General Assembly, 3rd session, Plenary
21 September - 2 December 1948
The Third Committee (A/777) report was considered in plenary meetings of 9 and 10 December 1948 (A/PV.180, A/PV. 181, A/PV.182, A/PV.183). Views expressed by various representatives still included some opposition. The delegation of the Soviet Union submitted amendments in document A/784. These were rejected in a roll call vote, 6 in favour, 45 against and 3 abstentions (A/PV.183).
Another amendment proposed by the United Kingdom (A/778/Rev.1) called for a change in language that would clarify that the Declaration applied to all persons regardless of their jurisdiction, whether an independent state, trust or non-self-governing territory. This amendment was adopted in a vote, 29 in favour, 17 opposed, 10 abstentions (A/PV.183).
The representative of Poland requested a separate vote on the Preamble and on each article (A/PV.183). On 10 December 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted as Resolution 217(III) with 48 members in favor, and 8 abstaining.
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