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Dag Hammarskjöld Library Conferences


UNLINKS (UN Library and Information Network for Knowledge Sharing) is the UN system libraries’ annual forum to share know-how and best practices. KSIM's profile shifted from an informal meeting of UN librarians into a community of practice. An increasing number of UN system librarians participate in the meeting to form partnerships, voice issues relevant to the profession and obtain first-hand information on challenges facing UN libraries today.  At the 2010 meeting in New York, KSIM members decided to change its name from KSIM to UN-LINKS, but still working with the same mandate. 

Fields of cooperation:

  • Share know-how, experience and competencies
    • Digitization (hardware and software, workflow, work programmes
    • Digital preservation
    • Evaluation of e-resources tools
    • Knowledge sharing
  • Reinforce our mutual cooperation to buy e-resources
    • Commercial agreements (UNSEIAC)
    • Intellectual property rights
    • Licensing
  • Create a common set of frameworks to evaluate services
    • Impact and performance measures
    • Statistical framework
  • Develop access for everybody to e-resources produced by each institution
  • Exchange our training programmes (both for staff and users) and, if necessary, develop some common programmes
  • Plan our services strategically and complementary