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How to Find UN Documents

Find a UN Document By Symbol

If you have a United Nations Document Symbol, the easiest way to download a document is to add the symbol after the following url:

  • + A/RES/67/1 + Symbol

In some cases the document may not download. To double check if the document is available, search the Official Document System (ODS) or the UN Digital Library.

Sometimes, you will find that your desired document is not available. Generally, this is because the document is older and has not been scanned.

Find a UN Document using the simple search in the UN Digital Library

If you do not know the document symbol of a UN document or you want to look for documents based on a topic or a type of document, the UN Digital Library is the best place to search. The video below explains how to find documents such as Security Council meeting records or Secretariat documents using the simple search of the UN Digital Library. The same strategies can be used to find resolutions, draft resolutions or reports in the various bodies of the UN.

Find a UN Document using the advanced search in the UN Digital Library

The advanced search of the UN Digital Library allows you to do a more precise search for particular types of documents. The video below shows you how you can use the advanced search to find letters by member states or reports of the Secretary-General. You can also use the advanced search to look for sponsors of draft resolutions, search the full text of a particular document series and other types of precise searching.