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UN General Assembly Resolutions Tables

Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly at its 15th session

Resolutions and Decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 15th session: GAOR, 15th session, Supplement No. 16 + 16A

  • Volume I: Resolutions and Decisions, 20 September - 20 December 1960: A/4684 
  • Volume II: Resolutions and Decisions, 7 March - 21 April 1961: A/4684/Add.1
(numerical sequence in reverse order)
Resolution No. Plenary or Cttee. Agenda Item No. Meeting Record/ Date/ Press Release/ Vote Draft Topic
A/RES/1620(XV) C.5 50 A/PV.995
21 Apr. 1961
A/4740 amended Examination of the administrative and budgetary procedures of the United Nations
A/RES/1619(XV) C.5 50 A/PV.995
21 Apr. 1961
A/4740 amended United Nations operations in the Congo: 1961 cost estimates and financing
A/RES/1618(XV) Cred.Cttee 3b A/PV.995
21 Apr. 1961
A/4743 Credentials of the representatives to the 15th session of the General Assembly
A/RES/1617(XV) C.1 67, 86, 69, 73 A/PV.995
21 Apr. 1961
without vote
A/4723 Disarmament and the situation with regard to the fulfillment of General Assembly resolution 1378 (XIV) of 20 November 1959
A/RES/1616(XV) C.1 90 A/PV.995
21 Apr. 1961
A/4744 Complaint by the Revolutionary Government of Cuba regarding the various plans of aggression and acts of intervention being executed by the Government of the United States of America against the Republic of Cuba, constituting a manifest violation of its territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence, and a clear threat to international peace and security
A/RES/1615(XV) C.5 50 A/PV.995
21 Apr. 1961
A/4739 Review of the resolution relating to unforeseen and extraordinary expenses
A/RES/1614(XV) C.5 63 A/PV.995
21 Apr. 1961
without vote
A/4731 United Nations Joint Dtaff Pension Fund: supplementary amendments to the Regulations of the Fund
A/RES/1613(XV) C.5 51e A/PV.995
21 Apr. 1961
without vote
A/4730 Appointment to fill a vacancy in the membership of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal
A/RES/1612(XV) C.5 51b A/PV.995
21 Apr. 1961
without vote
A/4729 Appointment to fill a vacancy in the membership of the Committee of Contributions
A/RES/1611(XV) C.4 47 A/PV.995
21 Apr. 1961
without vote
A/4738 Offers by Member States of study and training facilities for inhabitants of Trust Territories
A/RES/1610(XV) C.4 13 A/PV.995
21 Apr. 1961
A/4738 Report of the Trusteeship Council
A/RES/1609(XV) C.4 13 A/PV.995
21 Apr. 1961
without vote
A/4738 The future of Tanganyika
A/RES/1608(XV) C.4 13 A/PV.994
21 Apr. 1961
A/4737 The future of the Trust Territory of the Cameroons under United Kingdom administration
A/RES/1607(XV) C.4 46 A/PV.994
21 Apr. 1961
A/4736 Dissemination of information on the United Nations and the International Trusteeship System in Trust Territories
A/RES/1606(XV) C.4 45 A/PV.994
21 Apr. 1961
without vote
A/4735 Land tenure and agrarian reform in Ruanda-Urundi
A/RES/1605(XV) C.4 45 A/PV.994
21 Apr. 1961
A/4735 Question of the future of Ruanda-Urundi
A/RES/1604(XV) SPC 26 A/PV.993
21 Apr. 1961
A/4734 (amended) Report of the Director of the Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
A/RES/1603(XV) Plenary 92 A/PV.992
20 Apr. 1961
A/L.345 and Add.1-5 The situation in Angola
A/RES/1602(XV) Plenary 20 A/PV.989
19 Apr. 1961
A/L.335, A/L.336 Admission of new Members to the United Nations
A/RES/1601(XV) Plenary 85 A/PV.985
15 Apr. 1961
A/L.347 The situation in the Republic of the Congo
A/RES/1600(XV) Plenary 85 A/PV.985
15 Apr. 1961
A/L.340 and Add.1-3, Add.3/Corr.1, Add.4 The situation in the Republic of the Congo
A/RES/1599(XV) Plenary 85 A/PV.985
15 Apr. 1961
A/L.339 and Add.1-5 (amended) The situation in the Republic of the Congo
A/RES/1598(XV) SPC 72 A/PV.981
13 Apr. 1961
A/4728 Question of race conflict in South Africa resulting from the policies of apartheid of the Government of the Union of South Africa
A/RES/1597(XV) SPC 70 A/PV.981
13 Apr. 1961
A/4718 Treatment of people of Indian and Indo-Pakistan origin in the Union of South Africa
A/RES/1596(XV) C.4 43 A/PV.979
07 Apr. 1961
A/4721 Question of South West Africa
A/RES/1595(XV) C.5 50 A/PV.973
03 Apr. 1961
A/4719 United Nations operations in the Congo: 1961 cost estimates and financing
A/RES/1594(XV) Plenary 91 A/PV.968
27 Mar. 1961
without vote
A/L.337 Agreement on the relationship between the United Nations and the International Development Association
A/RES/1593(XV) C.4 43 A/PV.963
16 Mar. 1961
A/4709 Appeal to Member States which have particularly close and continuous relations with the Government of the Union of South Africa, with respect to the situation in the territory of South West Africa
A/RES/1592(XV) Plenary 85 A/PV.958
20 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/PV.958 (p.1479) The situation in the Republic of the Congo
A/RES/1591(XV) C.5 61 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
A/4658 United Nations International School
A/RES/1590(XV) C.5 50 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
A/4681 United Nations operations in the Congo
A/RES/1589(XV) C.5 50 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4610 Transfer of the headquarters of the World Health Organization: amount to be reimbursed by the United Nations
A/RES/1588(XV) C.5 50 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4608 System of travel and subsistence allowances to members of organs and subsidiary organs of the United Nations
A/RES/1587(XV) C.5 50 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4677 Administrative arrangements under the draft Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs
A/RES/1586(XV) C.5 50 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
A/4677 Working Capital Fund for the financial year 1961
A/RES/1585(XV) C.5 50 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
A/4677 Unforeseen and extraordinary expenses for the financial year 1961
A/RES/1584(XV)A-C C.5 50 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
A/4677 Budget for the financial year 1961
A/RES/1584(XV) C C.5 50 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
A/4677 Financing of appropriations for the financial year 1961
A/RES/1584(XV) B C.5 50 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4677 Income estimates for the financial year 1961
A/RES/1584(XV) A C.5 50 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
A/4677 Budget appropriations for the financial year 1961
A/RES/1583(XV) C.5 49 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
A/4676 Supplementary estimates for the financial year 1960: United Nations operations in the Congo
A/RES/1582(XV) C.5 49 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
A/4675 Schedule of post-adjustments: classification for United Nations Headquarters and the European Office of the United Nations, Geneva
A/RES/1581(XV) C.5 49 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
A/4675 Supplementary estimates for the financial year 1960
A/RES/1580(XV) C.4 45 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
A/4672 Question of Mwami
A/RES/1579(XV) C.4 45 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
A/4672 Question of the future of Ruanda-Urundi
A/RES/1578(XV) C.1 69 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
A/4680 Suspension of nuclear and thermo-nuclear tests
A/RES/1577(XV) C.1 69 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
A/4680 Suspension of nuclear and thermo-nuclear tests
A/RES/1576(XV) C.1 73 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
A/4680 Prevention of the wider dissemination of nuclear weapons
A/RES/1575(XV) C.5 27a A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
A/4674 Cost estimates for the maintenance of the United Nations Emergency Force
A/RES/1574(XV) SPC 24 A/PV.960
20 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4659 Report of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation
A/RES/1573(XV) C.1 71 A/PV.956
19 Dec. 1960
A/4660 (amended) Question of Algeria
A/RES/1572(XV) C.3 76 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4668 Measures designed to promote among youth the ideals of peace, mutual respect and understanding between peoples
A/RES/1571(XV) C.3 82 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4667 Draft Declaration on the Right of Asylum
A/RES/1570(XV) C.3 36 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4666 Draft Declaration on Freedom of Information
A/RES/1569(XV) C.4 44 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4663 Question of the future of Western Samoa
A/RES/1568(XV) C.4 43 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4643 Question of South West Africa
A/RES/1567(XV) C.4 43 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4643 The Windhoek location
A/RES/1566(XV) C.4 43 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4643 Assistance of the specialized agencies and of the United Nations Children's Fund in the economic, social, and educational development of South West Africa
A/RES/1565(XV) C.4 43 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4643 Legal actions to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations assumed by the Union of South Africa in respect of the Territory of South West Africa
A/RES/1564(XV) C.4 43 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4643 Political freedom in South West Africa
A/RES/1563(XV) C.4 43 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4643 Petitions relating to the Territory of South West Africa
A/RES/1562(XV) C.5 64 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4646 Amendments to the Pension Scheme Regulations for members of the International Court of Justice
A/RES/1561(XV) C.5 63 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4621 United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund
A/RES/1560(XV) C.5 62 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4620 Annual report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board
A/RES/1559(XV) C.5 60 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4642 Geographical distribution of the staff of the Secretariat
A/RES/1558(XV) C.5 59 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4641 Public information activities of the United Nations
A/RES/1557(XV) C.5 58 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4601 Organization and work of the Secretariat
A/RES/1556(XV)A-B C.5 55 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4657 Report of the Negotiating Committee for Extra-Budgetary Funds
A/RES/1556(XV) B C.5 55 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4657 Report of the Negotiating Committee for Extra-Budgetary Funds
A/RES/1556(XV) A C.5 55 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4657 Report of the Negotiating Committee for Extra-Budgetary Funds
A/RES/1555(XV) C.5 54 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4662 Administrative budgets for 1961 of the specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency
A/RES/1554(XV)A-B C.5 54 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4662 Programme appraisals in the economic, social and human rights fields
A/RES/1554(XV) B C.5 54 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4662 Programme appraisals in the economic, social and human rights fields
A/RES/1554(XV) A C.5 54 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4662 Programme appraisals in the economic, social and human rights fields
A/RES/1553(XV) C.5 53 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4602 Audit reports relating to expenditure by specialized agencies and by the International Atomic Energy Agency of technical assistance funds allocated from the Special Account
A/RES/1552(XV) C.5 52 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4640 Scale of assessment for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations
A/RES/1551(XV) C.5 51e A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4548 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the un Administrative Tribunal
A/RES/1550(XV) C.5 51c A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4568 Appointment to fill a vacancy in the membership of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/1549(XV) C.5 51b A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4567 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Committee of Contributions
A/RES/1548(XV) C.5 51e A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4593 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
A/RES/1547(XV) C.5 48 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4552 United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency: final financial report and accounts and report of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/1546(XV) C.5 48 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4552 Voluntary funds administered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees: accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1959 and report of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/1545(XV) C.5 48 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4552 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1959 and report of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/1544(XV) C.5 48 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4552 United Nations Children's Fund: financial reports and accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1959 and reports of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/1543(XV) C.5 48 A/PV.954
18 Dec. 1960
A/4552 United Nations: financial reports and accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1959 and reports of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/1542(XV) C.4 38 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4651 Transmission of information under Article 73 e of the Charter
A/RES/1541(XV) C.4 38 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4651 Principles which should guide Members in determining whether or not an obligation exists to transmit the information called for under Article 73 e of the Charter
A/RES/1540(XV) C.4 41 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4650 Offers by Member States of study and training facilities for inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/1539(XV) C.4 40 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4650 Participation of the Non-Self-Governing Territories in the work of the United Nations and of the specialized agencies
A/RES/1538(XV) C.4 39 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4650 Dissemination of information on the United Nations in the Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/1537(XV) C.4 37 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4650 Report on economic conditions in Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/1536(XV) C.4 37 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4650 Racial discrimination in Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/1535(XV) C.4 37 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4650 Progress achieved in Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/1534(XV) C.4 40 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4650 Preparation and training of indigenous civil and technical cadres in Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/1533(XV) C.2 30c A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4649 Confirmation of the allocation of funds for the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance in 1961
A/RES/1532(XV) C.2 30 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4649 United Nations programmes of technical assistance : arrangements to facilitate the prompt supply of technical assistance personnel
A/RES/1531(XV) C.2 30 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4649 Possibilities of increasing voluntary contributions to the Operational Fund of the International Atomic Energy Agency
A/RES/1530(XV) C.2 30b A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4649 United Nations assistance in public administration : provision of operational, executive and administrative personnel
A/RES/1529(XV) C.2 28, 30 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4649 Contributions to the Special Fund and to the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance
A/RES/1528(XV) C.2 32 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4649 Question of assistance to Libya
A/RES/1527(XV) C.2 31 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4649 Assistance to former Trust Territories and other newly independent States
A/RES/1526(XV) C.2 74 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4648 Land reform
A/RES/1525(XV) C.2 12, 29 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4648 Activities of the United Nations in the field of industrial development
A/RES/1524(XV) C.2 29 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4648 Financing of economic development of less developed countries trough long-term loans and in other advantageous ways, and ensuring and increasing share in world trade for their products
A/RES/1523(XV) C.2 29 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4648 International credit insurance
A/RES/1522(XV) C.2 29 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4648, A/L.330 and Add.1 Accelerated flow of capital and technical assistance to the developing countries
A/RES/1521(XV) C.2 29 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4648 Establishment of a United Nations capital development fund
A/RES/1520(XV) C.2 29 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4648 Improvement of the terms of trade between the industrial and the under-developed countries
A/RES/1519(XV) C.2 12, 29 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4648 Strengthening and development of the world market and improvement of the trade conditions of the economically less developed countries
A/RES/1518(XV) C.2 12, 29 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4648 Decentralization of the United Nations economic and social activities and strengthening of the regional economic commissions
A/RES/1517(XV) C.2 12, 29 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4648 Projections
A/RES/1516(XV) C.2 29 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
A/4648 Economic and social consequences of disarmament
A/RES/1515(XV) C.2 12, 29 A/PV.948
15 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4648 Concerted action for economic development of economically less developed countries
A/RES/1514(XV) Plenary 87 A/PV.947
14 Dec. 1960
A/L.323 and Add.1-6 Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples
A/RES/1513(XV) Plenary 11 A/PV.943
12 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/L.326 Report of the Security Council
A/RES/1512(XV) C.3 83 A/PV.943
12 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4635 Main trends of inquiry in the natural sciences, dissemination of scientific knowledge and application of such knowledge for peaceful ends
A/RES/1511(XV) C.3 12 A/PV.943
12 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4615 Teaching of the purposes and principles, the structure and activities of the United Nations and its related agencies
A/RES/1510(XV) C.3 12 A/PV.943
12 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4615 Manifestations of racial and national hatred
A/RES/1509(XV) C.3 12 A/PV.943
12 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4615 United Nations assistance for the advancement of women in developing countries
A/RES/1508(XV) C.3 12 A/PV.943
12 Dec. 1960
A/4615 Low-cost housing and related community facilities
A/RES/1507(XV) C.3 12 A/PV.943
12 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4615 United Nations Children's Fund
A/RES/1506(XV) C.6 66 A/PV.943
12 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4619 Question of the publication of a United Nation juridical yearbook
A/RES/1505(XV) C.6 65 A/PV.943
12 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4605 Future work in the field of the codification and progressive development of international law
A/RES/1504(XV) C.6 65 A/PV.943
12 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4605 Report of the International Law Commission covering the work of its 12th session
A/RES/1503(XV) Plenary 14 A/PV.943
12 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/L.327 Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency
A/RES/1502(XV) C.3 33 A/PV.935
05 Dec. 1960
A/4582 World Refugee Year
A/RES/1501(XV) C.3 33 A/PV.935
05 Dec. 1960
without vote
A/4582 Expression of appreciation to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
A/RES/1500(XV) C.3 33 A/PV.935
05 Dec. 1960
A/4582 Refugees from Algeria in Morocco and Tunisia
A/RES/1499(XV) C.3 33 A/PV.935
05 Dec. 1960
A/4582 Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
A/RES/1498(XV) Cred.Cttee 3b A/PV.924
22 Nov. 1960
A/4578 Credentials of the representatives of the Republic of the Congo (Leopoldville)
A/RES/1497(XV) SPC 68 A/PV.909
31 Oct. 1960
without vote
A/4553 The status of the German-speaking element in the Province of Bolzano (Bozen); implementation of the Paris Agreement of 5 September 1946
A/RES/1496(XV) C.2 29 A/PV.908
27 Oct. 1960
without vote
A/4551 Provision of food surpluses to food-deficient peoples through the United Nations system
A/RES/1495(XV) Plenary 9 A/PV.907
17 Oct. 1960
A/L.320 and Add.1-6 Co-operation of Member States
A/RES/1494(XV) C.5 51b A/PV.906
17 Oct. 1960
without vote
A/4538 Appointment to fill a vacancy in the membership of the Committee on Contributions
A/RES/1493(XV) Gen.Cttee 8 A/PV.895
08 Oct. 1960
A/4520 Representation of China in the United Nations
A/RES/1492(XV) Plenary 20 A/PV.893
07 Oct. 1960
without vote
A/L.318 Admission of the Federation of Nigeria to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1491(XV) Plenary 20 A/PV.876
28 Sept. 1960
without vote
A/L.310 Admission of the Republic of Mali to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1490(XV) Plenary 20 A/PV.876
28 Sept. 1960
without vote
A/L.309 Admission of the Republic of Senegal to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1489(XV) Plenary 20 A/PV.864
20 Sept. 1960
without vote
A/L.308 Admission of the Republic of Cyprus to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1488(XV) Plenary 20 A/PV.864
20 Sept. 1960
without vote
A/L.307 Admission of the Central African Republic to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1487(XV) Plenary 20 A/PV.864
20 Sept. 1960
without vote
A/L.306 Admission of the Gabon Republic to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1486(XV) Plenary 20 A/PV.864
20 Sept. 1960
without vote
A/L.305 Admission of the Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville) to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1485(XV) Plenary 20 A/PV.864
20 Sept. 1960
without vote
A/L.304 Admission of the Republic of Chad to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1484(XV) Plenary 20 A/PV.864
20 Sept. 1960
without vote
A/L.303 Admission of the Republic of the Ivory Coast to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1483(XV) Plenary 20 A/PV.864
20 Sept. 1960
without vote
A/L.302 Admission of the Republic of the Upper Volta to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1482(XV) Plenary 20 A/PV.864
20 Sept. 1960
without vote
A/L.301 Admission of the Republic of the Niger to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1481(XV) Plenary 20 A/PV.864
20 Sept. 1960
without vote
A/L.300 Admission of the Republic of Dahomey to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1480(XV) Plenary 20 A/PV.864
20 Sept. 1960
without vote
A/L.299 Admission of the Republic of the Congo (Leopoldville) to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1479(XV) Plenary 20 A/PV.864
20 Sept. 1960
without vote
A/L.298 Admission of the Republic of Somalia to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1478(XV) Plenary 20 A/PV.864
20 Sept. 1960
without vote
A/L.297 Admission of the Malagasy Republic to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1477(XV) Plenary 20 A/PV.864
20 Sept. 1960
without vote
A/L.296 Admission of the Togolese Republic to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1476(XV) Plenary 20 A/PV.864
20 Sept. 1960
without vote
A/L.295 Admission of the Republic of Cameroun to membership in the United Nations