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Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly at its 18th session

Resolutions and Decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 18th session: GAOR, 18th session, Supplement No. 15

  • Resolutions and Decisions,  17 September - 17 December 1963: A/5515
(numerical sequence in reverse order)
Resolution No. Plenary or Cttee. Agenda Item No. Meeting Record/ Date/ Press Release/ Vote Draft Topic
A/RES/1993(XVIII) Plenary 21 A/PV.1285
17 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/L.446 Report of the Committee on arrangements for a cConference for the purpose of reviewing the Charter
A/RES/1992(XVIII) C.2 12 A/PV.1285
17 Dec. 1963
A/5653/Add.1 Enlargement of the Economic Committee, the Social Committee and the Co-ordination Committee of the Economic and Social Council
A/RES/1991(XVIII)A-B SPC 81 A/PV.1285
17 Dec. 1963
A/5675 Question of equitable representation on the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council
A/RES/1991(XVIII) B SPC 81 A/PV.1285
17 Dec. 1963
A/5675 Question of equitable representation on the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council
A/RES/1991(XVIII) A SPC 81 A/PV.1285
17 Dec. 1963
A/5675 Question of equitable representation on the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council
A/RES/1990(XVIII) SPC 81 A/PV.1285
17 Dec. 1963
A/5675 Question of the composition of the General Committee of the General Assembly : amendments to rules 31 and 38 of the Assembly's rules of procedure
A/RES/1989(XVIII) C.5 58 A/PV.1285
17 Dec. 1963
88-12-5 non-recorded
A/5681/Add.1 Terms and conditions governing the issue of United Nations bonds
A/RES/1988(XVIII) C.5 58 A/PV.1285
17 Dec. 1963
98-0-11 non-recorded
A/5681 Programs of technical assistance under the regular budget of the United Nations
A/RES/1987(XVIII) C.5 60 A/PV.1285
17 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5681 Pattern of conferences
A/RES/1986(XVIII) C.5 58 A/PV.1285
17 Dec. 1963
98-11-1 non-recorded
A/5681 Working Capital Fund for the financial year 1964
A/RES/1985(XVIII) C.5 58 A/PV.1285
17 Dec. 1963
100-11-0 non-recorded
A/5681 Unforeseen and extraordinary expenses for the financial year 1964
A/RES/1984(XVIII)A-C C.5 58 A/PV.1285
17 Dec. 1963
A/5681 Budget for the financial year 1964
A/RES/1984(XVIII) C C.5 58 A/PV.1285
17 Dec. 1963
97-11-1 non-recorded
A/5681 Financing of appropriations for the financial year 1964
A/RES/1984(XVIII) B C.5 58 A/PV.1285
17 Dec. 1963
109-0-0 non-recorded
A/5681 Income estimates for the financial year 1964
A/RES/1984(XVIII) A C.5 58 A/PV.1285
17 Dec. 1963
96-10-3 non-recorded
A/5681 Budget appropriations for the financial year 1964
A/RES/1983(XVIII) C.5 19b A/PV.1285
17 Dec. 1963
A/5680 United Nations Emergency Force
A/RES/1982(XVIII) C.5 68 A/PV.1285
17 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5685 United Nations International School
A/RES/1981(XVIII)A-B C.5 64 A/PV.1284
17 Dec. 1963
A/5683 Administrative and budgetary co-ordination of the United Nations with the specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency
A/RES/1981(XVIII) B C.5 64 A/PV.1284
17 Dec. 1963
83-10-1 non-recorded
A/5683 Administrative and budgetary co-ordination of the United Nations with the specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency
A/RES/1981(XVIII) A C.5 64 A/PV.1284
17 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5683 Administrative and budgetary co-ordination of the United Nations with the specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency
A/RES/1980(XVIII)A-B C.5 63 A/PV.1284
17 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5682 Audit reports relating to expenditure by specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency
A/RES/1980(XVIII) B C.5 63 A/PV.1284
17 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5682 Audit reports relating to expenditure by specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency
A/RES/1980(XVIII) A C.5 63 A/PV.1284
17 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5682 Audit reports relating to expenditure by specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency
A/RES/1979(XVIII) C.4 55 A/PV.1284
17 Dec. 1963
A/5605/Add.1 Question of South West Africa
A/RES/1978(XVIII)A-B SPC 30 A/PV.1283
16 Dec. 1963
A/5565/Add.1 The policies of apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa
A/RES/1978(XVIII) B SPC 30 A/PV.1283
16 Dec. 1963
A/5565/Add.1 The policies of apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa
A/RES/1978(XVIII) A SPC 30 A/PV.1283
16 Dec. 1963
100-2-1 non-recorded
A/5565/Add.1 The policies of apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa
A/RES/1977(XVIII) Cred. Cmtte 3b A/PV.1283
16 Dec. 1963
91-0-11 non-recorded
A/5676/Rev.1 Credentials of representatives to the 18th session of the General Assembly
A/RES/1976(XVIII) Plenary 86 A/PV.1281
16 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/L.448 and Add.1 Admission of Kenya to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1975(XVIII) Plenary 86 A/PV.1281
16 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/L.447 and Add.1 Admission of Zanzibar to membership in the United Nations
A/RES/1974(XVIII) C.4 51 A/PV.1281
16 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5673 Offers by Member States of study and training facilities for inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/1973(XVIII) C.4 54 A/PV.1281
16 Dec. 1963
102-2-1 non-recorded
A/5673 Special training program for Territories under Portuguese administration
A/RES/1972(XVIII) C.4 49 A/PV.1281
16 Dec. 1963
53-23-31 non-recorded
A/5673 The Situation in Aden
A/RES/1971(XVIII) C.4 49 A/PV.1281
16 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5673 Report on economic advancement in Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/1970(XVIII) C.4 52 A/PV.1281
16 Dec. 1963
84-0-26 non-recorded
A/5673 Question of the continuation of the Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/1969(XVIII) C.4 13 A/PV.1281
16 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5670 Report of the Trusteeship Council
A/RES/1968(XVIII)A-C C.6 72 A/PV.1281
16 Dec. 1963
A/5672 Technical assistance to promote the teaching, study, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law
A/RES/1968(XVIII) C C.6 72 A/PV.1281
16 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5672 Technical assistance to promote the teaching, study, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law
A/RES/1968(XVIII) B C.6 72 A/PV.1281
16 Dec. 1963
91-10-1 non-recorded
A/5672 Technical assistance to promote the teaching, study, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law
A/RES/1968(XVIII) A C.6 72 A/PV.1281
16 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5672 Technical assistance to promote the teaching, study, dissemination and wider appreciation of international law
A/RES/1967(XVIII) C.6 71 A/PV.1281
16 Dec. 1963
A/5671 Question of methods fact-finding
A/RES/1966(XVIII) C.6 71 A/PV.1281
16 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5671 Consideration of principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations
A/RES/1965(XVIII) C.3 47 A/PV.1280
13 Dec. 1963
91-0-3 non-recorded
A/5669 Measures designed to promote among youth the ideals of peace, mutual respect and understanding between peoples
A/RES/1964(XVIII) C.1 29 A/PV.1280
13 Dec. 1963
A/5666 The Korean question
A/RES/1963(XVIII) C.1 28 A/PV.1280
13 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5656 International co-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space
A/RES/1962(XVIII) C.1 28 A/PV.1280
13 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5656 Declaration of Legal Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Uses of Outer Space
A/RES/1961(XVIII) C.3 79 A/PV.1279
12 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5660 Designation of 1968 as International Year for Human Rights
A/RES/1960(XVIII) C.3 48 A/PV.1279
12 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5655 Draft International Covenants on Human Rights
A/RES/1959(XVIII) C.3 38 A/PV.1279
12 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5643 Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
A/RES/1958(XVIII) C.3 38 A/PV.1279
12 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5643 Membership of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Program
A/RES/1957(XVIII) Plenary 25 A/PV.1278
12 Dec. 1963
A/L.444/Rev.1 Installation of mechanical means of voting
A/RES/1956(XVIII) Plenary 23 A/PV.1277
11 Dec. 1963
A/L.443 and Add.1-2, A/L.445 and Add.1 The situation with regard to the implementation of the Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples
A/RES/1955(XVIII) Plenary 23 A/PV.1277
11 Dec. 1963
78-0-12 non-recorded
A/L.442 and Add.1 Question of British Guiana
A/RES/1954(XVIII) Plenary 23 A/PV.1277
11 Dec. 1963
78-3-16 non-recorded
A/L.441 and Add.1-2 Question of Basutoland, Bechuanaland and Swaziland
A/RES/1953(XVIII) Plenary 23 A/PV.1277
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/L.440 and Add.1-2 Question of Nyasaland
A/RES/1952(XVIII) Plenary 23 A/PV.1277
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/L.439 and Add.1 Question of Northern Rhodesia
A/RES/1951(XVIII) Plenary 23 A/PV.1277
11 Dec. 1963
78-0-21 non-recorded
A/L.438 and Add.1 Question of Fiji
A/RES/1950(XVIII) Plenary 23 A/PV.1277
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/L.437 and Add.1-2 Question of Malta
A/RES/1949(XVIII) Plenary 23 A/PV.1277
11 Dec. 1963
77-10-11 non-recorded
A/L.436 and Add.1 Question of Aden
A/RES/1948(XVIII) C.4 78 A/PV.1277
11 Dec. 1963
A/5657 Question of Oman
A/RES/1947(XVIII) C.2 37b A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5654 Confirmation of the allocation of funds for the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance in 1964
A/RES/1946(XVIII) C.2 37 A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
79-0-15 non-recorded
A/5654 Provision of operational personnel under the Expanded Program of Technical Assistance
A/RES/1945(XVIII) C.2 36 A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5654 Enlargement of the Governing Council of the Special Fund
A/RES/1944(XVIII) C.2 12 A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5653 International co-operation in the application of science and technology to economic and social development
A/RES/1943(XVIII) C.2 12 A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5653 World campaign against hunger, disease and ignorance
A/RES/1942(XVIII) C.2 12 A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5653 Question of a declaration on international economic co-operation
A/RES/1941(XVIII) C.2 33c A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
91-0-1 non-recorded
A/5653 Decentralization of the economic and social activities of the United Nations and strengthening of the regional economic commissions and the United Nations Office in Beirut
A/RES/1940(XVIII) C.2 33b A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5653 Activities in the field of industrial development
A/RES/1939(XVIII) C.2 33a A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5653 Planning for economic development
A/RES/1938(XVIII) C.2 33d A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5653 Accelerated flow of capital and technical assistance to the developing countries
A/RES/1937(XVIII) C.2 39 A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5653 World campaign for universal literacy
A/RES/1936(XVIII) C.2 33e A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
81-0-9 non-recorded
A/5653 Establishment of a United Nations capital development fund
A/RES/1935(XVIII) C.2 12 A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5653 The role of patents in the transfer of technology to developing countries
A/RES/1934(XVIII) C.2 35 A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
78-1-11 non-recorded
A/5653 United Nations training and research institute
A/RES/1933(XVIII) C.2 39 A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
89-0-1 non-recorded
A/5653 Literacy campaigns and the supply of food
A/RES/1932(XVIII) C.2 76 A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5653 Means of promoting agrarian reform
A/RES/1931(XVIII) C.2 34 A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5652 Conversion to peaceful needs of the resources released by disarmament
A/RES/1930(XVIII) C.5 67 A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5633 Annual report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board
A/RES/1929(XVIII) C.5 66 A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
98-0-0 non-recorded
A/5646 Amendments to the Staff Regulations of the United Nations
A/RES/1928(XVIII) C.5 66 A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
86-0-11 non-recorded
A/5646 Geographical distribution of the staff of the Secretariat
A/RES/1927(XVIII) C.5 62 A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5659 Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations
A/RES/1926(XVIII) C.5 61f A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5637 Confirmation of the appointment made by the Secretary-General to fill a vacancy in the membership of the Investments Committee
A/RES/1925(XVIII) C.5 58 A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5636 Amendments to the Pension Scheme Regulations for members of the International Court of Justice
A/RES/1924(XVIII) C.5 57 A/PV.1276
11 Dec. 1963
71-11-1 non-recorded
A/5644 Supplementary estimates for the financial year 1963
A/RES/1923(XVIII) C.3 12 A/PV.1274
05 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5606 Equitable geographical representation on the Commission on Human Rights
A/RES/1922(XVIII) C.3 12 A/PV.1274
05 Dec. 1963
78-12-7 non-recorded
A/5606 Sessions of the Commission on Human Rights
A/RES/1921(XVIII) C.3 12 A/PV.1274
05 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5606 Draft declaration on the elimination of discrimination against women
A/RES/1920(XVIII) C.3 12 A/PV.1274
05 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5606 Participation of women in national social and economic development
A/RES/1919(XVIII) C.3 12 A/PV.1274
05 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5606 United Nations Children's Fund
A/RES/1918(XVIII) C.3 12 A/PV.1274
05 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5606 Capital punishment
A/RES/1917(XVIII) C.3 12 A/PV.1274
05 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5606 Housing, building and planning
A/RES/1916(XVIII) C.3 12 A/PV.1274
05 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5606 World social situation
A/RES/1915(XVIII) C.3 12 A/PV.1274
05 Dec. 1963
89-0-1 non-recorded
A/5606 Community action
A/RES/1914(XVIII) C.2 12 A/PV.1274
05 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5587/Add.1 Review of the composition of the United Nations/FAO Inter-Governmental Committee on the World Food Programme
A/RES/1913(XVIII) C.4 23 A/PV.1270
03 Dec. 1963
A/5629 Territories under Portuguese administration
A/RES/1912(XVIII) SPC 32 A/PV.1269
03 Dec. 1963
82-1-14 non-recorded
A/5624 Reports of the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
A/RES/1911(XVIII) C.1 74 A/PV.1265
27 Nov. 1963
A/5618 Denuclearization of Latin America
A/RES/1910(XVIII) C.1 73 A/PV.1265
27 Nov. 1963
104-1-3 non-recorded
A/5597 and Corr.1 Urgent need for suspension of nuclear and thermo-nuclear tests
A/RES/1909(XVIII) C.1 27 A/PV.1265
27 Nov. 1963
A/5617 Question of convening a conference for the purpose of signing a convention on the prohibition of the use of nuclear and thermo-nuclear weapons
A/RES/1908(XVIII) C.1 26 A/PV.1265
27 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5571/Add.1 Question of general and complete disarmament
A/RES/1907(XVIII) Plenary 24 A/PV.1262
21 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/L.433/Rev.1 International Co-operation Year
A/RES/1906(XVIII) C.3 43 A/PV.1261
20 Nov. 1963
89-0-14 non-recorded
A/5603 and Corr.1-2 Preparation of a draft international convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination
A/RES/1905(XVIII) C.3 43 A/PV.1261
20 Nov. 1963
101-0-0 non-recorded
A/5603 and Corr.1-2 Publicity to be given to the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination
A/RES/1904(XVIII) C.3 43 A/PV.1261
20 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5603 and Corr.1-2, A/L.435 United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination
A/RES/1903(XVIII) C.6 70 A/PV.1259
18 Nov. 1963
79-0-22 non-recorded
A/5602 and Corr.1 Participation in general multilateral treaties concluded under the auspices of the League of Nations
A/RES/1902(XVIII) C.6 69 A/PV.1258
18 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5601 and Corr.2 Report of the International Law Commission
A/RES/1901(XVIII) C.4 55b A/PV.1257
13 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5605 Special educational and training programmes for South West Africa
A/RES/1900(XVIII) C.4 55 A/PV.1257
13 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5605 Petitions concerning the Territory of South West Africa
A/RES/1899(XVIII) C.4 55 A/PV.1257
13 Nov. 1963
A/5605 Question of South West Africa
A/RES/1898(XVIII) Plenary 25 A/PV.1256
11 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5423 Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Improvement of the Methods of Work of the General Assembly
A/RES/1897(XVIII) C.2 12 A/PV.1256
11 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5587 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
A/RES/1896(XVIII) SPC 31 A/PV.1256
11 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5590 Effects of atomic radiation
A/RES/1895(XVIII) C.5 61e A/PV.1255
06 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5595 Appointments to fill a vacancy in the membership of the United Nations Staff Pension Committee
A/RES/1894(XVIII) C.5 61d A/PV.1255
06 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5594 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal
A/RES/1893(XVIII) C.5 61c A/PV.1255
06 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5593 Appointments to fill a vacancy in the membership of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/1892(XVIII) C.5 61b A/PV.1255
06 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5592 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Committee on Contributions
A/RES/1891(XVIII)A-C C.5 61a A/PV.1255
06 Nov. 1963, A/PV.1265
27 Nov. 1963, A/PV.1284
17 Dec. 1963 without vote
A/5591 and Add.1-2 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
A/RES/1891(XVIII) C C.5 61a A/PV.1284
17 Dec. 1963
without vote
A/5591/Add.2 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
A/RES/1891(XVIII) B C.5 61a A/PV.1265
27 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5591/Add.1 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
A/RES/1891(XVIII) A C.5 61a A/PV.1255
06 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5591 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
A/RES/1890(XVIII)A-D C.5 56 A/PV.1255
06 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5596 Financial reports and accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1962 and reports of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/1890(XVIII) D C.5 56 A/PV.1255
06 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5596 Voluntary funds administered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
A/RES/1890(XVIII) C C.5 56 A/PV.1255
06 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5596 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
A/RES/1890(XVIII) B C.5 56 A/PV.1255
06 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5596 United Nations Children's Fund
A/RES/1890(XVIII) A C.5 56 A/PV.1255
06 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/5596 United Nations
A/RES/1889(XVIII) C.4 75 A/PV.1255
01 Nov. 1963
A/5564/Add.1 Question of Southern Rhodesia
A/RES/1888(XVIII) Plenary 85 A/PV.1254
01 Nov. 1963
without vote
A/L.430 and Add.1-2 Measures in connexion with the hurricane which has just struck the territories of Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago
A/RES/1887(XVIII) Plenary 11 A/PV.1253
30 Oct. 1963
without vote
A/L.429 Report of the Security Council
A/RES/1886(XVIII) Plenary 14 A/PV.1253
18 Oct. 1963
without vote
A/L.428 Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency
A/RES/1885(XVIII) C.5 59 A/PV.1247
12 Oct. 1963
A/5567 United Nations Operation in the Congo : cost estimates and financing for the period 1 January to 30 June 1964
A/RES/1884(XVIII) C.1 26 A/PV.1244
17 Oct. 1963
without vote
A/5571 Question of general and complete disarmament
A/RES/1883(XVIII) C.4 75 A/PV.1241
14 Oct. 1963
A/5564 Question of Southern Rhodesia
A/RES/1882(XVIII) Plenary 83 A/PV.1240
14 Oct. 1963
without vote
A/L.426 and Add.1 Measures in connexion with the earthquake at Skoplje, Yugoslavia
A/RES/1881(XVIII) SPC 30 A/PV.1238
11 Oct. 1963
A/5565 The policies of apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa