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Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly at its 24th session

Resolutions and Decisions adopted by the General Assembly during its 24th session: GAOR, 24th session, Supplement No. 30

  • Resolutions and Decisions, 16 September – 17 December 1969: A/7630
(numerical sequence in reverse order)
Resolution No. Plenary or Cttee. Agenda Item No. Meeting Record/ Date/ Press Release/ Vote Draft Topic
A/RES/2619(XXIV) Plenary 11 A/PV.1837
17 Dec. 1969
A/L.579, A/L.591 Report of the Security Council
A/RES/2618(XXIV) C.5 74 A/PV.1837
17 Dec. 1969
A/7916, A/L.589 New construction and major alterations to existing premises at United Nations Headquarters
A/RES/2617(XXIV) C.5 74 A/PV.1837
17 Dec. 1969
A/7916 Study of the nature of the increases in the level of expenditure in the United Nations regular budget
A/RES/2616(XXIV) C.5 74 A/PV.1837
17 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7916 United Nations accommodation in Bangkok and Addis Ababa
A/RES/2615(XXIV) C.5 74 A/PV.1837
17 Dec. 1969
A/7916 Working capital fund for the financial year 1970
A/RES/2614(XXIV) C.5 74 A/PV.1837
17 Dec. 1969
A/7916 Unforeseen and extraordinary expenses for the financial year 1970
A/RES/2613(XXIV)A-C C.5 74 A/PV.1837
17 Dec. 1969
A/7916 Budget for the financial year 1970
A/RES/2613(XXIV)C C.5 74 A/PV.1837
17 Dec. 1969
A/7916 Financing of appropriations for the financial year 1970
A/RES/2613(XXIV)B C.5 74 A/PV.1837
17 Dec. 1969
A/7916 Income estimates for the financial year 1970
A/RES/2613(XXIV)A C.5 74 A/PV.1837
17 Dec. 1969
A/7916 Budget appropriations for the financial year 1970
A/RES/2612(XXIV) C.5 85 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7913 United Nations International School
A/RES/2611(XXIV) C.5 80 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7912 Administrative and budgetary co-ordination of the United Nations with the specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency
A/RES/2610(XXIV) C.5 79 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7915 Audit reports relating to expenditure by the specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency
A/RES/2609(XXIV) C.5 76 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7914 Pattern of conferences
A/RES/2608(XXIV) C.5 73 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7877 Assistance in cases of natural disaster
A/RES/2607(XXIV)A-B C.5 73 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7877 Supplementary estimates for the financial year 1969
A/RES/2607(XXIV)B C.5 73 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7877 Income estimates for the financial year 1969
A/RES/2607(XXIV)A C.5 73 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7877 Budget appropriations for the financial year 1969
A/RES/2606(XXIV) C.1 103 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7903 The strengthening of international security
A/RES/2605(XXIV)A-B C.1 31 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7887 Conference of Non-Nuclear-Weapon States
A/RES/2605(XXIV)B C.1 31 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7887 Conference of Non-Nuclear-Weapon States
A/RES/2605(XXIV)A C.1 31 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7887 Conference of Non-Nuclear-Weapon States
A/RES/2604(XXIV)A-B C.1 30 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7862 Urgent need for suspension of nuclear and thermonuclear tests
A/RES/2604(XXIV)B C.1 30 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7862 Urgent need for suspension of nuclear and thermonuclear tests
A/RES/2604(XXIV)A C.1 30 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7862 Urgent need for suspension of nuclear and thermonuclear tests
A/RES/2603(XXIV)A-B C.1 104 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7890 Question of chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons
A/RES/2603(XXIV)B C.1 104 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7890 Question of chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons
A/RES/2603(XXIV)A C.1 104 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7890 Question of chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons
A/RES/2602(XXIV)A-F C.1 29 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7902 Question of general and complete disarmament
A/RES/2602(XXIV)F C.1 29 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7902 Question of general and complete disarmament
A/RES/2602(XXIV)E C.1 29 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7902 Question of general and complete disarmament
A/RES/2602(XXIV)D C.1 29 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7902 Question of general and complete disarmament
A/RES/2602(XXIV)C C.1 29 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7902 Question of general and complete disarmament
A/RES/2602(XXIV)B C.1 29 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7902 Question of general and complete disarmament
A/RES/2602(XXIV)A C.1 29 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7902 Question of general and complete disarmament
A/RES/2601(XXIV)A-B C.1 28 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7900 International co-operation the peaceful uses of outer space
A/RES/2601(XXIV)B C.1 28 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7900 International co-operation the peaceful uses of outer space
A/RES/2601(XXIV)A C.1 28 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7900 International co-operation the peaceful uses of outer space
A/RES/2600(XXIV) C.1 28 A/PV.1836
16 Dec. 1969
A/7900 International co-operation the peaceful uses of outer space
A/RES/2599(XXIV) C.3 100 A/PV.1835
16 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7911 Question of the elderly and the aged
A/RES/2598(XXIV) C.3 50 A/PV.1835
16 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7905 Housing, building and planning
A/RES/2597(XXIV) C.3 61 A/PV.1835
16 Dec. 1969
A/7909 Respect for human rights in armed conflicts
A/RES/2596(XXIV) C.3 54 A/PV.1835
16 Dec. 1969
A/7907 Freedom of information
A/RES/2595(XXIV) C.3 53 A/PV.1835
16 Dec. 1969
A/7889 orally amended Creation of the post of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
A/RES/2594(XXIV) C.3 49 A/PV.1835
16 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7876 Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
A/RES/2593(XXIV) C.4 23 A/PV.1835
16 Dec. 1969
A/7896 Question of Antigua, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, St. Lucia and St. Vincent
A/RES/2592(XXIV) C.4 23 A/PV.1835
16 Dec. 1969
A/7896 Question of American Samoa, Antigua, Bahamas, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Brunei, Cayman Islands , Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Dominica, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Grenada, Guam, Montserrat, New Hebrides, Niue, Pitcairn, St. Helena, St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Tokelau Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands
A/RES/2591(XXIV) C.4 23 A/PV.1835
16 Dec. 1969
A/7896 Question of Spanish Sahara
A/RES/2590(XXIV) C.4 13 A/PV.1835
16 Dec. 1969
A/7895 Question of Papua and the Trust Territories of New Guinea
A/RES/2589(XXIV) Plenary 3b A/PV.1835
16 Dec. 1969
A/7634 Credentials of representatives to the 24th session of the General Assembly
A/RES/2588(XXIV)A-B C.3 59, 60 A/PV.1834
15 Dec. 1969
A/7841 Implementation of the recommendations of the International Conference on Human Rights
A/RES/2588(XXIV)B C.3 59, 60 A/PV.1834
15 Dec. 1969
A/7841 Implementation of the recommendations of the International Conference on Human Rights
A/RES/2588(XXIV)A C.3 59, 60 A/PV.1834
15 Dec. 1969
A/7841 Implementation of the recommendations of the International Conference on Human Rights
A/RES/2587(XXIV) C.3 12 A/PV.1834
15 Dec. 1969
A/7840 Commission on the Status of Women
A/RES/2586(XXIV) C.3 12 A/PV.1834
15 Dec. 1969
A/7840 Promotion of respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms during the Second United Nations Development Decade
A/RES/2585(XXIV) C.3 12 A/PV.1834
15 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7840 Advisory services in the field of human rights
A/RES/2584(XXIV) C.3 12 A/PV.1834
15 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7840 Adoption of an international instrument for the control of psychotropic substances not yet under international control
A/RES/2583(XXIV) C.3 12 A/PV.1834
15 Dec. 1969
A/7840 Question of the punishment of war criminals and of persons who have committed crimes against humanity
A/RES/2582(XXIV) C.3 12 A/PV.1834
15 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7840 United Nations Children's Fund
A/RES/2581(XXIV) C.2 21 A/PV.1834
15 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7866 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment
A/RES/2580(XXIV) C.2 47 A/PV.1834
15 Dec. 1969
A/7881 Co-ordination of marine activities
A/RES/2579(XXIV) C.2 47 A/PV.1834
15 Dec. 1969
A/7881 Final report of the Enlarged Committee for Programme and Co-ordination
A/RES/2578(XXIV) C.2 38 A/PV.1834
15 Dec. 1969
A/7774/Add.1, A/L.586 Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization
A/RES/2577(XXIV) C.2 38 A/PV.1834
15 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7774/Add.1 Report of the Industrial Development Board
A/RES/2576(XXIV) SPC 35 A/PV.1833
15 Dec. 1969
A/7878 Comprehensive review of the whole question of peace-keeping operations in all their aspects
A/RES/2575(XXIV) Plenary 22 A/PV.1833
15 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/L.585 Fourth International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
A/RES/2574(XXIV)A-D C.1 32 A/PV.1833
15 Dec. 1969
A/7834 Question of the reservation exclusively for peaceful purposes of the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of present national jurisdiction, and the use of their resources in the interests of mankind
A/RES/2574(XXIV)D C.1 32 A/PV.1833
15 Dec. 1969
A/7834 Question of the reservation exclusively for peaceful purposes of the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of present national jurisdiction, and the use of their resources in the interests of mankind
A/RES/2574(XXIV)C C.1 32 A/PV.1833
15 Dec. 1969
A/7834 Question of the reservation exclusively for peaceful purposes of the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of present national jurisdiction, and the use of their resources in the interests of mankind
A/RES/2574(XXIV)B C.1 32 A/PV.1833
15 Dec. 1969
A/7834 Question of the reservation exclusively for peaceful purposes of the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of present national jurisdiction, and the use of their resources in the interests of mankind
A/RES/2574(XXIV)A C.1 32 A/PV.1833
15 Dec. 1969
A/7834 Question of the reservation exclusively for peaceful purposes of the sea-bed and the ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of present national jurisdiction, and the use of their resources in the interests of mankind
A/RES/2573(XXIV) C.2 41 A/PV.1832
13 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7848 International university
A/RES/2572(XXIV) C.2 41 A/PV.1832
13 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7848 International Education Year
A/RES/2571(XXIV) C.2 40 A/PV.1832
13 Dec. 1969
A/7867 International development strategy
A/RES/2570(XXIV) C.2 37 A/PV.1832
13 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7764/Add.1 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
A/RES/2569(XXIV) C.2 37 A/PV.1832
13 Dec. 1969
A/7764/Add.1 Special measures in favour of the land-locked developing countries
A/RES/2568(XXIV) C.2 12 A/PV.1832
13 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7854 Proposed amendment to the rules of procedure of the General Assembly
A/RES/2567(XXIV) C.2 12 A/PV.1832
13 Dec. 1969
A/7854 Mobilization of public opinion
A/RES/2566(XXIV) C.2 12 A/PV.1832
13 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7854 Promoting effective measures for the prevention and control of marine pollution
A/RES/2565(XXIV) C.2 12 A/PV.1832
13 Dec. 1969
A/7854 International monetary reform
A/RES/2564(XXIV) C.2 12 A/PV.1832
13 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7854 Special measures to be taken in favour of the least developed among the developing countries
A/RES/2563(XXIV) C.2 12 A/PV.1832
13 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7854 The role of the regional economic commissions in the field of development planning during the Second United Nations Development Decade
A/RES/2562(XXIV) C.2 12 A/PV.1832
13 Dec. 1969
A/7854 Tax reform planning
A/RES/2561(XXIV) C.2 12 A/PV.1832
13 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7854 Public administration and development
A/RES/2560(XXIV) C.2 12 A/PV.1832
13 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7854 Marine science
A/RES/2559(XXIV) C.4 67 A/PV.1831
12 Dec. 1969
A/7874 Question of Oman
A/RES/2558(XXIV) C.4 63 A/PV.1831
12 Dec. 1969
A/7872 Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations
A/RES/2557(XXIV) C.4 70 A/PV.1831
12 Dec. 1969
A/7872 United Nations Educational and Training Programme for Southern Africa
A/RES/2556(XXIV) C.4 71 A/PV.1831
12 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7872 Offers by Member States of study and training facilities for inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories
A/RES/2555(XXIV) C.4 69 A/PV.1831
12 Dec. 1969
A/7871 Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations
A/RES/2554(XXIV) C.4 68 A/PV.1831
12 Dec. 1969
A/7858 Activities of foreign economic and other interests which are impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Southern Rhodesia, Namibia and Territories under Portuguese domination and in all other Territories under colonial domination and efforts to eliminate colonialism, appartheid and racial discrimination in southern Africa
A/RES/2553(XXIV) C.6 96 A/PV.1831
12 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7846 Amendments to rules 52, 53 and 55 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly resulting from the amendment to rule 51
A/RES/2552(XXIV) C.6 107 A/PV.1831
12 Dec. 1969
A/7870 Need to consider suggestions regarding the review of the Charter of the United Nations
A/RES/2551(XXIV) C.6 105 A/PV.1831
12 Dec. 1969
A/7845 Forcible diversion of civil aircraft in flight
A/RES/2550(XXIV) C.6 91 A/PV.1831
12 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7852 United Nations Programme of Assistance in the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of International Law
A/RES/2549(XXIV) C.6 88 A/PV.1831
12 Dec. 1969
A/7853 Report of the Special Committee on the Question of Defining Aggression
A/RES/2548(XXIV) Plenary 23 A/PV.1829
11 Dec. 1969
A/L.581 and Add.1-2 Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples
A/RES/2547(XXIV)A-B C.3 57 A/PV.1829
11 Dec. 1969
A/7826 Measures for effectively combating racial discrimination and the policies of apartheid and segregation in southern Africa
A/RES/2547(XXIV)B C.3 57 A/PV.1834
15 Dec. 1969
A/7826 Measures for effectively combating racial discrimination and the policies of apartheid and segregation in southern Africa
A/RES/2547(XXIV)A C.3 57 A/PV.1829
11 Dec. 1969
A/7826 Measures for effectively combating racial discrimination and the policies of apartheid and segregation in southern Africa
A/RES/2546(XXIV) C.3 57 A/PV.1829
11 Dec. 1969
A/7826 Respect for and implementation of human rights in occupied territories
A/RES/2545(XXIV) C.3 56 A/PV.1829
11 Dec. 1969
A/7820 orally amended Measures to be taken against nazism and racial intolerance
A/RES/2544(XXIV) C.3 55 A/PV.1829
11 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7825 Programme for the observance in 1971 of the International Year for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination
A/RES/2543(XXIV) C.3 48 A/PV.1829
11 Dec. 1969
A/7833 Implementation of the Declaration on Social Progress and Development
A/RES/2542(XXIV) C.3 48 A/PV.1829
11 Dec. 1969
A/7833, A/L.583 Declaration on Social Progress and Development
A/RES/2541(XXIV) C.5 83b A/PV.1829
11 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7851 International salary system
A/RES/2540(XXIV) C.5 83b A/PV.1829
11 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7851 Amendments to the Staff Rules of the United Nations
A/RES/2539(XXIV) C.5 83a A/PV.1829
11 Dec. 1969
A/7851 and Corr.1 Composition of the Secretariat
A/RES/2538(XXIV) C.5 82 A/PV.1829
11 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7850 Publications and documentation of the United Nations
A/RES/2537(XXIV)A-C C.5 81 A/PV.1829
11 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7849 Implementation of the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee of Experts to Examine the Finances of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies
A/RES/2537(XXIV)C C.5 81 A/PV.1829
11 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7849 Implementation of the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee of Experts to Examine the Finances of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies
A/RES/2537(XXIV)B C.5 81 A/PV.1829
11 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7849 Implementation of the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee of Experts to Examine the Finances of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies
A/RES/2537(XXIV)A C.5 81 A/PV.1829
11 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7849 Implementation of the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee of Experts to Examine the Finances of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies
A/RES/2536(XXIV) Plenary 15 A/PV.1828
11 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/L.582 Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency
A/RES/2535(XXIV)A-C SPC 36 A/PV.1827
10 Dec. 1969
A/7839 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
A/RES/2535(XXIV)C SPC 36 A/PV.1827
10 Dec. 1969
A/7839 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
A/RES/2535(XXIV)B SPC 36 A/PV.1827
10 Dec. 1969
A/7839 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
A/RES/2535(XXIV)A SPC 36 A/PV.1827
10 Dec. 1969
A/7839 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
A/RES/2534(XXIV) C.6 94c A/PV.1825
08 Dec. 1969
A/7797 Resolution relating to article 66 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and the annex thereto
A/RES/2533(XXIV) C.6 89 A/PV.1825
08 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7809 Consideration of principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations
A/RES/2532(XXIV) C.6 87 A/PV.1825
08 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7799 Tribute to the International Law Commission in connexion with the adoption of the Convention on Special Missions
A/RES/2531(XXIV) C.6 87 A/PV.1825
08 Dec. 1969
A/7799 Settlement of civil claims in connexion with the Convention on Special Missions
A/RES/2530(XXIV) C.6 87 A/PV.1825
08 Dec. 1969
A/7799 Convention on Special Missions and Optional Protocol concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes
A/RES/2529(XXIV) C.2 97 A/PV.1823
05 Dec. 1969
A/7813 Establishment of an intergovernmental tourism organization
A/RES/2528(XXIV) C.2 43 A/PV.1823
05 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7803 The role of the United Nations in training national technical personnel for the accelerated industrialization of the developing countries
A/RES/2527(XXIV) C.2 46 A/PV.1823
05 Dec. 1969
A/7807 Target for pledges to the World Food Programme for the period 1971-1972
A/RES/2526(XXIV) C.2 42 A/PV.1823
05 Dec. 1969
A/7812 A day for peace
A/RES/2525(XXIV) C.2 39 A/PV.1823
05 Dec. 1969
A/7802 United Nations Capital Development Fund
A/RES/2524(XXIV) C.5 84 A/PV.1823
05 Dec. 1969
A/7824 Report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board
A/RES/2523(XXIV) C.5 77e A/PV.1823
05 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7815 Appointment to fill a vacancy in the membership of the United Nations Staff Pension Committee
A/RES/2522(XXIV)A-F C.5 72 A/PV.1823
05 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7795 Financial reports and accounts for the financial year ended 31 December 1968 and reports of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/2522(XXIV)F C.5 72 A/PV.1823
05 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7795 Voluntary funds administered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
A/RES/2522(XXIV)E C.5 72 A/PV.1823
05 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7795 United Nations Institute for Training and Research
A/RES/2522(XXIV)D C.5 72 A/PV.1823
05 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7795 United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
A/RES/2522(XXIV)C C.5 72 A/PV.1823
05 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7795 United Nations Children's Fund
A/RES/2522(XXIV)B C.5 72 A/PV.1823
05 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7795 United Nations Development Programme
A/RES/2522(XXIV)A C.5 72 A/PV.1823
05 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7795 United Nations
A/RES/2521(XXIV) Plenary 24 A/PV.1821
04 Dec. 1969
A/L.572/Rev.1 Special programme of activities in connexion with the 10th anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and People
A/RES/2520(XXIV) Plenary 93 A/PV.1820
04 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7793 Participation of States which are parties to the Statute of the International Court of Justice, but are not Members of the United Nations, in the procedure for effecting amendments to the Statute
A/RES/2519(XXIV) Plenary 26 A/PV.1820
04 Dec. 1969
A/L.578 Installation of mechanical means of voting
A/RES/2518(XXIV) C.4 64 A/PV.1819
01 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7736/Add.1 Petitions concerning Namibia
A/RES/2517(XXIV) C.4 64 A/PV.1819
01 Dec. 1969
A/7736/Add.1 Question of Namibia
A/RES/2516(XXIV) C.1 99 A/PV.1818
25 Nov. 1969
A/7781 Question of Korea
A/RES/2515(XXIV)A-B C.5 77b A/PV.1818
25 Nov. 1969
without vote
A/7732 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Committee on Contributions
A/RES/2515(XXIV)B C.5 77b A/PV.1818
25 Nov. 1969
without vote
A/7732 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Committee on Contributions
A/RES/2515(XXIV)A C.5 77b A/PV.1818
25 Nov. 1969
without vote
A/7732 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Committee on Contributions
A/RES/2514(XXIV) C.2 45 A/PV.1817
21 Nov. 1969
without vote
A/7777 Programming and budgetary procedures for the United Nations regular programme of technical co-operation
A/RES/2513(XXIV) C.2 45 A/PV.1817
21 Nov. 1969
without vote
A/7777 Procedures for implementation of new arrangements for regional and interregional projects under the Technical Assistance component of the United Nations Development Programme
A/RES/2512(XXIV) C.2 45 A/PV.1817
21 Nov. 1969
without vote
A/7777 Reports of the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme
A/RES/2511(XXIV) C.2 38 A/PV.1817
21 Nov. 1969
A/7774 Regular programme of technical assistance for industrial development
A/RES/2510(XXIV) C.2 38 A/PV.1817
21 Nov. 1969
without vote
A/7774 Revision of the lists of States eligible for membership in the Industrial Development Board
A/RES/2509(XXIV) C.2 44 A/PV.1817
21 Nov. 1969
without vote
A/7772 United Nations Institute for Training and Research
A/RES/2508(XXIV) C.4 102 A/PV.1816
21 Nov. 1969
A/7759 Question of Southern Rhodesia
A/RES/2507(XXIV) C.4 65 A/PV.1816
21 Nov. 1969
A/7768 Question of Territories under Portuguese administration
A/RES/2506(XXIV)A-B SPC 34 A/PV.1816
21 Nov. 1969
A/7773 and Corr.1 The policies of apartheid of the Government of South Africa
A/RES/2506(XXIV)B SPC 34 A/PV.1816
21 Nov. 1969
A/7773 and Corr.1 The policies of apartheid of the Government of South Africa
A/RES/2506(XXIV)A SPC 34 A/PV.1816
21 Nov. 1969
A/7773 and Corr.1 The policies of apartheid of the Government of South Africa
A/RES/2505(XXIV) Plenary 106 A/PV.1815
20 Nov. 1969
A/L.575 and Add.1 Manifesto on Southern Africa
A/RES/2504(XXIV) Plenary 98 A/PV.1813
19 Nov. 1969
A/L.574 Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands concerning West New Guinea (West Irian)
A/RES/2503(XXIV) C.2 37 A/PV.1811
14 Nov. 1969
without vote
A/7764 Preferential or free entry of exports of manufactures and semi-manufactures of developing countries to the developed countries
A/RES/2502(XXIV) C.6 90 A/PV.1809
12 Nov. 1969
A/7747 Report of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
A/RES/2501(XXIV) C.6 86, 94b A/PV.1809
12 Nov. 1969
without vote
A/7746 Report of the International Law Commission and resolution relating to article 1 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
A/RES/2500(XXIV) Plenary 101 A/PV.1808
11 Nov. 1969
A/L.567 and Add.1-5 Representation of China in the United Nations
A/RES/2499(XXIV)A-B Plenary 25 A/PV.1797
31 Oct. 1969,
17 Dec. 1969
A/L.571/Rev.1, Rev.1/Add.1, A/L.573, A/L.587/Rev.1 Celebration of the 25th anniversary of the United Nations
A/RES/2499(XXIV)B Plenary 25 A/PV.1837
17 Dec. 1969
A/L.587/Rev.1 Celebration of the 25th anniversary of the United Nations
A/RES/2499(XXIV)A Plenary 25 A/PV.1797
31 Oct. 1969
A/L.571/Rev.1, Rev.1/Add.1, A/L.573 Celebration of the 25th anniversary of the United Nations
A/RES/2498(XXIV) C.4 64 A/PV.1797
31 Oct. 1969
A/7736 Question of Namibia
A/RES/2497(XXIV) C.3 62, 92 A/PV.1792
28 Oct. 1969
without vote
A/7724 Youth, its education in the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, its problems, and needs, and its participation in national development
A/RES/2496(XXIV) SPC 33 A/PV.1791
28 Oct. 1969
without vote
A/7722 Effects of atomic radiation
A/RES/2495(XXIV)A-B C.5 77d A/PV.1791
28 Oct. 1969
, A/PV.1823
05 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7734 and Add.1 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal
A/RES/2495(XXIV)B C.5 77d A/PV.1823
05 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7734/Add.1 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal
A/RES/2495(XXIV)A C.5 77d A/PV.1791
28 Oct. 1969
without vote
A/7734 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal
A/RES/2494(XXIV) C.5 77c A/PV.1791
28 Oct. 1969
without vote
A/7733 Appointments to fill a vacancy in the membership of the Board of Auditors
A/RES/2493(XXIV)A-B C.5 77a A/PV.1791
28 Oct. 1969
, A/PV.1823
05 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7731 and Add.1 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
A/RES/2493(XXIV)B C.5 77a A/PV.1823
05 Dec. 1969
without vote
A/7731/Add.1 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions
A/RES/2493(XXIV)A C.5 77a A/PV.1791
28 Oct. 1969
without vote
A/7731 Appointments to fill vacancies in the membership of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions