Resolutions and Decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 14th session: GAOR, 14th session, Supplement No. 16, Press Release GA/1900
A/RES/14/1-A/RES/14/... (numerical sequence in reverse order) |
Resolution No. | Plenary or Cttee. | Agenda Item No. | Meeting Record/ Date/ Press Release/ Vote | Draft | Topic |
A/RES/1473(XIV) | C.4 | 41b | A/PV.857 12 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4348 | The future of the Trust Territory of the Cameroons under United Kingdom administration: organization of a further plebiscite in the northern part of the Territory |
A/RES/1472(XIV) A-B | C.1 | 25 | A/PV.856 12 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4351 | International co-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space |
A/RES/1472(XIV) B | C.1 | 25 | A/PV.856 12 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4351 | International co-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space |
A/RES/1472(XIV) A | C.1 | 25 | A/PV.856 12 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4351 | International co-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space |
A/RES/1471(XIV) | C.4 | 36 | A/PV.855 12 Dec. 1959 71-0-3 non-recorded |
A/4343 | Offers by Member States of study and training facilities for inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories |
A/RES/1470(XIV) | C.4 | 36 | A/PV.855 12 Dec. 1959 58-12-10 non-recorded |
A/4343 | Effects of the European Economic Community on the development of certain Non-Self-Governing Territories |
A/RES/1469(XIV) | C.4 | 36 | A/PV.855 12 Dec. 1959 58-0-17 non-recorded |
A/4343 | Cessation of the transmission of information under Article 73 e of the Charter in respect of Alaska and Hawaii |
A/RES/1468(XIV) | C.4 | 36 | A/PV.855 12 Dec. 1959 50-13-9 non-recorded |
A/4343 | Voluntary transmission of information on political developments in Non-Self-Governing Territories |
A/RES/1467(XIV) | C.4 | 36 | A/PV.855 12 Dec. 1959 54-5-15 |
A/4343 | General questions relating to the transmission and examination of information |
A/RES/1466(XIV) | C.4 | 36 | A/PV.855 12 Dec. 1959 66-0-3 non-recorded |
A/4343 | Participation of the Non-Self-Governing Territories in the work of the United Nations and of the specialized agencies |
A/RES/1465(XIV) | C.4 | 36 | A/PV.855 12 Dec. 1959 71-0-1 non-recorded |
A/4343 | Dissemination of information on the United Nations in the Non-Self-Governing Territories |
A/RES/1464(XIV) | C.4 | 36 | A/PV.855 12 Dec. 1959 68-0-0 non-recorded |
A/4343 | Equal treatment in matters relating to education in Non-Self-Governing Territories |
A/RES/1463(XIV) | C.4 | 36 | A/PV.855 12 Dec. 1959 68-0-2 non-recorded |
A/4343 | Development of primary education in Non-Self-Governing Territories |
A/RES/1462(XIV) | C.4 | 36 | A/PV.855 12 Dec. 1959 66-0-2 non-recorded |
A/4343 | Report on educational conditions in Non-Self-Governing Territories |
A/RES/1461(XIV) | C.4 | 36 | A/PV.855 12 Dec. 1959 62-0-3 non-recorded |
A/4343 | Progress achieved by the Non-Self-Governing Territories in pursuance of Chapter XI of the Charter |
A/RES/1460(XIV) | SPC | 60 | A/PV.852 10 Dec. 1959 66-0-12 |
A/4345 | Treatment of people of Indian origin in the Union of South Africa |
A/RES/1459(XIV) | C.3 | 35 | A/PV.852 10 Dec. 1959 57-2-17 non-recorded |
A/4341 | Draft Convention on Freedom of Information |
A/RES/1458(XIV) | C.3 | 34 | A/PV.852 10 Dec. 1959 70-0-4 non-recorded |
A/4299 and Corr.1 | Draft International Covenants on Human Rights |
A/RES/1457(XIV) | Cred.Cttee | 3b | A/PV.852 10 Dec. 1959 72-1-1 non-recorded |
A/4346 | Credentials of representatives to the 14th session of the General Assembly |
A/RES/1456(XIV) | SPC | 27 | A/PV.851 09 Dec. 1959 80-0-1 non-recorded |
A/4342 | United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East |
A/RES/1455(XIV) | C.1 | 26 | A/PV.851 09 Dec. 1959 54-9-17 |
A/4307 | The Korean question |
A/RES/1454(XIV) | Plenary | 74 | A/PV.851 09 Dec. 1959 53-10-17 |
A/L.273 | Question of Hungary |
A/RES/1453(XIV) | C.6 | 58 | A/PV.847 07 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4333 | Study of the juridical régime of historic waters, including historic bays |
A/RES/1452(XIV) A-B | C.6 | 65 | A/PV.847 07 Dec. 1959 |
A/4311 | Reservations to multilateral conventions: the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization |
A/RES/1452(XIV) B | C.6 | 65 | A/PV.847 07 Dec. 1959 74-0-1 non-recorded |
A/4311 | Reservations to multilateral conventions: the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization |
A/RES/1452(XIV) A | C.6 | 65 | A/PV.847 07 Dec. 1959 72-1-2 non-recorded |
A/4311 | Reservations to multilateral conventions: the Convention on the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization |
A/RES/1451(XIV) | C.6 | 57 | A/PV.847 07 Dec. 1959 71-0-2 non-recorded |
A/4312 | Question of the publication of a United Nations juridical yearbook |
A/RES/1450(XIV) | C.6 | 56 | A/PV.847 07 Dec. 1959 67-0-5 non-recorded |
A/4305 | International conference of plenipotentiaries on diplomatic intercourse and immunities |
A/RES/1449(XIV) | C.5 | 44 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4336 | Budget estimates for the financial year 1960 |
A/RES/1448(XIV) | C.5 | 44 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 63-9-8 non-recorded |
A/4336 | Amount of the Working Capital Fund |
A/RES/1447(XIV) | C.5 | 44 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4336 | Modernization of the Palais des Nations |
A/RES/1446(XIV) | C.5 | 44 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4336 | Organization and management of work of the Secretariat of the United Nations |
A/RES/1445(XIV) | C.5 | 44 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 62-9-4 non-recorded |
A/4336 | Working Capital Fund for the financial year 1960 |
A/RES/1444(XIV) | C.5 | 44 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4336 | Unforeseen and extraordinary expenses for the financial year 1960 |
A/RES/1443(XIV) | C.5 | 44 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 71-0-9 non-recorded |
A/4336 | Budget appropriations for the financial year 1960 |
A/RES/1442(XIV) | Plenary | 28 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/L.272 | United Nations Emergency Force |
A/RES/1441(XIV) | C.5 | 28 a, 28b | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 49-9-21 |
A/4335 | United Nations Emergency Force |
A/RES/1440(XIV) A-B | C.5 | 46 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 66-0-9 non-recorded |
A/4334 | Report of the Negotiating Committee for Extra-Budgetary Funds |
A/RES/1440(XIV) B | C.5 | 46 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 66-0-9 non-recorded |
A/4334 | Report of the Negotiating Committee for Extra-Budgetary Funds |
A/RES/1440(XIV) A | C.5 | 46 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 66-0-9 non-recorded |
A/4334 | Report of the Negotiating Committee for Extra-Budgetary Funds |
A/RES/1439(XIV) | C.5 | 51 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 55-0-19 non-recorded |
A/4331 | United Nations International School |
A/RES/1438(XIV) | C.5 | 49 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4276 | Panel of External Auditors |
A/RES/1437(XIV) | C.5 | 49 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 78-0-0 non-recorded |
A/4328 | Administrative and budgetary co-ordination between the United Nations and the specialized agencies |
A/RES/1436(XIV) | C.5 | 54 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 74-0-0 non-recorded |
A/4329 | Geographical distribution of the staff of the Secretariat of the United Nations |
A/RES/1435(XIV) | C.5 | 43 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 66-0-9 non-recorded |
A/4327 | Supplementary estimates for the financial year 1959 |
A/RES/1434(XIV) | C.5 | 12 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4316 | Report of the Economic and Social Council (chapter X) |
A/RES/1433(XIV) | C.2 | 32 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 51-9-19 non-recorded |
A/4332 | Progress report of the Administrator for Residual Affairs of the United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency |
A/RES/1432(XIV) | C.2 | 31c | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4322 and Corr.1 | Confirmation of the allocation of funds for the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance in 1960 |
A/RES/1431(XIV) | C.2 | 30, 12 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4321 | Commission for industrial development |
A/RES/1430(XIV) | C.2 | 30, 12 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4321 | Latin American common market |
A/RES/1429(XIV) | C.2 | 30, 12 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4321 | Development of scientific and technical co-operation and exchange of experience |
A/RES/1428(XIV) | C.2 | 30, 12 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4321 | World economic development |
A/RES/1427(XIV) | C.2 | 30, 12 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 73-0-9 non-recorded |
A/4321 | Industrial development banks and development corporations |
A/RES/1426(XIV) | C.2 | 30, 12 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 81-0-1 |
A/4321 | Agrarian reform |
A/RES/1425(XIV) | C.2 | 30, 12 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 80-0-1 non-recorded |
A/4321 | Possibilities of international co-operation in the field of development of the petroleum industry in the under-developed countries |
A/RES/1424(XIV) | C.2 | 30, 12 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 67-0-15 |
A/4321 | United Nations capital development fund |
A/RES/1423(XIV) | C.2 | 30, 12 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 72-0-9 non-recorded |
A/4321 | International measures to assist in offsetting fluctuations in commodity prices |
A/RES/1422(XIV) | C.2 | 30, 12 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4321 | Development of international trade and international commodity problems |
A/RES/1421(XIV) | C.2 | 30, 12 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 80-0-1 non-recorded |
A/4321 | Strengthening and development of the world market and improvement of the trade conditions of the economically less developed countries |
A/RES/1420(XIV) | C.2 | 30, 12 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 63-0-10 non-recorded |
A/4321 | International Development Association |
A/RES/1419(XIV) | C.4 | 13 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4320 | Plans of political reforms for the Trust Territory of Ruanda-Urundi |
A/RES/1418(XIV) | C.4 | 13 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4320 | Date of the independence of the Trust Territory of Somaliland under Italian administration |
A/RES/1417(XIV) | C.4 | 13 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4320 | Assistance to the Trust Territory of Togoland under French administration |
A/RES/1416(XIV) | C.4 | 13 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4320 | Date of the independence of the Trust Territory of Togoland under French administration |
A/RES/1415(XIV) | C.4 | 13 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4320 | Assistance to territories emerging from a trust status and to newly independent States |
A/RES/1414(XIV) | C.4 | 13 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 66-0-10 non-recorded |
A/4320 | Study of opportunities for international co-operation on behalf of the former Trust Territories which have become independent |
A/RES/1413(XIV) | C.4 | 13 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 52-15-8 non-recorded |
A/4320 | Attainment of self-government or independence by Trust Territories |
A/RES/1412(XIV) | C.4 | 13 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 68-0-9 non-recorded |
A/4320 | Preparation and training of indigenous civil cadres in the Trust Territories |
A/RES/1411(XIV) | C.4 | 39 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4320 | Offers by Member States of study and training facilities for inhabitants of Trust Territories |
A/RES/1410(XIV) | C.4 | 13 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 67-0-13 |
A/4320 | Dissemination of information on the United Nations and on the International Trusteeship System in Trust Territories |
A/RES/1409(XIV) | C.4 | 13 | A/PV.846 05 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4320 | Report of the Trusteeship Council |
A/RES/1408(XIV) | C.5 | 63 | A/PV.845 01 Dec. 1959 66-0-9 non-recorded |
A/4297, A/L.270 and Add.1 | Amendments to the Pension Scheme Regulations of the International Court of Justice |
A/RES/1407(XIV) | C.5 | 50 | A/PV.845 01 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4306 | Construction of the United Nations building in Santiago, Chile |
A/RES/1406(XIV) | C.5 | 53 | A/PV.845 01 Dec. 1959 without vote |
A/4298 | United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund |
A/RES/1405(XIV) | C.5 | 52 | A/PV.845 01 Dec. 1959 79-0-1 non-recorded |
A/4301 | Public information activities of the United Nations |
A/RES/1404(XIV) | SPC | 19, 20, 21 | A/PV.843 25 Nov. 1959 48-10-22 |
A/4256, A/L.269 | Question of an increase in the membership of the Security Council and of the Economic and Social Council |
A/RES/1403(XIV) | C.1 | 66 | A/PV.842 21 Nov. 1959 without vote |
A/4291 | Report of the Disarmament Commission |
A/RES/1402(XIV) A-B | C.1 | 69 | A/PV.842 21 Nov. 1959 |
A/4290 | Suspension of nuclear and thermo-nuclear tests |
A/RES/1402(XIV) B | C.1 | 69 | A/PV.842 21 Nov. 1959 60-1-20 |
A/4290 | Suspension of nuclear and thermo-nuclear tests |
A/RES/1402(XIV) A | C.1 | 69 | A/PV.842 21 Nov. 1959 78-0-2 non-recorded |
A/4290 | Suspension of nuclear and thermo-nuclear tests |
A/RES/1401(XIV) | C.6 | 55 | A/PV.842 21 Nov. 1959 63-0-3 non-recorded |
A/4253 | Preliminary studies on the legal problems relating to the utilization and use of international rivers |
A/RES/1400(XIV) | C.6 | 55 | A/PV.842 21 Nov. 1959 56-0-11 non-recorded |
A/4253 | Codification of the principles and rules of international law relating to the right of asylum |
A/RES/1399(XIV) | C.6 | 55 | A/PV.842 21 Nov. 1959 without vote |
A/4253 | Report of the International Law Commission covering the work of its 11th session |
A/RES/1398(XIV) | C.3 | 71 | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 68-0-13 non-recorded |
A/4279 | International encouragement of scientific research into the control of cancerous diseases |
A/RES/1397(XIV) | C.3 | 12 | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 75-0-1 non-recorded |
A/4250 and Corr.1, 2 | International relations and exchanges in the fields of education, science and culture |
A/RES/1396(XIV) | C.3 | 12 | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 57-0-22 |
A/4250 and Corr.1, 2 | Study of the question of capital punishment |
A/RES/1395(XIV) | C.3 | 12 | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 76-0-0 non-recorded |
A/4250 and Corr.1, 2 | Technical assistance in narcotics control |
A/RES/1394(XIV) | C.3 | 12 | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 70-0-9 non-recorded |
A/4250 and Corr.1, 2 | Juvenile delinquency |
A/RES/1393(XIV) | C.3 | 12 | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 78-0-0 non-recorded |
A/4250 and Corr.1, 2 | Low-cost housing |
A/RES/1392(XIV) | C.3 | 12 | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 78-0-0 non-recorded |
A/4250 and Corr.1, 2 | Interrelationship of the economic and social factors of development |
A/RES/1391(XIV) | C.3 | 12 | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 78-0-0 non-recorded |
A/4250 and Corr.1, 2 | United Nations Children's Fund |
A/RES/1390(XIV) | C.3 | 33 | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 63-9-5 non-recorded |
A/4278 | World Refugee Year |
A/RES/1389(XIV) | C.3 | 33 | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 74-0-3 non-recorded |
A/4278 | Refugees from Algeria in Morocco and Tunisia |
A/RES/1388(XIV) | C.3 | 33 | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 66-0-12 non-recorded |
A/4278 | Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees |
A/RES/1387(XIV) | C.3 | 64 | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 without vote |
A/4249 and Corr.2 | Publicity to be given to the Declaration of the Rights of the Child |
A/RES/1386(XIV) | C.3 | 64 | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 without vote |
A/4249 and Corr.2 | Declaration of the Rights of the Child |
A/RES/1385(XIV) | C.2 | 31b | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 64-0-16 non-recorded |
A/4287 | United Nations assistance in public administration |
A/RES/1384(XIV) | C.2 | 31a | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 81-0-0 non-recorded |
A/4287 | United Nations regular programme of technical assistance |
A/RES/1383(XIV) A-B | C.2 | 31a | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 78-0-0 non-recorded |
A/4287 | Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance |
A/RES/1383(XIV) B | C.2 | 31a | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 78-0-0 non-recorded |
A/4287 | Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance |
A/RES/1383(XIV) A | C.2 | 31a | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 78-0-0 non-recorded |
A/4287 | Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance |
A/RES/1382(XIV) | C.2 | 29 | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 without vote |
A/4245 | Progress and operations of the Special Fund |
A/RES/1381(XIV) | Plenary | 22 | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 72-0-9 non-recorded |
A/4199 | Report of the Committee on arrangements for a conference for the purpose of reviewing the Charter |
A/RES/1380(XIV) | C.1 | 67 | A/PV.841 20 Nov. 1959 68-0-12 |
A/4286 | Prevention of the wider dissemination of nuclear weapons |
A/RES/1379(XIV) | C.1 | 68 | A/PV.840 20 Nov. 1959 51-16-15 (amended) |
A/4280 | Question of French nuclear tests in the Sahara |
A/RES/1378(XIV) | C.1 | 70 | A/PV.840 20 Nov. 1959 without vote |
A/4265 | General and complete disarmament |
A/RES/1377(XIV) | Plenary | 11 | A/PV.839 17 Nov. 1959 without vote |
A/L.267 | Report of the Security Council |
A/RES/1376(XIV) | Plenary | 24 | A/PV.839 17 Nov. 1959 78-0-0 non-recorded |
A/L.268 | Progress report of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation |
A/RES/1375(XIV) | SPC | 61 | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 62-3-7 |
A/4271 | Question of race conflict in South Africa resulting from the policies of apartheid of the Government of the Union of South Africa |
A/RES/1374(XIV) | C.5 | 48 | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 without vote |
A/4275 | Audit reports relating to expenditure by specialized agencies of technical assistance funds allocated from the Special Account |
A/RES/1373(XIV) A-B | C.5 | 47 | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 64-0-11 non-recorded |
A/4270 | Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations |
A/RES/1373(XIV) B | C.5 | 47 | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 64-0-11 non-recorded |
A/4270 | Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations |
A/RES/1373(XIV) A | C.5 | 47 | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 64-0-11 non-recorded |
A/4270 | Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations |
A/RES/1372(XIV) | C.5 | 45f | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 without vote |
A/4255 | Appointment to fill a vacancy in the membership of the United Nations Staff Pension Committee |
A/RES/1371(XIV) | C.5 | 45e | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 without vote |
A/4274 | Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal |
A/RES/1370(XIV) | C.5 | 45d | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 without vote |
A/4247 | Confirmation of the appointment made by the Secretary-General to the membership of the Investments Committee |
A/RES/1369(XIV) | C.5 | 45c | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 without vote |
A/4273 | Appointment to fill a vacancy in the membership of the Board of Auditors |
A/RES/1368(XIV) | C.5 | 45a | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 without vote |
A/4248 | Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Committee on Contribution |
A/RES/1367(XIV) | C.5 | 45a | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 without vote |
A/4246 | Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions |
A/RES/1366(XIV) | C.5 | 42d | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 61-0-10 non-recorded |
A/4238 | United Nations Refugee Fund: accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1958 and report of the Board of Auditors |
A/RES/1365(XIV) | C.5 | 42c | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 without vote |
A/4238 | United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East: accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1958 and report of the Board of Auditors |
A/RES/1364(XIV) | C.5 | 42b | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 without vote |
A/4238 | United Nations Children's Fund: financial reports and accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1958 and report of the Board of Auditors |
A/RES/1363(XIV) | C.5 | 42a | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 63-0-9 non-recorded |
A/4238 | United Nations: financial reports and accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1958 and reports of the Board of Auditors |
A/RES/1362(XIV) | C.4 | 38 | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 65-9-2 non-recorded |
A/4272 | Report of the Good Offices Committee on South West Africa |
A/RES/1361(XIV) | C.4 | 38 | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 55-4-16 non-recorded |
A/4272 | Legal action to ensure the fulfillment of the obligations assumed by the Union of South Africa in respect of the Territory of South West Africa |
A/RES/1360(XIV) | C.4 | 38 | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 55-5-11 non-recorded |
A/4272 | Question of South West Africa |
A/RES/1359(XIV) | C.4 | 38 | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 56-1-13 non-recorded |
A/4272 | Status of the Territory of South West Africa |
A/RES/1358(XIV) | C.4 | 38 | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 62-1-12 non-recorded |
A/4272 | Withdrawal of a passport from Mr. Hans Johannes Beukes |
A/RES/1357(XIV) | C.4 | 38 | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 57-1-12 non-recorded |
A/4272 | The Hoachanas Native Reserve |
A/RES/1356(XIV) | C.4 | 38 | A/PV.838 17 Nov. 1959 57-1-10 non-recorded |
A/4272 | Petitions and communications relating to South West Africa |
A/RES/1355(XIV) | Plenary | 14 | A/PV.836 03 Nov. 1959 without vote |
A/L.265 | Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency |
A/RES/1354(XIV) | C.5 | 72 | A/PV.835 03 Nov. 1959 without vote |
A/4252 | The United Nations Library: gift of the Ford Foundation |
A/RES/1353(XIV) | Plenary | 73 | A/PV.834 21 Oct. 1959 45-9-26 |
A/L.264 | Question of Tibet |
A/RES/1352(XIV) | C.4 | 41a | A/PV.829 16 Oct. 1959 76-0-2 non-recorded |
A/4240 | The future of the Trust Territory of the Cameroons under United Kingdom administration: organization of the plebiscite in the southern part of the Territory |
A/RES/1351(XIV) | Gen.Cttee | 8 | A/PV.803 22 Sept. 1959 44-29-9 |
A/4214 | Question of the representation of China in the United Nations |