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UN General Assembly Resolutions Tables

Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th session

Resolutions and Decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 10th session: GAOR, 10th session, Supplement No. 19

  • Resolutions and Decisions,  20 September - 20 December 1955: A/3116
(numerical sequence in reverse order)
Resolution No. Plenary or Cttee. Agenda Item No. Meeting Record/ Date/ Press Release/ Vote Draft Topic
A/RES/995(X) Plenary 21 A/PV.555
14 Dec. 1955
A/L.208 Admission of new Members to the United Nations
A/RES/994(X) Plenary 24c A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
without vote
A/3053 Confirmation of allocation of funds under the Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance
A/RES/993(X) Plenary 11 A/PV.549
29 Nov. 1955
without vote
A/L.202 Report of the Security Council
A/RES/992(X) Plenary 55 A/PV.547
21 Nov. 1955
A/L.197/Rev.2 Proposal to call a General Conference of the Members of the United Nations for the purpose of reviewing the Charter
A/RES/991(X) Plenary 57 A/PV.537
25 Oct. 1955
without vote
A/L.196 Application of the Federal Republic of Germany for membership in the International Civil Aviation Organization
A/RES/990(X) Plenary none A/PV.516
20 Sept. 1955
A/L.195 Question of the representation of China in the United Nations
A/RES/989(X) C.6 52 A/PV.554
14 Dec. 1955
A/3083 Arbitral procedure
A/RES/988(X) C.6 53 A/PV.551
06 Dec. 1955
without vote
A/3062 Establishment of an Italian-Libyan Mixed Arbitration Commission
A/RES/987(X) C.6 50 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
non-recorded amended
A/3028, A/L.203 Publication of the documents of the International Law Commission
A/RES/986(X) C.6 50 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
A/3028 Question of amending article 11 of the Statute of the International Law Commission relating to the filling of casual vacancies in the membership of the Commission
A/RES/985(X) C.6 50 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
A/3028 Amendment to article 10 of the Statute of the International Law Commission : term of office of members of the Commission
A/RES/984(X) C.6 50 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
A/3028 Amendment to article 12 of the Statute of the International Law Commission : place of meeting of the Commission
A/RES/983(X) C.6 51 A/PV.549
29 Nov. 1955
A/3040 Question of the correction of votes in the General Assembly and its Committees
A/RES/982(X) C.5 38, 47 A/PV.559
16 Dec. 1955
A/3103 Permanent headquarters of the International Telecommunication Union and the World Meteorological Organization
A/RES/981(X) C.5 38, 47 A/PV.559
16 Dec. 1955
A/3103 Working Capital Fund for the financial year 1956
A/RES/980(X) C.5 38, 47 A/PV.559
16 Dec. 1955
A/3103 Unforeseen and extraordinary expenses for the financial year 1956
A/RES/979(X) C.5 38, 47 A/PV.559
16 Dec. 1955
A/3103 Budget appropriations for the financial year 1956
A/RES/978(X) C.5 37 A/PV.559
16 Dec. 1955
A/3101 Supplementary estimates for the financial year 1955
A/RES/977(X) C.5 60 A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
A/3096 Establishment and maintenance of a United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea
A/RES/976(X) C.5 56 A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
A/3102 Cost-of-living adjustment and dependency allowances for Headquarters personnel
A/RES/975(X) C.5 56 A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
A/3102 Establishment of a Committee to review the United Nations salary, allowance and benefits system
A/RES/974(X) C.5 56 A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
A/3102 Amendment to the Staff Regulations of the United Nations (regulations 3.2)
A/RES/973(X) A-C C.5 48 A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
without vote
A/3104 Use of income derived from the Staff Assessment Plan
A/RES/973(X) C C.5 48 A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
without vote
A/3104 Amendments to General Assembly resolution 359 (IV) entitled "Tax Equilization - Staff Assessment Plan"
A/RES/973(X) B C.5 48 A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
without vote
A/3104 Amendments to the Financial Regulations of the United Nations (Regulations 5.2 and 7.1)
A/RES/973(X) A C.5 48 A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
without vote
A/3104 Establishment of Tax Equilization Fund
A/RES/972(X) C.5 45 A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
without vote
A/3098 Administrative and budgetary co-ordination between the United Nations and the specialized agencies
A/RES/971(X) C.5 43 A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
without vote
A/3100 Review of audit procedures of the United Nations and the specialized agencies
A/RES/970(X) C.5 42 A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
A/3095 Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations
A/RES/969(X) C.5 41 A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
A/3097 Headquarters of the United Nations
A/RES/968(X) C.5 39f A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
without vote
A/3063 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the United Nations Staff Pension Committee
A/RES/967(X) C.5 39c A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
without vote
A/3060 Appointment to fill a vacancy in the membership of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/966(X) C.5 54 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
without vote
A/3058 Registration and publication of treaties and international agreements
A/RES/965(X) C.5 36d A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
A/3033 and Corr.1 United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency : financial report and accounts for the financial year ended 30 June 1955
and report of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/964(X) C.5 36c A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
without vote
A/3051 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : accounts for the financial year ended 30 June 1955
and report of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/963(X) C.5 46 A/PV.549
29 Nov. 1955
without vote
A/3034 Audit reports relating to expenditure by specialized agencies of technical assistance funds allocated from the Special Account
A/RES/962(X) C.5 39e A/PV.549
29 Nov. 1955
without vote
A/3045 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal
A/RES/961(X) C.5 39d A/PV.549
29 Nov. 1955
without vote
A/3020 Confirmation of the appointment made by the Secretary-General to the membership of the Investments Committee
A/RES/960(X) C.5 39b A/PV.549
29 Nov. 1955
without vote
A/3019 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Committee on Contributions
A/RES/959(X) C.5 39a A/PV.549
29 Nov. 1955
without vote
A/3018 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
A/RES/958(X) A-B C.5 40 A/PV.541
08 Nov. 1955
without vote
A/3014 Report of the Negotiating Committee for Extra-Budgetary Funds
A/RES/958(X) B C.5 40 A/PV.541
08 Nov. 1955
without vote
A/3014 Report of the Negotiating Committee for Extra-Budgetary Funds
A/RES/958(X) A C.5 40 A/PV.541
08 Nov. 1955
without vote
A/3014 Report of the Negotiating Committee for Extra-Budgetary Funds
A/RES/957(X) C.5 49 A/PV.541
08 Nov. 1955
A/3016 Procedure for review of United Nations Administrative Tribunal judgments : amendments to the Statute of the Administrative Tribunal
A/RES/956(X) C.5 44d A/PV.539
03 Nov. 1955
without vote
A/3011 Acceptance by the specialized agencies of the jurisdiction of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal in matters involving applications alleging non-observance of the regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund
A/RES/955(X) C.5 44c A/PV.539
03 Nov. 1955
without vote
A/3011 Amendments to the Regulations of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund
A/RES/954(X) C.5 44b A/PV.539
03 Nov. 1955
without vote
A/3011 Report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board on the 3rd actuarial valuation of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund as of 30 September 1954
A/RES/953(X) C.5 44a A/PV.539
03 Nov. 1955
without vote
A/3011 Annual report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board
A/RES/952(X) C.5 36e A/PV.539
03 Nov. 1955
A/3007 United Nations Refugee Emergency Fund : financial report and accounts for the period 1 march 1952 to 31 December 1954 and report of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/951(X) C.5 36b A/PV.539
03 Nov. 1955
without vote
A/3003 United Nations Children's Fund : financial report and accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1954 and report of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/950(X) C.5 36a A/PV.539
03 Nov. 1955
without vote
A/3004 Amendment to the Financial Regulations of the United Nations (regulations 9.2)
A/RES/949(X) C.5 36a A/PV.539
03 Nov. 1955
without vote
A/3004 United Nations : financial report and accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1954 and report of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/948(X) C.4 13 A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
A/3092 Report of the Trusteeship Council covering the period from 17 July 1954 to 22 July 1955
A/RES/947(X) C.4 13 A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
non-recorded amended
A/3092 Question of the frontier between the Trust Territory of Somaliland under Italian administration and Ethiopia
A/RES/946(X) C.4 13 A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
A/3092 Attainment by the Trust Territories of the objective of self-government or independence
A/RES/945(X) C.4 32 A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
A/3087 Communication from the Government of the Netherlands concerning the Netherlands Antilles and Surinam
A/RES/944(X)I-II C.4 35 A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
A/3088 The Togoland unification problem and the future of the Trust Territory of Togoland under British administration
A/RES/944(X)-II C.4 35 A/PV.556
15 Dec. 1955
A/3088 The future of Togoland under French administration
A/RES/944(X)-I C.4 35 A/PV.556
15 Dec. 1955
A/3088 The future of Togoland under British administration
A/RES/943(X) C.4 30 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
A/3043 Hearing of the Reverend Michael Scott
A/RES/942(X) C.4 30 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
A/3043 Question of the admissibility of oral hearings by the Committee on South West Africa : request for an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice
A/RES/941(X) C.4 30 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
A/3043 Report of the Committee on South West Africa
A/RES/940(X) C.4 30 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
A/3043 Status of the Territory of South West Africa
A/RES/939(X) C.4 30 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
A/3043 Petition from Mr. Jariretundu Kozonguizi concerning South West Africa
A/RES/938(X) C.4 30 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
non-recorded amended
A/3043 Petition from Miss Margery F. Perham concerning South West Africa
A/RES/937(X) C.4 30 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
A/3043 Petitions and related communication from the Reverend T.H. Hamtumbangela concerning South West Africa
A/RES/936(X) C.4 30 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
A/3043 Petitions and related communications from Mr. Hosea Kutako, Mr. David Roos and Mr. Erastus Amgabeb concerning South West Africa
A/RES/935(X) C.4 30 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
A/3043 Petitions and communications relating to the Rehoboth Community of South West Africa
A/RES/934(X) C.4 30 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
A/3043 Voting procedure on questions relating to reports and petitions concerning the Territory of South West Africa : advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice
A/RES/933(X) C.4 33 A/PV.541
08 Nov. 1955
A/3013 and Corr.1 Renewal of the Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/932(X) C.4 31 A/PV.541
08 Nov. 1955
A/3013 and Corr.1 Progress achieved by the Non-Self-Governing Territories in pursuance of Chapter XI of the Charter
A/RES/931(X) C.4 31 A/PV.541
08 Nov. 1955
without vote
A/3013 and Corr.1 Educational advancement in Non-Self-Governing Territories : offers of study and training facilities under General Assembly resolution 845 (IX)
A/RES/930(X) C.4 31 A/PV.541
08 Nov. 1955
A/3013 and Corr.1 Information on community development in Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/929(X) C.4 31 A/PV.541
08 Nov. 1955
A/3013 and Corr.1 Information on social conditions in Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/928(X) C.3 12 A/PV.554
14 Dec. 1955
A/3082 Ratification of, or accession to, the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons
A/RES/927(X) C.3 61 A/PV.554
14 Dec. 1955
A/3080 Question of the safety of commercial aircraft flying in the vicinity of, or inadvertently crossing, international frontiers
A/RES/926(X) C.3 62 A/PV.554
14 Dec. 1955
A/3032 Advisory services in the field of human rights
A/RES/925(X) C.3 27 A/PV.537
25 Oct. 1955
A/2999 and Add.1 Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
A/RES/924(X) C.2 26 A/PV.553
09 Dec. 1955
without vote
A/3072 Question of assistance to Libya
A/RES/923(X) C.2 24a A/PV.553
09 Dec. 1955
without vote
A/3065 and Corr.1 Question of the establishment of a Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development
A/RES/922(X) C.2 24b A/PV.539
03 Nov. 1955
A/3009 Question of the establishment of an International Finance Corporation
A/RES/921(X) C.2 24c A/PV.537
25 Oct. 1955
without vote
A/3000 Programmes of technical assistance
A/RES/920(X) C.2 25 A/PV.537
25 Oct. 1955
A/2995 Report of the Agent General of the United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency
A/RES/919(X) Ad Hoc Pol. Cttee 20 A/PV.554
14 Dec. 1955
A/3084 Treatment of people of Indian origin in the Union of South Africa
A/RES/918(X) Ad Hoc Pol. Cttee 21 A/PV.552
08 Dec. 1955
A/3079 Admission of new Members to the United Nations
A/RES/917(X) Ad Hoc Pol. Cttee 23 A/PV.551
06 Dec. 1955
non-recorded amended
A/3026 The question of race conflict in South Africa resulting from the policies of apartheid of the Government of the Union of South Africa
A/RES/916(X) Ad Hoc Pol. Cttee 22 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
A/3057 Report of the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
A/RES/915(X) C.1 65 A/PV.559
16 Dec. 1955
without vote
A/3093 The question of West Irian (West New Guinea)
A/RES/914(X) C.1 17, 66 A/PV.559
16 Dec. 1955
A/3090 Regulation, limitation and balanced reduction of all armed forces and all armaments; conclusion of an international convention (treaty) on the reduction of armaments and the prohibition of atomic, hydrogen and other weapons of mass destruction
A/RES/913(X) C.1 59 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
without vote
A/3022 and Corr.1 Effects of atomic radiation
A/RES/912(X) C.1 18 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
without vote
A/3008 Peaceful uses of atomic energy
A/RES/911(X) C.1 58 A/PV.550
03 Dec. 1955
A/3054 The question of Morocco
A/RES/910(X) A-B C.1 19 A/PV.549
29 Nov. 1955
A/3048 Report of the United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea
A/RES/910(X) B C.1 19 A/PV.549
29 Nov. 1955
A/3048 Problems of ex-prisoners of the Korean war
A/RES/910(X) A C.1 19 A/PV.549
29 Nov. 1955
A/3048 Report of the United Nations Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea
A/RES/909(X) C.1 64 A/PV.548
25 Nov. 1955
without vote
A/3044 The question of Algeria
A/RES/908(X) A-B Cred.Cttee 3 A/PV.542, A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
A/3027 and Corr.1 Credentials of representatives to the 10th session of the General Assembly
A/RES/908(X) B Cred.Cttee 3 A/PV.557
15 Dec. 1955
without vote
A/3091 Credentials of representatives to the 10th session of the General Assembly
A/RES/908(X) A Cred.Cttee 3 A/PV.542
17 Nov. 1955
A/3027 and Corr.1 Credentials of representatives to the 10th session of the General Assembly