The Library catalogue is an easy-to-use interface to search and discover content from the Dag Hammarskjöld Library's collections, including:
The Library catalogue is the place to start your research, especially if you are not sure where to look. The search will cover most of the Library's electronic databases as well as its print collection.
Anybody within or outside the UN Headquarters can search and discover content from the Library catalogue.
Access to the electronic resources included in the Library catalogue is available from anywhere. UN Secretariat staff and some UN staff in the field can access electronic resources remotely using their email credentials to login.
Permanent missions staff and delegates and New York based Secretariat staff can request material that is not directly accessible through the Library catalogue, such as:
To request material, please email or enter your request in Ask DAG.
The Library catalogue searches the main databases and electronic resources subscribed to by the Dag Hammarskjöld Library. Content from Proquest, Springer eBooks, OECD iLibrary, and World Bank e-Library is only partially included. In addition to these databases, the catalogue retrieves some open access content.
Subscription databases listed below are included in the Library catalogue. Some databases listed in the electronic resources pages are not included.
Databases included in the catalogue
Access to more than 20 legal databases, including Law Journal Library, Legal Classics, and more.
Click here for instructions to set up alerts to this resource.
169,000 pages digitized in 2023
Online: Mon-Fri: 9am–5pm ET
Reading rooms: Mon-Fri: 10am-4pm ET