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About UN Documents

UN Daily Journal (New York)

The Journal of the United Nations provides current information about meetings of UN bodies, including:

  • Location and time of formal meetings scheduled for the day
  • Symbols of documents to be considered at the meeting
  • Summaries of the previous day's meetings
  • As of 2022, links to webcasts and e-statements

Consultations, informal meetings, side events, and other announcements may also be listed in the Journal.

Since 2018:

  • In accordance with A/RES/71/323, material related to official meetings is accessible in the six official languages throughout the year

Prior to 2018: 

  • From January through August, the Journal was issued in English and French
  • From September through December, during the main part of the General Assembly session, the Journal was issued in all official languages

Journals for Other Duty Stations

Duty stations other than New York also have daily journals or calendar websites to announce meetings.

UN Office at Geneva

UN Office at Nairobi

Other UN bodies also may have journals for conferences or meetings.