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MARC Editor User Manual

Add to/remove from basket

You can add an individual record from any search or browse results to the basket simply by clicking on the record (assuming that the icon to the right indicates that it is available). 

Adding an item from the search results

You can also use the check boxes to the left of the search or browse results to select more than one record and then click on "Send Selected to Basket" to do just that. Currently there is a limit of sending no more than 100 records to the basket. You can also use the "All" and "None" links to select all or no records with one click.

Select item check boxes

You can remove records individually from your basket by clicking the Delete X icon icon in the upper right corner or by clear your basket (remove all records in it) by clicking on the scissors Scissors icon to empty the basketicon.

Basket view

Additionally, you can remove a record from your basket when you close it after making edits by selecting the "Save and Release" option in the pop-up.

Save and release