Searching the Library catalogue is easy: enter your keywords and click the search icon.
You can use the Advanced Search to build more complex searches. You can also use the options to limit your research by date, material type, language, or Library.
You can find links to the full text of an item by clicking on "Available Online."
This will open the detailed view for the resource, where you will find the link(s) to the full text.
Openly accessible resources that are indexed in the Unpaywall database are indicated by a "Get PDF" link in their record. Click this link to instantly access a PDF version of the resource.
A book or journal is available in print at the Library if you see the text "Available at."
Click the link for further information. The detailed view shows you the real-time availability in the Library, the call number, and also gives various options such as citation exports, printing, and permalinks.
To request and place a book or other print material on hold for you, you must "Sign in" to the catalogue (see How to sign in to your personal Library account and How to renew and request books).
If you get too many results, you can use the left-side bar to sort your search by relevance or date, author, or title, and you can refine your research by main type of collections (peer-reviewed articles, electronic collections, print collections, open access), resource type (journals, books, news, etc.), date of publication, subject, language, journal title, collection (databases & providers), Library, or new records.
You can select as many options as you want to refine your search results. If you don't see the desired refinement option (i.e. books or a journal title), click on the blue arrow on the right of the facet's name to see the full list of options for each facet.
You can select only one option clicking on the name of the option.
Or you can select several options clicking on the box before the name of the option. When your selection is done, click on Apply Filters.
You can select as many options as you want to include or exclude in your search results.
In order to loan Library materials, you need a personal Library account. Contact us on AskDAG to request it.
Once you have an account, you are able to log in to the catalogue and see your loans, renew the materials you currently have on loan, and manage all your requests.
There are several places where you are able to sign in.
By clicking on the pin icon - - you can add the most important references to your favorites directly from the search results.
You can use your Library account to:
To access your personal account, click on "Sign in" (see How to sign in to your personal Library account).
By selecting "Expand My Results" in the results page, you will see content which is either open access content or content that is not part of the library's collection.
Content that is not part of the Library's collection can be requested through interlibrary loan (ILL). This service can be used by Member states' Permanent Missions staff and delegates as well as UN Headquarters staff.
You will know that an item is not part of the Library's collection if you find one of the following mentions:
To request a book or an article as interlibrary loan:
169,000 pages digitized in 2023
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