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Dag Hammarskjöld Library Training Resources

Training offered at the Dag Hammarskjöld Library

The Library offers live, online training webinars in English on a regular basis. UN Staff, delegates from the Permanent missions based in New York, and library staff at UN depository libraries, are welcome to register for these trainings.

Not available during the live training? Not a New York based UN Staff member or delegate? Prefer to learn about UN documents and the UN Digital Library in French or Spanish? Don't worry!

This guide includes all of our training resources in one location so that you can learn in your own time and in your own way with recorded videos of our webinars in English, French and Spanish.

Recorded Webinars

Introduction to UN Documents: This is a web recording of our popular Introduction to UN Documentation training webinar. Intended for people new to UN Documentation and unfamiliar with the UN Digital Library, this one hour recorded webinar will teach you about UN documents and how to find them using the UN Digital Library. Recorded in April 2024.

Navigating UN Documents: Part I: This webinar was presented to a group of Government Information Librarians in April 2020. The content in this webinar is similar to that of the Introduction to UN Documents Webinar; however, it is geared to an audience of librarians rather than UN Staff and delegates. The start of this webinar has more information about the UN in general and the end of the webinar goes into greater detail about other research products at the UN. A good introduction for librarians, researchers and students new to the UN.

Test your knowledge!

The Dag Hammarskjöld Library has created an interactive quiz, available in English, French and Spanish, allows you to test your knowledge. The first few questions relate to UN Documentation in general, while the second half of the quiz involves using the UN Digital Library to answer some basic questions.

Try the quiz now! [English]

Essayez le quiz maintenant! [Français]

¡Intente ahora responder el cuestionario!  [Spanish]