
A/51/619/Add.3 Situation of human rights in Iraq
A/RES/51/105 C.3 110b A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.2 Strengthening of United Nations action in the field of human rights through the promotion of international cooperation and the importance of non-selectivity, impartiality and objectivity
A/RES/51/104 C.3 110b A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.2 United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education and public information activities in the field of human rights
A/RES/51/103 C.3 110b A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
A/51/619/Add.2 Human rights and unilateral coercive measures
A/RES/51/102 C.3 110b A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.2 Regional arrangements for the promotion and protection of human rights
A/RES/51/101 C.3 110b A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.2 Culture of peace
A/RES/51/100 C.3 110b A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
A/51/619/Add.2 Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights
A/RES/51/99 C.3 110b A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.2 Right to development
A/RES/51/98 C.3 110b A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.2 Situation of human rights in Cambodia
A/RES/51/97 C.3 110b A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.2 Human rights and extreme poverty
A/RES/51/96 C.3 110b A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.2 Strengthening of the rule of law
A/RES/51/95 C.3 110b A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.2 Follow-up to the United Nations Year for Tolerance
A/RES/51/94 C.3 110b A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.2 Question of enforced or involuntary disappearances
A/RES/51/93 C.3 110b A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.2 Elimination of all forms of religious intolerance
A/RES/51/92 C.3 110b A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.2 Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions
A/RES/51/91 C.3 110b A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.2 Effective promotion of the Declaration on the Rights of Persons belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities
A/RES/51/90 C.3 110b A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.2 Strengthening of the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights/Centre for Human Rights
A/RES/51/89 C.3 110b A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
A/51/619/Add.2 Respect for the right to universal freedom of travel and the vital importance of family reunification
A/RES/51/88 C.3 110a A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.1 Commemoration of the 50th anniversary
A/RES/51/87 C.3 110a A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.1 Effective implementation of international instruments on human rights, including reporting obligations under international instruments on human rights
A/RES/51/86 C.3 110a A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.1 Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
A/RES/51/85 C.3 110a A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/619/Add.1 International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families
A/RES/51/84 C.3 109 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/618 Universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination
A/RES/51/83 C.3 109 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
A/51/618 Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination
A/RES/51/82 C.3 109 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
A/51/618 The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination
A/RES/51/81 C.3 108 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/617 Third Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination
A/RES/51/80 C.3 108 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/617 International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
A/RES/51/79 C.3 108 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/617 Measures to combat contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance
A/RES/51/78 C.3 107 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/616 International Decade of the World's Indigenous People
A/RES/51/77 C.3 106 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/615 The rights of the child
A/RES/51/76 C.3 106 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/615 The girl child
A/RES/51/75 C.3 105 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/614 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
A/RES/51/74 C.3 105 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/614 New international humanitarian order
A/RES/51/73 C.3 105 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/614 Assistance to unaccompanied refugee minors
A/RES/51/72 C.3 105 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/614 Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
A/RES/51/71 C.3 105 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/614 Assistance to refugees, returnees and displaced persons in Africa
A/RES/51/70 C.3 105 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/614 Follow-up to the Regional Conference to Address the Problems of Refugees, Displaced Persons, Other Forms of Involuntary Displacement and Returnees in the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Relevant Neighbouring States
A/RES/51/69 C.3 104 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/613 Follow-up to the 4th World Conference on Women and full implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
A/RES/51/68 C.3 103 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/612 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
A/RES/51/67 C.3 103 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/612 Improvement of the status of women in the Secretariat
A/RES/51/66 C.3 103 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/612 Traffic in women and girls
A/RES/51/65 C.3 103 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/612 Violence against women migrant workers
A/RES/51/64 C.3 102 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/611 International action to combat drug abuse and illicit production and trafficking
A/RES/51/63 C.3 101 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/610 Strengthening the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme, particularly its technical cooperation capacity
A/RES/51/62 C.3 101 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/610 Measures for prevention of the smuggling of aliens
A/RES/51/61 C.3 101 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/610 United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders
A/RES/51/60 C.3 101 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/610 United Nations Declaration on Crime and Public Security
A/RES/51/59 C.3 101 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/610 Action against corruption
A/RES/51/58 C.3 100 A/51/PV.82
12 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/609 The role of cooperative in the light of new economic and social trends
A/RES/51/57 Plenary 38 A/51/PV.81
12 Dec. 1996
A/51/L.52 Amended by A/51/L.54 Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
A/RES/51/56 C.1 62 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/567 Question of Antarctica
A/RES/51/55 C.1 81 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.21 The maintenance of international security
A/RES/51/54 C.1 80 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.20 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction
A/RES/51/53 C.1 79 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.19 African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty (Treaty of Pelindaba)
A/RES/51/52 C.1 78 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.18 Consolidation of the regime established by the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapon in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco
A/RES/51/51 C.1 77 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.17 and Corr.1 Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace
A/RES/51/50 C.1 76 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.16 Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region
A/RES/51/49 C.1 75 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.15 Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects
A/RES/51/48 C.1 74 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.14 The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East
A/RES/51/47A-C C.1 73 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.13 Expansion of the membership of the Conference on Disarmament
A/RES/51/47 C C.1 73 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.13 Report of the Conference on Disarmament
A/RES/51/47 B C.1 73 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.13 Report of the Disarmament Commission
A/RES/51/47 A C.1 73 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.13 Expansion of the membership of the Conference on Disarmament
A/RES/51/46A-F C.1 72 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.12 United Nations Disarmament Information Programme
A/RES/51/46 F C.1 72 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.12 Nations disarmament fellowship, training and advisory services
A/RES/51/46 E C.1 72 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.12 United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa
A/RES/51/46 D C.1 72 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.12 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons
A/RES/51/46 C C.1 72 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.12 Regional confidence-building measures
A/RES/51/46 B C.1 72 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.12 United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific
A/RES/51/46 A C.1 72 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.12 United Nations Disarmament Information Programme
A/RES/51/45A-T C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.11 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
A/RES/51/45 T C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.11 Status of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction
A/RES/51/45 S C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.11 An international agreement to ban anti-personnel landmines
A/RES/51/45 R C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.11 Bilateral nuclear arms negotiations and nuclear disarmament
A/RES/51/45 Q C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.11 Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels
A/RES/51/45 P C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.11 Measures to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol
A/RES/51/45 O C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.11 Nuclear disarmament
A/RES/51/45 N C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.11 Consolidation of peace through practical disarmament measures
A/RES/51/45 M C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.11 Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons
A/RES/51/45 L C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.11 Assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and collecting them
A/RES/51/45 K C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.11 Regional disarmament
A/RES/51/45 J C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.11 Prohibition of the dumping of radioactive wastes
A/RES/51/45 I C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.11 Bilateral nuclear arms negotiations and nuclear disarmament
A/RES/51/45 H C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.11 Transparency in armaments
A/RES/51/45 G C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.11 Nuclear disarmament with a view to the ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons
A/RES/51/45 F C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.11 Measures to curb the illicit transfer and use of conventional arms
A/RES/51/45 E C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.11 Observance of environmental norms in the drafting and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control
A/RES/51/45 D C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.11 Relationship between disarmament and development
A/RES/51/45 C C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.11 Convening of the 4th special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament
A/RES/51/45 B C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.11 The nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas
A/RES/51/45 A C.1 71 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.11 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
A/RES/51/44 C.1 70 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.10 Prevention of an arms race in outer space
A/RES/51/43 C.1 69 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.9 Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons
A/RES/51/42 C.1 68 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.8 Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia
A/RES/51/41 C.1 67 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.7 Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East
A/RES/51/40 C.1 64 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.4 The role of science and technology in the context of international security, disarmament and other related fields
A/RES/51/39 C.1 63 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
A/51/566/Add.3 The role of science and technology in the context of international security and disarmament
A/RES/51/38 C.1 61 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.2 Objective information on military matters, including transparency of military expenditures
A/RES/51/37 C.1 60 A/51/PV.79
10 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/566/Add.1 Prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons
A/RES/51/36 Plenary 24 A/51/PV.77
9 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.29 Large-scale pelagic drift-net fishing ; unauthorized fishing in zones of national jurisdiction; and fisheries by-catch and discards
A/RES/51/35 Plenary 24 A/51/PV.77
9 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.28 Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks
A/RES/51/34 Plenary 24 A/51/PV.77
9 Dec. 1996
A/51/L.21 Law of the sea
A/RES/51/33 Plenary 162 A/51/PV.75
6 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.42 Proclamation of 7 December as International Civil Aviation Day
A/RES/51/32 Plenary 44 A/51/PV.75
6 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.31 Mid-term review of the implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa in the 1990s
A/RES/51/31 Plenary 41 A/51/PV.75
6 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.20/Rev.1 Support by the United Nations System of the efforts of Governments to promote and consolidate new or restored democracies
A/RES/51/30A-I Plenary 21 A/51/PV.74
5 Dec. 1996
  Economic assistance to States affected by the implementation of the Security Council resolutions imposing sanctions on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
A/RES/51/30 J Plenary 21 A/51/PV.97
25 Apr. 1997
without vote
A/51/L.71 Emergency assistance for peace, normalcy and rehabilitation in Tajikistan
A/RES/51/30 I Plenary 21b A/51/PV.87
17 Dec. 1996
A/51/L.26 Emergency assistance to the Sudan
A/RES/51/30 H Plenary 21b A/51/PV.84
13 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.50/Rev.1 International assistance to Rwanda for the reintegration of returning refugees, the restoration of total peace, reconstruction and socio-economic development
A/RES/51/30 G Plenary 21b A/51/PV.84
13 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.37/Rev.1 Assistance for humanitarian relief and the economic and social rehabilitation of Somalia
A/RES/51/30 F Plenary 21b A/51/PV.84
13 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.27/Rev.1 Special emergency economic assistance to the Comoros
A/RES/51/30 E Plenary 21 A/51/PV.74
5 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.32/Rev.1 Assistance for the reconstruction and development of Djibouti
A/RES/51/30 D Plenary 21 A/51/PV.74
5 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.30 Assistance to Mozambique
A/RES/51/30 C Plenary 21 A/51/PV.74
5 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.25/Rev.1 Assistance for the reconstruction and development of Lebanon
A/RES/51/30 B Plenary 21 A/51/PV.74
5 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.24/Rev.1 Assistance for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Liberia
A/RES/51/30 A Plenary 21 A/51/PV.74
5 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.22 Economic assistance to States affected by the implementation of the Security Council resolutions imposing sanctions on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
A/RES/51/29 Plenary 33 A/51/PV.72
4 Dec. 1996
A/51/L.40 The Middle East peace process
A/RES/51/28 Plenary 33 A/51/PV.72
4 Dec. 1996
A/51/L.39 The Syrian Golan
A/RES/51/27 Plenary 33 A/51/PV.72
4 Dec. 1996
A/51/L.38 Jerusalem
A/RES/51/26 Plenary 35 A/51/PV.72
4 Dec. 1996
A/51/L.36 Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine
A/RES/51/25 Plenary 35 A/51/PV.72
4 Dec. 1996
A/51/L.35 Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat
A/RES/51/24 Plenary 35 A/51/PV.72
4 Dec. 1996
A/51/L.34 Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat
A/RES/51/23 Plenary 35 A/51/PV.72
4 Dec. 1996
A/51/L.33 Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People
A/RES/51/22 Plenary 159 A/51/PV.67
27 Nov. 1996
A/51/L.23 Elimination of coercive economic measures as a means of political and economic compulsion
A/RES/51/21 Plenary 26 A/51/PV.67
27 Nov. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.7/Rev.1 Cooperation between the United Nations and the Economic Cooperation Organization
A/RES/51/20 Plenary 30 A/51/PV.60
19 Nov. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.8 Cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States
A/RES/51/19 Plenary 32 A/51/PV.58
14 Nov. 1996
A/51/L.16 Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic
A/RES/51/18 Plenary 31 A/51/PV.58
14 Nov. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.17 Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference
A/RES/51/17 Plenary 27 A/51/PV.57
12 Nov. 1996
A/51/L.15 Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba
A/RES/51/16 Plenary 25 A/51/PV.56
11 Nov. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.14/Rev.1 Cooperation between the United Nations and the Caribbean Community
A/RES/51/15B C.5 157 A/51/PV.101
13 June 1997
without vote
A/51/638/Add.2 Financing of the United Nations Support Mission in Haiti
A/RES/51/15A C.5 157 A/51/PV.50
4 Nov. 1996
without vote
A/51/638 Financing of the United Nations Support Mission in Haiti
A/RES/51/14B C.5 134 A/51/PV.101
13 June 1997
without vote
A/51/637/Add.1 Financing of the United Nations Mission in Haiti
A/RES/51/14A C.5 134 A/51/PV.50
4 Nov. 1996
without vote
A/51/637 Financing of the United Nations Mission in Haiti
A/RES/51/13 C.5 129a A/51/PV.50
4 Nov. 1996
without vote
A/51/640 Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations
A/RES/51/12B C.5 129 A/51/PV.101
13 June 1997
without vote
A/51/639/Add.2 Financing of the United Nations Protection Force, the United Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia, the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force and the United Nations Peace Forces headquarters
A/RES/51/12A C.5 129 A/51/PV.50
4 Nov. 1996
without vote
A/51/639 Financing of the United Nations Protection Force, the United Nations Confidence Restoration Operation in Croatia, the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force and the United Nations Peace Forces headquarters
A/RES/51/11 Plenary 23 A/51/PV.50
4 Nov. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.13 Cooperation between the United Nations and the Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee
A/RES/51/10 Plenary 14 A/51/PV.43
29 Oct. 1996
A/51/L.9/Rev.1 Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency
A/RES/51/9B Plenary 3 A/51/PV.87
17 Dec. 1996
without vote
A/51/548/Add.1 Credentials of representatives to the 51st session of the General Assembly
A/RES/51/9A Plenary 3 A/51/PV.43
29 Oct. 1996
without vote
A/51/548 Credentials of representatives to the 51st session of the General Assembly
A/RES/51/8 Plenary 36 A/51/PV.41 25 Oct. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.3 International assistance for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Nicaragua
A/RES/51/7 Plenary 29 A/51/PV.41
25 Oct. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.6 Cooperation between the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union
A/RES/51/6 Plenary 160 A/51/PV.40
24 Oct. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.2 Observer status for the International Seabed Authority in the General Assembly
A/RES/51/5 Plenary 28 A/51/PV.40
24 Oct. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.4 Universal Congress on the Panama Canal
A/RES/51/4 Plenary 22 A/51/PV.40
24 Oct. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.5/Rev.1 Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of American States
A/RES/51/3C C.5 135 A/51/PV.101
13 June 1997
without vote
A/51/504/Add.2 Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia
A/RES/51/3B C.5 135 A/51/PV.94
27 Mar. 1997
without vote
A/51/504/Add.1 Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia
A/RES/51/3A C.5 135 A/51/PV.38
17 Oct. 1996
without vote
A/51/504 Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia
A/RES/51/2B C.5 126 A/51/PV.101
13 June 1997
without vote
A/51/502/Add.1 Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara
A/RES/51/2A C.5 126 A/51/PV.38
17 Oct. 1996
without vote
A/51/502 Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara
A/RES/51/1 Plenary 156 A/51/PV.35
15 Oct. 1996
without vote
A/51/L.1 Observer status for the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) in the General Assembly