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UN Documentation: Decolonization

Overview of UN Bodies on Decolonization

The General Assembly is the main body with oversight on matters relating to decolonization.

  • Fourth Committee
    • ​Main committee of the General Assembly concerned with decolonization, among other topics
    • Reviews reports of subsidiaries on matters related to decolonization, including reports of
      • Trusteeship Council
      • Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples
    • Hears petitioners in open formal meetings, see meeting records
    • Makes recommendations to General Assembly plenary on decolonization matters
  • Trusteeship Council
    • Principal organ of the UN
    • Active from 1946-1994
    • Now meets infrequently
    • Considered only the 11 trust territories
  • Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples
    • Established by A/RES/1654 (XVI) of 27 November 1961
    • Considers situation in Non-Self-Governing Territories

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Fourth Committee

The Fourth Committee, one of the six Main Committees of the General Assembly, is allocated agenda items related to special political and decolonization matters, including peacekeeping.

  • Document series symbol for working documents
  • Summary records
  • Press release series symbol

The Fourth Committee submits a separate report to the plenary on every agenda item allocated to it, including the item "comprehensive review of peacekeeping operations".

Each report:

  • indicates the meetings at which the item was considered
  • summarizes the committee's consideration of the item
  • identifies the sponsors of draft resolutions
  • reports the vote, if any, of Member States on draft texts
  • transmits the final version of draft resolutions and/or decisions recommended to the plenary for adoption
  • symbol pattern

The plenary considers each report and votes on the draft resolutions or decisions it contains.

For example, the General Assembly adopted resolution 70/92 based on the report of the Fourth Committee (A/70/499).

Historical note

Prior to the 48th session (1993), the Fourth Committee handled only decolonization questions. An additional Main Committee, the Special Political Committee (SPC), handled political questions.

  • symbol pattern: A/SPC/-
  • press release series symbol: GA/SPC/-

Until 1993, the SPC was listed in UN documents and publications after the First Committee. When the SPC and the Fourth Committee merged in accordance with General Assembly resolution 47/233, the Fourth Committee moved to the second spot. Today, in some publications such as the Journal, the order of the Committees is: First, Fourth, Second, Third, Fifth, Sixth.

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Available translations:

Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples

The Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples is a subsidiary of the General Assembly composed of 29 members.

Committees on Information Transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter

Article 73e of the Charter requires UN Member States which administer "territories whose peoples have not yet attained a full measure of self-government" to transmit to the Secretary-General information related to the economic, social and educational conditions in the territories.

Several committees were established to review the information provided under Article 73e from 1947-1963.

Special Committee on Information Transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter (1947-1951)

Committee on Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories (1952-1963)

  • Document series symbol for working documents
    • A/AC.35/--
    • A/AC.35/SC.1/ (1950-1952) Standard Form Subcommittee
    • A/AC.35/SC.2/ (1951-1951) Subcommittee on Economic Conditions
    • A/AC.35/SC.3/ (1951-1951) Subcommittee on Factors Indicative of Degree of Self-Government
    • A/AC.35/SC.4/ (1953-1953) Subcommittee on Education
    • A/AC.35/SC.5/ (1952-1955) Subcommittee on Social Conditions
    • A/AC.35/SC.6/ (1954-1954) Subcommittee on Economic Conditions
    • A/AC.35/SC.7/ (1956-1956) Subcommittee on Education
    • A/AC.35/SC.8/ (1957-1957) Subcommittee on Economic Conditions
    • A/AC.35/SC.9/ (1958-1958) Subcommittee on Social Conditions
    • A/AC.35/SC.10/ (1959-1959) Subcommittee on Educational Conditions
    • A/AC.35/SC.11/ (1960-1960) Subcommittee for Examination of the Report on Progress in Non-Self-Governing Territories
    • A/AC.35/SC.12/ (1961-1961) Subcommittee on Social Advancement
  • Sessional reports 
  • Committee dissolved by A/RES/1970 (XVIII) of 16 December 1963

Special Committee of Six on the Transmission of Information under Article 73e of the Charter (1960)

  • Established by A/RES/1467 (XIV) to study the principles which should guide Members in determining whether or not an obligation exists to transmit information called for in Article 73e of the Charter
  • Document series symbol for working documents
    • A/AC.100/--
  • Meeting records
    • A/AC.100/SR.1-14
  • Report: A/4526
  • Final outcome: A/RES/1541 (XV) : Principles which should guide Members in determining whether or not an obligation exists to transmit the information called for under Article 73e of the Charter

Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (1963-present)

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